This is the Message Centre for Sporkulious Eglon

spooky party???

Post 221


actually, every now and then i decide to be nice and polite...doesn't happen often so he enjoys it when he can smiley - winkeye hehe!!
btw, was that you or the dog NM?? smiley - winkeye
Monsy smiley - fish

spooky party???

Post 222

Researcher 99947

God, I DON'T want to know

spooky party???

Post 223

Gw7en, Voice of Chaos (Classic)

Well done, monsy! smiley - winkeye


spooky party???

Post 224


What was that movie we watched a while back Monsy?!........."It wasn't me, it wasn't me!"LOL


spooky party???

Post 225


and frogs don't bump their arse when they jump due to the shiny new wings they now come with smiley - winkeye hehe!!
Monsy smiley - fish

spooky party???

Post 226


Does this have something to do with Howdy Doodys' wooden genitals!!!smiley - winkeye


Testing a trap

Post 227


Sorry if this interjects inappropriately. I'll be leaving now.*slinks away*

Testing a trap

Post 228


i wonder just what we all said two years ago...can't seem to recall now smiley - bigeyes

Testing a trap

Post 229

marvthegrate LtG KEA

How odd... I cannot recall anything of this convo. Of course it was nearly three years ago...

Testing a trap

Post 230


i can't imagine that we would have posted anything here so terrible that it had to be removed...i mean we are normally the calm (well, as calm as can be expected smiley - laugh) group smiley - winkeye

Testing a trap

Post 231

marvthegrate LtG KEA

I do recall the odd thread in which we tended to be a bit risque, but I did not recall this as one of those threads.

Testing a trap

Post 232

marvthegrate LtG KEA

ppppsssssssssst, got a secret for ya...

Testing a trap

Post 233


This was the second year for my Halloween Party. Various antics ensued. This was the third conversation thereof. Since my researcher number here (54913) isn't my current one, well, nothing was ever brought up to date, thus the hidden messages.

Testing a trap

Post 234


i just wish they'd open them up anyway, i'm curious now about what all we said or did here smiley - winkeye.

Testing a trap

Post 235

marvthegrate LtG KEA

I really wish that they would indeed open up the old conversations. Frinks, the Beer forum, the Beer and Airport Check in forum. All the great fora of time gone past. I would dearly love to read them all. Of course I also wish that they had a stat of total number of postings etc. Or Date Joined stat.

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