This is the Message Centre for Sporkulious Eglon

spooky party???

Post 201

Researcher 99947

Ah, but at least you got to have a vacation... meanwhile I've had to stay, be a polite host, and liquer up all the stragglers smiley - smiley
By the way, you can find our halloween fishy at looneytune's sight, while the faces are over at mens@r@e

spooky party???

Post 202

SPINY (aka Ship's Cook)

Tell you what, then - I'll help you tidy this mess up if you promise to invite me to the next one.

spooky party???

Post 203

Researcher 99947

Hmm... all righty.... I think I shall... in fact, you are invited to the first party to ever happen to be thrown on Thanksgiving day, being a pure coincidence that it is thanksgiving

spooky party???

Post 204

Researcher 99947

It is rounding September... I suppose it is time that I start stocking up on candy, liquer, and flame retardent cloth.

spooky party???

Post 205


i can supply both the candy and liquor in vodka filled chocolate fishies can be reformed to appear as minature turkeys if you would like smiley - smiley
Monsy smiley - fish

spooky party???

Post 206


I've got a few extra cans of aerosol flame retardant out in the shop, and a spare fire extinguisher(Monsy makes sure I keep plenty on handsmiley - winkeye).

I'll be glad to donate to the cause, if you think you could use them!smiley - smiley


spooky party???

Post 207

Researcher 99947

I hope you're making extra, Monsy.

So, I was wondering... should I get the all purpose fire extinguishers, or one of the other three? It is all so very worrisome, having guests englufed in flames, ruining their costumes... Mmm... hot flames, marshmallows... chocolate smiley - bigeyes

spooky party???

Post 208

Gw7en, Voice of Chaos (Classic)

With the guests you find in this place, I'd get as many of the all-in-one fire extinguishers as possible! And sand buckets, and sprinklers, and hoses... smiley - winkeye


spooky party???

Post 209


With this bunch, it's best if you happen to know someone who owns a firetruck.....and just park it in the driveway!smiley - winkeye


spooky party???

Post 210

Researcher 99947

Or just beat them to the punch and hold it in a very large swimming pool?

spooky party???

Post 211

Gw7en, Voice of Chaos (Classic)

Or a lake. While its raining. smiley - winkeye


spooky party???

Post 212

Researcher 99947

Or Perhaps we shall just have a room built for us where flames die out before they start...

spooky party???

Post 213


Right!!! an oxygen free environment!!!!! That should do it!!!smiley - winkeye

It'll be the calmest party in h2g2 history!!!LOL

smiley - fishNM

spooky party???

Post 214

Researcher 99947

Actually, there are rooms that are fire proof, and they do vent oxygen. However, they also vent something else, but I can't rightly remember what that is...

spooky party???

Post 215


eerrmmm..the last time I vented, I got slapped!!smiley - winkeye


spooky party???

Post 216

Researcher 99947

No, that's called unzipping your pants smiley - winkeye

spooky party???

Post 217


no comment from the wife smiley - winkeye
Monsy smiley - fish

spooky party???

Post 218

Researcher 99947

oh, come on... you know you want to smiley - bigeyes

spooky party???

Post 219


He-he!!!! No she don't!!!smiley - winkeye


spooky party???

Post 220

Gw7en, Voice of Chaos (Classic)

She probably does, but she knows better. smiley - winkeye


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