This is the Message Centre for holly

ace's welcome holly!

Post 1

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

I'm one of the <./>aces</.> here and I have useful information that'll help you get nicely settled. Even that bit of an introduction was good-certainly better than nothing at all, so thanks!smiley - ok Next review my colleague Feisor's list of Hints and Links at A719840, as well as examining the various features in the process. A few of the obvious items Feisor mentions are the assortment of <./>smileys</.>, our newspaper <./>thepost</.> and <./>MiscChat</.>.

However thorough investigation will reveal the Researchers' smiley - earthMap(at A5076614)and much much more. A few examples are the h2g2 smiley - bookworms Club at A745544, the Handedness Registry at A1111870 and the Random Quotes Guild at A907382. But feel free to leave me a message if you have any questions. Simply use the 'Reply' button and I'll try to respond promptly, alright. smiley - cheers

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