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My Heart is still Thumping!!!

Post 141

Researcher U1025853

How cool to sometimes have 2 visitors! smiley - magic

My Heart is still Thumping!!!

Post 142


Hi, Smurfles,

You are right the noisy neighbours won't drive us away. We could have a lot worse. Last night they had lights going on and off, and loud chatter till nearly midnight, so the badger didn't come till just after midnight and again in the early hours.

Tonight it has been much quieter and I have started putting the food out earlier as it is getting dark earlier, and he seems to knowsmiley - smiley My other half recckons he is waiting in the bushes at the bottom of the garden to see when I put the food out.

Now that's spooky, as I feel as if I am being watched by badger, fox and wood mousesmiley - rofl He came tonight at 9.25pm and stayed for about 30 minutes, until he was disturbed by sounds again.

I am working in my upstairs backroom office, and I have just heard him back again, lapping at the water I put out for him. I hear his first visit, when he crashes the slate off the metal dish.

I love working in my office in the evening, as I hear all sorts of sounds that I would miss if I was downstairs.

I can't tell you how he has brightened our lives, but quiet neighbours in the winter won't make much difference because I am told they (the badgers!) hibernate from about the end of November through to February.

Oh, I shall miss them smiley - wah Still it will be something to look forward to if they come back next year.

Might get an early night tonight, as hubby doesn't seem able to go to bed till he has seen the badger smiley - somersault

Sleep tight smiley - sleepysmiley - zzz

Websailor smiley - dragon

My Heart is still Thumping!!!

Post 143



It sure is, especially as I know people who have never seen one. I feel blessed. The holes in the lawn are increasing, and I am discreetly checking neighbours lawns, in case they stray, but so far we seem to be the only ones they visit smiley - biggrin

I feel like a secret agent creeping out in the dark, trying not to make a noise, so no-one sees me smiley - rofl As yet no-one has tackled me about it, so I am hoping they haven't spotted me.

Off for an early night, I hope,

smiley - cheers
Websailorsmiley - dragon

My Heart is still Thumping!!!

Post 144

Researcher U1025853

I know the secret agent feeling, when you are hiding crickets or frogs etc hoping no-one asks you what you have!

My Heart is still Thumping!!!

Post 145

Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and

Webbie, down the sides of your garden, can the badgers get through to next door, or is the only way in at the bottom

My Heart is still Thumping!!!

Post 146



They could probably enter most of the gardens on my side of the street without much difficulty.

Now, that thought raises the idea that there might be other people creeping out at the dead of night to feed them smiley - rofl in which case we are going to have some very fat badgers come winter smiley - biggrin

He came early last night. I shall really miss him/them once they hibernate, but as we still haven't had any really worthwhile rain, I shall continue to feed, so long as he "clears his plate" every time smiley - laugh

I just wish he would eat the slugs - he is supposed to, but turns his nose up at them smiley - rofl He would have such a feast every night. Excuse me smiley - run................... smiley - yuk Must be the "haute cuisine" he gets from us that puts him off smiley - somersault

I succeeded in tidying up the shed yesterday and found some of the smiley - yuk things in a corner there. I shall have to attempt to close the gaps in the shed walls, which is a shame, 'cus I quite like the Wood Mouse - I found proof of his/her visits, shredded plastic bags, and the skins of peanuts too, but haven't been able to move enough stuff to find a nest. I have probably frightened it off for now smiley - sadface

smiley - cheers
Websailorsmiley - dragon

My Heart is still Thumping!!!

Post 147


Well, Kat - what were you doing with crickets and frogs? I'm curious.

Websailorsmiley - dragon

My Heart is still Thumping!!!

Post 148

Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and

the reason I asked, is that if they can get into nextdoors gardens though your garden, they could complain about holes etc, but if there is only openings at the bottom of all gardens, they can't blame you for anything

My Heart is still Thumping!!!

Post 149


smiley - ta Animal, you have put my mind at rest smiley - smiley I doubt if most of them would recognise the culprit's trademarks anyway, and the likelihood of them seeing him/her/them is slim as our living rooms are on the front of the houses and blinds and curtains are closed as it gets to dusk.

Even the passengers on the trains would not be quick enough to spot them. I forgot to say that I am treated to steam trains on Sundays throughout the summer. Lovely.

My friend went to Toddington on Sunday to see the steam trains. The Black Prince was there, and so was David Shepherd, the artist. I wish I could have gone with hersmiley - wah I haven't seen him to speak to for some years, and he is such a lovely bloke. Completely natural and modest.

smiley - cheers
Websailorsmiley - dragon

My Heart is still Thumping!!!

Post 150


Hi folkssmiley - biggrin, Our hedgehog has never returnedsmiley - wah It looks like our noisy neighbours have scared him away for goodsmiley - sadface

I miss the wee fella, as I could hear him scurrying about under the shed, then he would pop out for a hunting trip around the garden looking for foodsmiley - oksmiley - cool Hope your badgers stay with you WS.
smiley - cheersSmudger

My Heart is still Thumping!!!

Post 151


Smudger, I am so sorry your hedgie has disappeared. Perhaps it will return some time. i wish we had some, as the slug business is really getting me down.

I am hopeful of hanging on to our badgers till they hibernate, and then perhaps they will return in the spring with cubs. Now that WOULD be something1

smiley - cheers
Websailorsmiley - dragon

My Heart is still Thumping!!!

Post 152

Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and

Smudger, build a "den" with house bricks, cover with a bit of soil and stuff it with straw for insulation and they might move in

My Heart is still Thumping!!!

Post 153


Wow have you met David Shepherd Webbie?

He is a great favourite of ours. In the 1970s when we were in Zambia we visited Chunga game camp and all around the walls of the dining room there were original paintings that DS had done for Kenneth Kaunda. I wonder if they survived or just got eaten by the termites - there would have been millions of pounds hanging theresmiley - magic

My Heart is still Thumping!!!

Post 154

Researcher U1025853

We get crickets on our ceiling, which I put outside, and if we find frogs on roads, then we put them out of harms way. I just consider some of the kids round here suspiciously and don't want them to see we have something.

I spend all summer picking up bees from the paths as well, they get stuck in shady areas and we find them flowers to rest in until the sun comes out again.

This is the time of year for dying wasps too, when they are slow enough to catch we take them home and give them a last feast, and let them die in peace, without being trodden on. Maybe it doesn't matter to them being trodden on when they are due to die, but it matters to me, and they always enjoy the strawberry or whatever we give them.

It is what comes of not having a garden, you still want to share what you have with your visitors.

My Heart is still Thumping!!!

Post 155


Oh much as love wildlife i can't imagine picking up bees and wasps!!!!
They really scare me.I have spent a lot of time and energy this summer trying to escape them...not easy in the wheelchair!!!!

I do admire you for looking after them though...smiley - hug

My Heart is still Thumping!!!

Post 156



I spent a day with him some years ago, promoting the prints of his painting "The Ivory is Theirs", a copy of which I have on my wall. I have also bumped in to him at Green Shows at the NEC.

He really is lovely. I also have a book of his paintings with some of the stories attached and a set of wildife plates too. He is such a talented artist, not just with wildlife and steam trains, but almost anything. That is rare as most artists have one "style" or particular area in which they specialise.

Wouldn't it be lovely to find out what had happened to those paintings in Zambia?

The day I spent with him is a precious memory. Through my voluntary work I have also met, briefly, David Bellamy, Phil Drabble, Horace Dobbs (a dophin expert) and Chris Baines. I have yet to come across Bill Oddie, but you never know!!

Nice to share memories isn't it?

smiley - cheers
Websailorsmiley - dragon

My Heart is still Thumping!!!

Post 157



You are really a wildlife lover, aren't you? I would do the same for bees, but I am very wary of wasps. We had a nest in our eaves and our neighbours wanted it removed and the wasps killed. Fortunately the Council told us to leave it as it was high up and they would die anyway in September!

I don't know what I would do if I hadn't got my own bit of space for wildlife. It gives me such a lift when I am down.



I am sure you do what you can, and it would be difficult to run from wasps or bees in a W/C wouldn't it?

I bet you are looking forward to your holiday. Do let us know what wildlife you see when you come back. I know from friends there is a lot to see.


smiley - cheers everyone,
Websailorsmiley - dragon

My Heart is still Thumping!!!

Post 158


Hi Folkssmiley - biggrin, I dont think our Hedgehog would move back even if we did build a wee home for it, as there are too many dogs around heresmiley - erm
It apperas that everyone round here owns one apart form ussmiley - ermsmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger,

My Heart is still Thumping!!!

Post 159

Researcher U1025853

I am not allergic to bee or wasp stngs so its easier for me to handle them. I got a mini sting from a bee this year, but I knew I was going to get one soon. I was more worried it would kill the bee, but its innards weren't torn out, so it floew away happy again.

When they are cold, they are happy to claim onto a warm surface, ie a hand. Just don't close your hand up, you can slightly if its windy, but it must be done with care.

I love them, there is nothing like a big, cuddly bumble bee crawling onto your hand and sitting on it whilst you hand him near a flower and he gets his lunch. Try getting them off again afterwards though!

My Heart is still Thumping!!!

Post 160


Hi all!I shall tell you all about it when i get back Wersailor.The dragonflies over there are massive,and i love the geckos,they run about on the pavements.We intend going to see the dolphins again,last time my hubby and our eldest grandaughter swam with them,we have a video of it.smiley - applause
I just hope the nerves calm down before tomorrow morning,I havent slept for two nights.smiley - yawn
I will make a point of taking some pictures of the animal kingdom,it's fantastic!!!
Chat soon.smiley - hug

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