This is the Message Centre for Sporkulious Eglon

spooky party???

Post 81


I need a beer! smiley - smiley

spooky party???

Post 82

marvthegrate LtG KEA

Marv walks back in to party wearing Tuxedo. I am now temporaraly(sp?) the Linux Penguin, so Begone Bill Gates!

spooky party???

Post 83


I was meaning to say you should 'meet' the people in the pantry! Not 'me the people' Sorry my keyboard is cactus!

Do you know that halloween isn't really celebrated in Australia? I remember going around with my friends as a young person and knocking on peoples doors dressed in really bad costumes we made ourselves.... And saying Trick or Treat!

you should have seen the look on most people's faces!
Makes me laugh just thinking about it!

spooky party???

Post 84


Bill left awhile ago.... Someone told him about an up and coming software company he didn't own!

Now we look like twins! smiley - smiley in Tuxedo's smiley - smiley

spooky party???

Post 85

Jimi X

This may be the first h2g2 drunk-fest to turn into a fancy dress party!

Wow! Formal wear and everything...

And me without my shirt.

spooky party???

Post 86

Gw7en, Voice of Chaos (Classic)

Hey, I'm dressed as a hula girl so as far as I'm concerned, you're just fine! smiley - winkeye Alhough, I may have to go grab my diamond tiara now...

spooky party???

Post 87

Sporkulious Eglon

Do you like my costume? Black-fish-net stockings, red-leather leotard, and make-up to boot...

Its been ages since I could put these on...

spooky party???

Post 88

Gw7en, Voice of Chaos (Classic)

You look mahvelous, dahling, seemply mahvelous! (OK, so it was a bad Billy Crystal impersonation...) smiley - sadface

spooky party???

Post 89

Sporkulious Eglon

Oh, I thought you were doing Zsa Zsa...

You are a spectacularly delicious looking creaturesmiley - winkeye

spooky party???

Post 90


Good evening, I bring gifts from the F&F

*drops 3 barrels by the drinks table*

Do enjoy. smiley - smiley

spooky party???

Post 91

Gw7en, Voice of Chaos (Classic)

Yum! Would you like some brownies?

spooky party???

Post 92


Its happened again. Every forun I go into ends up talking about cake.

Yes by the way, thanks. smiley - smiley

spooky party???

Post 93

marvthegrate LtG KEA

Arch Bishop Marv is a little tipsy. This means he is not trying hard enough. Looks for a drink. And Shorty, NO Matches.

spooky party???

Post 94

Gw7en, Voice of Chaos (Classic)

*hands Marv a beer - with an umbrella in it*

I'm thinking of using this as a bartending signature. What do you think?

spooky party???

Post 95

Gw7en, Voice of Chaos (Classic)

*blushes* Aw shucks!

spooky party???

Post 96

Sporkulious Eglon


spooky party???

Post 97


I promise no matches Marv...smiley - smiley

spooky party???

Post 98

The Wisest Fool

Hey a party, cool! I brought some extra long hoses attached to the beer pumps in Frink's Drinks. Slurp away guys.

I haven't got a scary costume, but I can do..this...*pulls left eye out of its socket*...pretty spooky, huh!

Nurse! The screens!
Aaaaargh that smarts,
can someone please help me poke it back in smiley - smiley

spooky party???

Post 99

The Ghost Of TV's Frink


spooky party???

Post 100

The Wisest Fool


No, the other eye TVF!
smiley - sadface

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