This is the Message Centre for Websailor

My Heart is still Thumping!!!

Post 201


What a wonderful update Websailor smiley - ok

I love the idea of the smiley - piratesmiley - pirate watching badgers, foxes and the like. Photos please smiley - smiley

My Heart is still Thumping!!!

Post 202


Oh WS!

This narrative just gets better and better. smiley - applausesmiley - applause Not only do we get the 'doings' of all the visitors; but the humour and wit which goes into the story really puts us right by your window. I can even picture their conversations in the garden.

Keep up the good work. My family are all away for the week-end, so I'll be able to stay tuned without comments - wicked smiley - biggrin

My Heart is still Thumping!!!

Post 203


Thanks both for the kind words. Still no photos I'm afraid. Think the next thing is a camera, then I mightn't have to rely on my son so much.

SATURDAY NIGHTsmiley - crescentmoon

It was too late last night to post a message after the visitors had been. smiley - sleepysmiley - zzz It was 11pm before they appearedsmiley - yikes I think they nipped in the pub for a hot toddy before venturing out in the coldsmiley - rofl At one time they could have done that, but like many the pub closed a few years ago. Consequently the spill out from another one disturbs the peace on a Saturday night, plus there are lights and voices throughout the evening.

However, after I had switched the computer off, they appeared. Foxes first - two this time. Racing smiley - runround the lawn like they had just been let out in the playground. Badger was clearly in the vicinity because they didn't venture near the food. As he grumpily waddled up the garden, they crept submissively behind him in the hope of getting some goodies.

One has a penchant for sticking her nose where the sun don't shinesmiley - yuk, and got jumped at for her trouble again. Several times the foxes crept round, slinking through the shadows where the badger can't seem them - but I CAN!!smiley - somersault She tried and tried to get at the food but there is absolutely no doubt that BROCK is BOSS, at least this one. The other one is more timid.

Having scoffed the contents of the table which included butternut squash and apple, he meandered around digging up worms. NOTE for shopping trip - Must get a smiley - corncob as I understand they like thosesmiley - doh The foxes again tried to creep round and got chased off smiley - grr. He came up and removed the lids off the dish, proceeding to eat steadily for about twenty minutes. All the time, Slinky was in the background, and finally got to clear a few scraps from the table.

It is getting really cold now and dark earlier too, so I have to put the food out out earlier. It is also windy. Prepares Food. *Creak, Squeak Clunk * opens back door. Nothing about and no humans that I can hear so smiley - lighthouse goes on. Check the patio for long black brown or orange squelchy things. It seems they don't like the cold weather, so that's better. Walk across and pick up dish, promptly dropping it with a Clang - quick look round to see if anyone is looking? So far so good. Fill the dish, put on floor with covers on and step back. *Crunch*smiley - yikes Oh, sorry Snail, didn't see you there! smiley - blush

Pick up food containers and step on to lawn heading for the small table. smiley - yikessmiley - ghostsmiley - aliensmile *slap* *wave* - heart thumping....What the....... Oh, what a silly smiley - bleep It is a large white sheet left on the line by my next door neighboursmiley - rofl Some of the human noises I hear are not repeatable, and are even worse in the morningsmiley - somersaultsmiley - rofl

Why do I get the feeling I am being watched smiley - huh Is it one of the neighbours in their bedroom, foxes, badgers, owls etc. or just an over active imagination? I don't know but I am getting increasingly glad to get back in the warm house, to watch the activity through my Scope. My one neighbour (male) has to whistle when he comes outside in the dark, and the slightest sound make him jump, so I am not alonesmiley - evilgrin

The garden takes on a whole new character in the dark. I wonder what the children next door would say if they knew what was happening around them, as they have a Sleepover with their friends, in a tent in their gardensmiley - yikes during the late Summer?

I am looking forward to the leaves coming off the trees, though I will miss the movement and colour, as I am hoping I might actually get to see the Owls that often call, but it will be from the warmth and safety of my upstairs office I think smiley - smiley I find myself looking forward to smiley - snowballsmiley - brr when I can see smiley - footprints of a different kind.

I love to see the different prints left by birds, foxes, squirrels and even the smiley - blackcat and perhaps we shall have some new visitors too. I want a smiley - holly bush too, to add to the Silver Birch which is now growing quite big now, with a lovely white trunk(30th Anniversary present from our sons).

I haven't put the heating on yet, so it is smiley - brrcold up here. The wood is chopped for kindling, and the coal bunker is full, so an open fire is surely going to be burning again soon. I find myself thinking of roast veg, hot meals etc. instead of salad etc. now so I think I must away and cook something. At least it will keep PHM happy.

I wonder what will happen when our clocks go back? Will they come earlier, or later, or will they still be listening out for trains, once they get back to a normal timetable? I don't know, but I shall surely miss brock when he stops coming.

smiley - cheers No, on second thoughts smiley - teasmiley - coffeesmiley - cake is more appealing at the moment smiley - biggrin

Websailorsmiley - dragon

My Heart is still Thumping!!!

Post 204

Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and

Webbie, this is only post 204, but in this "short" thread, in having the fun/excitment of your garden, you and your family are giving so much to us, that we feel that we are in your home and drinking coffee etc while watching, I can say without contradiction, this is one of the best threads on hootoo and long may it last.

please except my thanks, to you and PHMsmiley - magicsmiley - cheers

My Heart is still Thumping!!!

Post 205

Skankyrich [?]

Agreed, except for the minor detail that mine's a cocoa with a brandy in it smiley - smiley

smiley - moon

My Heart is still Thumping!!!

Post 206

Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and

cocoasmiley - illsmiley - winkeye

My Heart is still Thumping!!!

Post 207

Skankyrich [?]

Brandy!! smiley - biggrin

My Heart is still Thumping!!!

Post 208

Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and

whisky/vodka/southern comfortsmiley - oklarge onessmiley - winkeye

My Heart is still Thumping!!!

Post 209

Skankyrich [?]

Mix with cocoa and badgers to taste smiley - smiley

My Heart is still Thumping!!!

Post 210

Skankyrich [?]

Sorry, I'm not suggesting eating/drinking badgers. Must. Use. Preview. Button.

smiley - smiley

My Heart is still Thumping!!!

Post 211


smiley - cheerssmiley - stiffdrink

My Heart is still Thumping!!!

Post 212


Thank you all for the kind words. Now, I am afraid you will need a smiley - stiffdrink and I feel guilty for not being able to post anything interestingsmiley - wah

PHM went to bed in a right strop last night smiley - sadface The garden was so quiet we couldn't believe it. Nothing, Zilch, not a smiley - mouse, smiley - blackcat or anything else in sightsmiley - doh

I eventually gave up the smiley - ghost at ten past midnight, as I have to be up early. Did the customary trip to the little room(too much information)smiley - evilgrin at 12.55am. Nothing! Zilch! Again at 2.35am (don't ask!) and there was all the evidence - tipped over table, dish empty etc.

The only difference was he left a bit of a mess round the dish. Not like him. SOooo was it really him, or his mate, or the foxes?

I am fairly sure it was Brock, but without a sighting I can't put him or the foxes down on my Observation Sheet. smiley - bleep

smiley - steamsmiley - wahsmiley - sadface

I will try to do better tonight. We still think the trains have something to do with it, as they weren't running at all yesterdaysmiley - rofl

Gotta smiley - run

smiley - cheers

Websailorsmiley - dragonsmiley - crysmiley - wah

My Heart is still Thumping!!!

Post 213


Thank you all for the kind words. Now, I am afraid you will need a smiley - stiffdrink and I feel guilty for not being able to post anything interestingsmiley - wah

PHM went to bed in a right strop last night smiley - sadface The garden was so quiet we couldn't believe it. Nothing, Zilch, not a smiley - mouse, smiley - blackcat or anything else in sightsmiley - doh

I eventually gave up the smiley - ghost at ten past midnight, as I have to be up early. Did the customary trip to the little room(too much information)smiley - evilgrin at 12.55am. Nothing! Zilch! Again at 2.35am (don't ask!) and there was all the evidence - tipped over table, dish empty etc.

The only difference was he left a bit of a mess round the dish. Not like him. SOooo was it really him, or his mate, or the foxes?

I am fairly sure it was Brock, but without a sighting I can't put him or the foxes down on my Observation Sheet. smiley - bleep

smiley - steamsmiley - wahsmiley - sadface

I will try to do better tonight. We still think the trains have something to do with it, as they weren't running at all yesterdaysmiley - rofl Perhaps he didn't get his customary lift from the station to our pad smiley - rofl It would be a long walk, so perhaps that is why he was latesmiley - biggrin

Gotta smiley - run

smiley - cheers

Websailorsmiley - dragonsmiley - crysmiley - wah

My Heart is still Thumping!!!

Post 214


Oh dear, Oh dear! WS - I'm glad that I learned to touch type at a very early age, as I can't see for tears streaming down my cheeks.

The way that you imply smiley - bleep that its your fault he didn't perform as expected is wonderful. Have you considered telephoning 08457-484950 and asking when the line is likely to be back to normal. That way we should all have some idea of when/if normal service will be resumed.

Even when Tommy Brock fails to appear on order, this thread is still the most wonderful - don't go into hibernation, we still need your reports!!!

smiley - magicsmiley - witchsmiley - zoom

My Heart is still Thumping!!!

Post 215


Mon. 3rd Oct. 2005 TONIGHTsmiley - crescentmoon

I'm a happy smiley - bunnysmiley - somersault I was just typing a message to smiley - musicalnotesmiley - fish whose son has had an argument with a car, when the Call of Nature came. Nooo, not that one smiley - rofl but PHM whispering up the stairs "'E's 'Ere" (He's a Yorkshireman so he can't say his aitches!!) smiley - evilgrin. Hello, Animalsmiley - smiley

Sitting with computer glasses on, bi-focals round neck, eye-patch smiley - pirateat the ready, and computer in full flow it was smiley - dontpanic . Switched off and belted downstairs, as much as one can at my agesmiley - wah.

We are still trying to distinguish between the two badgers but this one came straight up to the patio and the dish, by -passing the bird table, pushed the lid off and steadily ploughed through the food. I wonder if he eats smiley - tomato? I know he eats smiley - pumpkin - well, Squash which is very similar. smiley - erm He got honey tonight -shameless hussey - Bribery, now so she can keep her HooToo friends happysmiley - whistle

He appears to have wider white stripes and more sticky out ears, and is bigger, which suggests a male. Shades of the "Mallen Streak" and PoW combined if you see what I mean smiley - blush

Having eaten his fill, he wandered to the bird table, and unlike the other one, stood on his back legs and delicately ate off the tablesmiley - fairy. Stretching across and not tipping it off. The other one just walks up to it, puts both front feet on the edge and tips it up no messing, very butch.

If you imagine a short dumpy lady leaning over to get ifood out of a large chest freezer, and afraid of falling in, you have the picturesmiley - somersault Back feet well back, so he doesn't get his tootsies bashed, he eventually tipped the table off, jumping backwards as he did so.

Everything gets eaten, he cleans up the floor, and for good measure licks the table all over (no table manners, this one!)

Now we are wondering if the other one will come later, but we shall probably never know. I believe the trains might be running as normal again soon, and certainly he seemed to have his timetable sorted out tonight.

Thank smiley - bleep for that smiley - smiley PHM can go to bed happy and I can too. No sign of foxes the last two nights, but perhaps we shall have their company in January and February when they are courting, and letting out their bloodcurdling screamssmiley - yikes. If they do it (scream! - what did you think I meant?) in our back garden our names will be mud, Anyone who has not heard it before is usually terrifiedsmiley - groan

NIght everyone, PHM is locking up now, so I had better smiley - run If I see anything else during my nightly perambulations I will let you know.smiley - biggrin

smiley - sleepysmiley - zzz

Websailorsmiley - dragon

My Heart is still Thumping!!!

Post 216


Hi WS - wonderful narrative as usual. Do we get the impression that tonight's Brock is a different one? He seems to be behaving in a slightly different manner with the knocking off bit (or not) more in charge of his destiny so to speak; yet more delicate in what he is about.

Await tomorrow's revelations with bated (sorry for the bated reference) breath.

I haven't given you time to shut down yet; and already I'm desperate for tomorrow's news.

Take care and keep posting

smiley - magicsmiley - witchsmiley - zoom

My Heart is still Thumping!!!

Post 217


smiley - smiley You lucky things smiley - smiley

My Heart is still Thumping!!!

Post 218


Tues. 4th Oct. smiley - crescentmoon

I've had a busy evening. My friend came round as we had some paperwork to do connected with our charity fundraising, so I hastened to get Brock's food out early. smiley - coffee made, Scope put on the kitchen worktop, and PHM instructed to keep a watching brief for our friend(s)smiley - rofl

We had just finished, when the call came "E's Ere!" at 9pm. Early again!! smiley - cool We dashed downstairs and friend was instructed in the use of the scope. As she took it from PHM she squealed "there's two, AND two foxes"smiley - yikes It's a good job we have double glazingsmiley - somersault and she didn't drop the scope down the sink!! smiley - smiley

To hear her excitement was lovely. I think she always believed me, but now "she knows yer know!". The foxes were chasing round like lunatics while the one badger tipped the table over and commenced feeding. The other was prowling round in the background picking up the peanuts and raisins I throw on the lawn.

Suddenly both foxes hove in to view, one each side, trying to get round the second badger. He/she went for them and chased them down the garden and out. He came back and meandered round the garden picking up bits. We feel so sorry for him, missing out on the food, but he doesn't seem to have the courage to come up on to the patiosmiley - wah

We think it is because there is a low breeze block wall across the end of the patio, with a gap about a slab's width where the step is. I used to put plants in the holes in the breeze blocks till the squirrels and birds pulled everything to piecessmiley - grr

The one badger fills the gateway space, and perhaps the other one is afraid of being trapped. We are considering getting an old roasting tin and putting it on the lawn, to see if we can coax them both to feed at once. The present dish wouldn't accommodate two heads smiley - rofl I was reading that there is a "pecking order" with badgers much the same as with birds and many other animals. We still can't work out the sex or relationships, but one is definitely "top smiley - dog"

The foxes didn't come back, the one badger toddled off down the garden, cleaning up as he went, and disappeared. The other, having cleaned the table also cleared the dish, except for a small amount. I think he would have finished it, because I didn't put any kind of sandwich out tonight, but someone let a dog out, and it started barking.

The badger knew something was strange, his head went up and he sniffed, went back to the food, then sniffed again, and as soon as the dog barked he shot off down the garden, and so far hasn't come back. It is amazing to see how fast they move when they have tosmiley - run

My friend and I had changed our evening meet from Wednesday to Tuesday, the trains were running to time again, and the badgers and foxes came early. That's what I call smiley - goodluck Jammy or wotsmiley - huh

She went home with a smiley - biggrin on her face and a spring in her step.smiley - somersault. I was SO pleased to give her a treat, as she takes me out in her car from time to time, to one of the National Trust places and we have a day out for a change. We both have "less than well" husbands, so a day out is a real treat. It was lovely to share my good fortune with her.

All in all that was a very satisfactory evening, and I am sorry you are all smiley - envy but at least I now have two more witnesses to the nocturnal goings on in my gardensmiley - evilgrin

smiley - sleepysmiley - zzz Night all,

Websailorsmiley - dragon

My Heart is still Thumping!!!

Post 219

Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and

I pronounce my "aiches"smiley - laughas in fishoil

for people who are baffled!,fishoil= fish hole = fish shop(Yorkshire slang)

Respects to PHMsmiley - smiley

My Heart is still Thumping!!!

Post 220


Morning Prof!

You've got me puzzled now - where was your earlier reference to aiches? (as in fish shop!!) I've scrolled back for quite a while on the badger thread and can't find it. Did you mean it to go somewhere else; or have I missed the plot along the way?

smiley - magicsmiley - witchsmiley - zoom

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