Journal Entries

No Words (9/11/01)

If there were any words to express my feelings in light of the attacks, then I am sure they have already been spoken by lips more eloquent and sophisticated than mine.

If there were any words...

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Latest reply: Sep 12, 2001

Surprised by Joy

smiley - flyhi

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Latest reply: Aug 29, 2001

New Life

I don't how or where else to say this, but after two years of college I have never felt better about my life. I'm starting to really understand what the Christian walk is all about. I may even be running, but I'm not sure if I really am or that it's just that I wasn't moving at all before. To all the Christians out there, I hope that all of you feel the same Joy that I do.

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Latest reply: Aug 29, 2001


Finals week is here again, so much for free time. Not much time for H2G2 these days.

Unfortunately I may be out for the summer as well. No internet at home you know. Looks like its fresh air and sunshine for me smiley - winkeye.

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Latest reply: May 5, 2001


I now know all about the Hemlock Wooly Adelgid and its contribution to the decline of Hemlock trees in the northeastern part of North America. smiley - erm

That's okay, I love knowing useless pieces of information. Because, as I've found, no knowledge is entirely useless. I fully intend to milk this little gem for extra credit in entymology with a most excellent report on the seminar. smiley - winkeye

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Latest reply: Apr 5, 2001

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