This is the Message Centre for Sporkulious Eglon

spooky party???

Post 1

msmonsy gave this as the party spot but when i arrived i found no party smiley - sadface does this mean i am not included?? smiley - sadface
monsy, all dressed up and nowhere to go .....

spooky party???

Post 2

Sporkulious Eglon

no, no... its the right spot... just isn't time yet.. starts at 6:30, my time... 5:30 your time... be patient

spooky party???

Post 3


well, drat!!!! i was looking forward to goofing off a bit and i here i am early smiley - sadface
guess i will just have to come back later smiley - smiley
monsy smiley - fish

spooky party???

Post 4


Bugger, does this mean I have to take the pumpkin off my head??? Or shall I just sit here and help illuminate the room *lights candle* oooooowwwwwwwww thats bloody hot, water water...someone put it out!!!!!!

spooky party???

Post 5

Sporkulious Eglon

nah... you can sit there smiley - smiley

spooky party???

Post 6


attempts to put out fire with a spare bottle of vodka........
monsy smiley - fish

spooky party???

Post 7

Sporkulious Eglon

Good thinking, Monsy... now, where did I put the chocolate and the marshmallows?

spooky party???

Post 8


i got 'em right here.... smiley - smiley
*passes sporky a marshmellow some chocolate and a flame proof suit*
monsy smiley - fish

spooky party???

Post 9

Sporkulious Eglon

*adjusts goggles...

Yes... much better... I do love roasted pumpkin seeds, don't you?

spooky party???

Post 10


oh my yes smiley - smiley with plenty of salt too smiley - smiley
monsy smiley - fish

spooky party???

Post 11


DON'T THROW VODKA ON ME...IT'S ALCOHOL---FLAMMABLE. Too late!!!!! **Runs around like a headless chicken burning like a roman candle**
And stop roasting marshmallows on's not funny.smiley - sadface

spooky party???

Post 12

Sporkulious Eglon

*scampers up behind Shorty with MOnsy

We hold a flame to you...

*giggle, giggle

spooky party???

Post 13


Oh very funny *says I sitting smouldering in the corner* Remind me to bring a fire extinguisher to your next party sporky.

spooky party???

Post 14

Sporkulious Eglon

OH, I shall

spooky party???

Post 15


By the way Sporky your enter the party link don't work, other than that, splendid intro my man smiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smiley

spooky party???

Post 16

Sporkulious Eglon

Ah.. that's because I didn't put up a link for that... didn't even cross my mind... THANKS!!

spooky party???

Post 17


who needs a link??!! i just created my own spot for the party when i got here smiley - smiley
now sit still shorty so i can re-light that flame of yours....i got some weenies here just beggin' to be roasted smiley - winkeye
monsy smiley - fish

spooky party???

Post 18


Great job!!! I am excited about Holloween although I won't be partying.

spooky party???

Post 19


Has anyone besides me noticed that we are in a forum which does not exist? Last I checked, there was supposed to be a journal entry or article in the space above.......oh's Halloween....

Monsy...toss me one of those weenies...and a "choco-fishy'....Shorty seems to be "flaming out", and I'M HUNGRY!


spooky party???

Post 20

Sporkulious Eglon

Oh... someone always has to point out something like that, eh... Very well, if it pleases you so, NM

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