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spooky party???

Post 161

Sporkulious Eglon

nope... I was right

spooky party???

Post 162


Sorry I'm late back from the pub.
Where's my fishy gone?smiley - fish
I kinda liked the old one rather than a dead one, more meat on it.

So, what have I missed while I was out getting pi***d?
smiley - fish

spooky party???

Post 163

Sporkulious Eglon

not much... I'm off to bed... it is now 4:59 AM over here...

Hope you had fun... everyone seemed to get trashed tonight...

not me smiley - sadface

spooky party???

Post 164


Good night then.
smiley - fish

spooky party???

Post 165


You know, I think Peta has miraculous powers! Just you watch! Come Monday, she'll make all these poor little dead smiley - fishsmiley - fishsmiley - fish come back to life! smiley - winkeye

spooky party???

Post 166


We are calling in the exorcist on Monday... we have *no idea* what caused it ...!! smiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smiley

spooky party???

Post 167

Gw7en, Voice of Chaos (Classic)

Sigh. I'll miss them when they're gone. Will you be doing more at different times of the year? Please say yes! smiley - fishsmiley - fishsmiley - fish

*enjoying the skellington fishies while I still can*

spooky party???

Post 168


yes smiley - smiley we need little santas and green trees with smileys for christmas then for valentines day we need smiley hearts and a cupid as well oh and don't forget the clovers on st. patricks day smiley - smiley
i vote for holiday faces on all the holidays smiley - smiley
monsy smiley - fish

spooky party???

Post 169

Jim Lynn

I'm particularly looking forward to New Year's Day. smiley - smiley

spooky party???

Post 170

Sporkulious Eglon

You've forgotten Hanujkah Harry of, well, duh! along with minoras...
Turkeys and pilgrims for Thanksgiving....
Fireworks and French Flags for Bastille Day...
Eggs, bunnies, and baskets of goodies for Easter...

Yes, yes.... I too vote for Holiday smilies

spooky party???

Post 171

Technoyokel (muse of poetry)

Hey what happened to the party, it's only the 30th?

Here I am all dressed up - as a dentist, well they scare me - and no one's partying. smiley - sadfacesmiley - sadfacesmiley - sadface

spooky party???

Post 172


Don't despair - I'm here with a couple of friends. We're the unofficial Witches of Eastwick and our party's just started. More vodka please!!

spooky party???

Post 173

Sporkulious Eglon

Would that make me the Devil, then?

spooky party???

Post 174


BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!! come to me my lovelies!!!!!! join me in the madness of the full moon!!!BWAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!! in the dark of the night demons take flight...partake of evil delights, but by the dawns early light they will loose sight of everlasting life and return yet again to their lares of madening come now while there is still time and join the dance of a thousand scares, let go of your inhibitions and feel the tingle of terror!!!!!! BWAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

spooky party???

Post 175

Sporkulious Eglon

I rather like my inhabitions smiley - smiley

spooky party???

Post 176


I'm back!
So, we're dropping inhibitions now are we?
That won't take longsmiley - smiley
smiley - fish

spooky party???

Post 177


So, If this is a Hallowe'en Party, what's everyone wearing?

I'll start - 3 years ago I was 7 months pregnant on Hallowe'en (and finding my belly a wee bit hard to disguise). So I painted my enormous tummy orange, put a face on it, added a bikini and a miniskirt and was a very realistic jack o'lantern. Since I'm not pregnant now (nor am I planning on it) I obviously couldn't wear this to a party in the real world, but I thought this virtual party was just the place to haul it out of my trunk of memories for one more celebration.

spooky party???

Post 178


What a cool outfitsmiley - smiley

spooky party???

Post 179


now that is an imaginative costume idea!! smiley - bigeyes
it should definitely place 1st in a costume contest smiley - bigeyes
monsy smiley - fish

spooky party???

Post 180

Jenny and Fred the cheese

are there nuts in those brownies?

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