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Starts the Narnia Books again

Post 1

Researcher 55674

I'm starting the chronicles again with the Silver Chair. I've always meant to write things down that I find in them so I might as well do it here. First I notice that the part where Jill meets Aslan is very similar to the woman at the well scene in John 4.

Starts the Narnia Books again

Post 2


Well, that's hardly surprising. CS Lewis - what a plageriser!

Starts the Narnia Books again

Post 3

Researcher 55674

Well, he tries to be subtle, and is usually fairly successful. One of the reasons I still read the Narnia books over and over is because of things like this. Reminds me of hunting for easter eggs (do you do that in the UK? I'm oblivious to any British culture that you can't get from Monty Python, Fawlty Towers, or Mr. Bean).

Starts the Narnia Books again

Post 4


Some people do it, but I never have.

I eat lots of chocolate eggs, but few bunnies/hunting is involved.

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