Journal Entries

April 4, 2001

Congratulations to me, managed to get to all my classes today(including that 8:00 entomology, whew!). After a slight mid-semester slump, I'm back on track. That's good, cuz I was starting the downward spiral toward "not-so-good" grades. But I've caught a good thermal now and hope I can ride on to it till the end of the year *crosses wingtips*. A hokie is a bird after all, though I don't think turkeys can fly. Oops, time for that entomology seminar I've got to attend, anyone know what an ageldid is? Maybe I'll find out by the end.

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Latest reply: Apr 5, 2001

On a Rampage

Normally I use some discretion when posting, but lately I've been going nuts. I've been moderated a couple of times, thrown my rather banal comments around in a particularly heated "intelligent" discussion. Pay no attention to me, I'm not myself lately! smiley - erm

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Latest reply: Apr 4, 2001

finished the silver chair

I have mixed feelings about this reading. I don't know, I just caught up with the Wheel of Time series before this so I am not used to the brevity of the narnia books anymore. While still enjoyable and at some parts uplifting, I found myself wanting much more than the book provided. *Sigh*, I guess that's the trouble with an adult reading books meant for children. Oh well, on to "Prince Caspian" (I'm reading in random order).

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Latest reply: Apr 2, 2001

Starts the Narnia Books again

I'm starting the chronicles again with the Silver Chair. I've always meant to write things down that I find in them so I might as well do it here. First I notice that the part where Jill meets Aslan is very similar to the woman at the well scene in John 4.

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Latest reply: Apr 1, 2001

Hokie! Hokie!


Expecting the VT Hokies to jump to second in the nation after a win today. Too bad, if they'd played better they might be first.

Spectators can't be choosy I suppose, a win's a win.

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Latest reply: Oct 7, 2000

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