This is a Journal entry by

No Words (9/11/01)

Post 1

Researcher 55674

If there were any words to express my feelings in light of the attacks, then I am sure they have already been spoken by lips more eloquent and sophisticated than mine.

If there were any words...

No Words (9/11/01)

Post 2

Amy: ear-deep in novels, poetics, and historical documents.

smiley - blue

smiley - wah

smiley - cuddle... smiley - grovel

No Words (9/11/01)

Post 3

Researcher 55674

smiley - cuddle

I was asked to do an interview for the radio, but could only give the reply above. smiley - ill

No Words (9/11/01)

Post 4

Amy: ear-deep in novels, poetics, and historical documents.

I know how you feel... smiley - blue

They're having a drum therapy thing out on Moffet Lawn right now (right outside my window)... it sounds pretty cool, but it's not helping the therapy yet.

I've already heard one report that Bush/Congress has declared war... though I can't find any evidence of this on any of the news stations... smiley - ill

No Words (9/11/01)

Post 5

Researcher 55674

The only positive thing I have heard today (besides the survivors being found) is that the passengers of flight 93(the one in Penn.) resisted the terrorists at end, most likely preventing another target from being hit.

For that I commend them.

The worst thing I have heard is the succession of attempted terrorist acts in the last few years believed to be supported by Bin Laden. Including the first WTC bombing, the embassy bombings, the attempted bombings during the millenium celebrations, numerous declarations of war made by Bin Laden on America, etc. Somehow I think we ought to have known...

Hindsight is ever perfect.

No Words (9/11/01)

Post 6

Amy: ear-deep in novels, poetics, and historical documents.

Very true.

Now if we could manage Merlin's trick and live backwards...

No Words (9/11/01)

Post 7

Amy: ear-deep in novels, poetics, and historical documents.

Very true.

Now if we could manage Merlin's trick and live backwards...

No Words (9/11/01)

Post 8

Researcher 55674

That would be something. smiley - bigeyes

I've always thought it would be cool to live as a baby again except with all aquired knowledge from the present, etc.

No Words (9/11/01)

Post 9

Amy: ear-deep in novels, poetics, and historical documents.

That'd be kind of cool... though usually people prefer the innocence of that time period... I know I would.

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