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Post 1

Researcher 55674

Finals week is here again, so much for free time. Not much time for H2G2 these days.

Unfortunately I may be out for the summer as well. No internet at home you know. Looks like its fresh air and sunshine for me smiley - winkeye.


Post 2

Amy: ear-deep in novels, poetics, and historical documents.

Well, then, I'll talk to you again sometime in the fall. smiley - smiley Have a lovely summer.


Post 3

Researcher 55674

Thank You! I will mostly likely be working most of the time, but since I spend most of school-time procrastinating this will be a refreshing change.

(I will be around a few more days, actually, I'm moving out thursday)


Post 4

Amy: ear-deep in novels, poetics, and historical documents.

But procrastinating is such a *fun* past time... smiley - winkeye Hope you have a lovely summer... catch you when I can. smiley - hug

~Amy, who will probably meet you in RL when she's at Radford this fall. smiley - monster??!

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