Journal Entries

Not Again

Another late night, another class missed. You'd think it would be easy. "Hey, you! Yeah you, the idiot who has an 8:00 class tomorrow, go to sleep!" never seems to work, though. Besides, I just got Dreamweaver, and had to stay up late. I feel like Winnie the Pooh, constantly having to say "Oh, bother". Hmm... Wonder if Rabbit has any honey...

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Latest reply: Oct 6, 2000

smiley - sigh Sitting at my computer, roommate unconscious on the floor behind me, is this what college is about?

If it is, I must be missing out. Then again, I can't be missing much, except I might be able to get more sleep if I passed out in a drunken stupor every now and then. Hmmm, Probably not worth it...

Then again...
Nope, definitely not.

What I often wonder is that if reason and logical thinking came about as a product of natural selection, shouldn't we all be dead now. How many people really think, consider, ponder their own responsibilities? We are very much a carnal people, not often interested in things that don't make us feel good, or satisfy some need. We like to be fat and happy people. I wonder just how many of us consider that we may be brought to account one day for our actions, not a pleasant thought for most of us.

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Latest reply: Oct 5, 2000

Digital Watches

Digital watches are OK, but personally I think my personal alarm clock CD radio thingy is pretty neat.

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Latest reply: Dec 3, 1999

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