This is the Message Centre for Websailor

My Heart is still Thumping!!!

Post 241

Skankyrich [?]

I did introduce myself, but am reading your lovely posts with nothing to contribute myself smiley - smiley

smiley - cider

My Heart is still Thumping!!!

Post 242


I'm still here too Websailor smiley - smiley Enjoying your daily updates hugely.


My Heart is still Thumping!!!

Post 243

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

I'm lurking here toosmiley - biggrin

My Heart is still Thumping!!!

Post 244

Ivan the Terribly Average

Me, I'm just hanging around, trying not to make too much noise. smiley - smiley

My Heart is still Thumping!!!

Post 245

Traveller in Time Reporting Bugs -o-o- Broken the chain of Pliny -o-o- Hired

Traveller in Time smiley - tit telling bed time stories
"We are following the story too smiley - smiley "

My Heart is still Thumping!!!

Post 246


I'm lurking too! smiley - bigeyes
I can't keep up with your badgers, I only have the one or other (not very exciting) hedgehog-fleabag in the yard, eating tons of cat food! smiley - laugh

smiley - blackcat

My Heart is still Thumping!!!

Post 247


Hi WS - yet another wonderful offering - how do you keep it up?

1. What makes you think we may have lurkers? and I don't think you could lose the plot if you tried.

2. Don't blame me 'cos you can't sleep - I just said don't go to BED.

3. Is it possible that the Badger's 'caff' is not providing enough food for two visitations? did you perhaps ought to offer a second sitting at say 1:30 ish? to cater for late-comers. Here's a few donations smiley - chocsmiley - cakesmiley - strawberrysmiley - tomatosmiley - porkpie

4. Perhaps you could convince any neighbours who may be watching, that you are a recent convert to the Riverdance fan club; and that you are practicing.

5. Am still all alone but not blue - Daughter came home briefly this morning with several bags of dirty washing - as they do - and disappeared again around tea time until I think Sunday. Hubby says he thinks he will stick it out at the mobile home until about Wednesday, so its just me, puss and dog again; plus the in-crowd here of course.

Have been out to an annual 'do' which I organise and only got in at 1:15 so I'll tootle off to nod now and leave you to your own devices till morning.

Night Night xx smiley - magicsmiley - witchsmiley - zoom

My Heart is still Thumping!!!

Post 248


Hey Websailor smiley - smiley You and me got heaps of silent fans smiley - cool

My Heart is still Thumping!!!

Post 249


Hi, everyone, Lurkers includedsmiley - smiley

I'm a bit late with this post as RL has a habit of catching up with me. I had to do some odds and ends of shopping this morning which always takes longer than a normal shop. I missed the bus home, and had about twenty minutes to kill. Killing time is not a thing I do, it's too precious, but this time it was fun.

*Frenchbean* this is for you. smiley - musicalnotesmiley - musicalnote

I sat for 20 minutes listening to a local pipe band (bagpipes, drums etc.) playing all my Scots favourites. Dolled up in kilts, sporrans and beefeater type headgear(sorry Fb, I don't know what you call them!). Whoops! smiley - sorry It's supposed to be Riverdance I'm practising for isn't it? and that's Irish smiley - doh

It was a wonderful sight, and the sound carried a long way. I first heard it on the bus. Couldn't keep my feet stillI. I don't know what it is about Scottish music, bagpipes etc., especially "Flower of Scotland", but I had tears in my eyes. smiley - love it. Anyway, now Fb has tears in her eyes too, - smiley - towel ? - I'll get down to:

LAST NIGHTsmiley - crescentmoonsmiley - witchsmiley - ghost

It was a very business like affair this time. 9.20pm badger appears having tracked all over the garden for peanuts and raisins. He came straight to the table, tipped it over (the right way, so we could see) and started eating. As usual a fox pops up out of nowhere and skulks in the background. I am sure he follows Bertie to see where he goes, as they only seem to come when the badgers are around. The do visit in the day from time to time though.

He still hasn't the courage to tackle Brock, smiley - chicksmiley - somersault and eventually ran off again. The badger stayed till 10 o'clock and then disappeared, but had made no attempt to come up to the dish. Not much foraging this evening either, perhaps he had a date elsewheresmiley - diva

10.25pm and a badger appears again. It came right up to the table, had a sniff then walked past, followed by, you've guessed it, a fox. This one hung around for ages, trying to risk getting past Brock to get to the dish, but Brock was having none of it smiley - grr He simply blocked every attempt the fox made to get past him smiley - laugh Badger more or less cleared the dish, meandered round the patio, picking up the ones he had missed, and cleaning under the dish. There were a lot of lights going on and off again, and eventually he retired to the bottom of the garden in a hurry. He had clearly heard something - judging by his raised nose and head and twitching ears!

About ten minutes later the fox re-appeared and came up to the patio to finish the tiny amount left in the dish. He better not make a habit of it or he will get short shrift. The pong down the garden is one thing, but not up by the housesmiley - yuk. A friend commented the last time he left his calling card by our front door smiley - blush

We still cannot decide whether we saw two different badgers. It almost looked as if they had agreed for one to take the table, and one the dish smiley - biggrin I deliberately put equal amounts on each last night, with a cut up sandwich for good measure. And yes, I agree we may not be putting enough food out for two smiley - sadface. However, if we put enough for two, and one gets it all, is it going to do him any good, and is he going to expect more of the samesmiley - huh

The other thing is, I spend an arm and a leg on bird food (a lot eaten by the squirrels)smiley - grr In fact I daren't let PHM see the bank statementsmiley - roflsmiley - somersault as he would have a fit. I daren't even calculate how much I spend myself smiley - doh He is happy with the way things are, but if he knew the real cost, I am not so sure he would be sosmiley - smiley Now I am buying badger food as well, plus giving them our surplus fruit, honey, Marmite etc. Oooh! and they've got hazelnuts tonight too! I think I have to draw the line somewhere, don't you?

A regular supply of food is one thing, spoiling them and making them dependent is another, though I am soft enough smiley - wahsmiley - smiley They are going to get some soggy food tonight I am afraid, as I haven't figured how to cover the bird table, so they could still get at it. I need a dustbin lid, but that might damage the table, unless I can get a rubber one.

Did anyone see the news item about squirrels digging up stashed crack cocaine from London gardenssmiley - yikessmiley - somersault Well, I have often wondered what our squirrels are "on", so perhaps that's the answersmiley - evilgrin

It has been grey and humid all day, and has poured with rain since lunch time. It is WWF's Walk for Wildlife tomorrow, for Orang Utans this time, so I do hope the forecast of better weather for tomorrow is right! smiley - goodluck everyone. There are walks all over the country and I have promised my local walk our gazebo if this keeps up. The British weather is the one thing that makes organising a Walk a bit of a nightmare, but Nature is usually kind to us. I think I only had two wet walks in seventeen years, one a massive flood that wiped out half the routesmiley - wah

I wonder what will turn up to amuse us tonight? I have done the food ready - it does smell nice! I wonder if PHM would mind having the same for his tea? It would save me a lot of bother, and since he is always telling me the birds and badgers are better fed than he is, he should be pleased - shouldn't he, smiley - huhsmiley - runsmiley - run

smiley - puffsmiley - puff Just had to shoot downstairs as a Magpie was creating merry hell at the ginger cat, sitting on our wall waiting for something juicy to turn up. smiley - yuk 'Fraid he got a bit wetsmiley - blush I don't mind him chasing squirrels, even if it does wreck the fences, but I draw the line at 14 different cats on the prowl.

smiley - tasmiley - ta for now. See y'all later maybe, hopefully with more to tell this time.

Websailorsmiley - dragon

My Heart is still Thumping!!!

Post 250


Evening WS! bless you for another wonderful offering. I can't help visualising PHM scrabbling around on the garden going after the badger's supper, if he thinks its so tasty.

Yes you definitely do have to draw the line on the amount you can spend on the wildlife you have to support (ever thought of going on a diet?) It does soon become too much doesn't it - if you're not careful it can soon take over; and you are right that they cannot afford to rely totally on human help or they would ultimately suffer.

With regard to bank statements - I believe that they should be eaten immediately on arrival - perhaps Tommy Brock could help in this regard.

Will tune in again later for latest. Its nice to note that your following is growing on a daily basis isn't it?

Take care and speak soon

smiley - magicsmiley - witchsmiley - zoom

My Heart is still Thumping!!!

Post 251


Hi, scorpio_smiley - witch - badger eating bank statements? That would give the badger man something to think about when analysing the droppingssmiley - rofl Diet, I think of nothing else - except badgers, foxes and birds.......

TONIGHT tonight......smiley - crescentmoon The table was swimming in water, but the rain has stopped. Cleared it up and put the food out early as it gets darker now.

Well. where do I start? I promised more activity and boy did we get it! 8pm - the earliest yet, I wandered in to the kitchen to escape the Lottery quiz, picked up the scope and centre stage was a badger walking purposefully up the garden to the table. No meandering, no sniffing or snuffling, just marched up to the table.

But, wait.. what IS going on at the bottom of the garden? White flashes, big black rear end, racing round, and something taller and scrawny running in circles. Woo Hoo! 'tis another badger having an argy bargy with a fox. And in the red corner, Ferdinand dodges punches, and in the blue corner Bertie comes out all guns blazing smiley - grr. Then, nothing.. fox disappears, badger disappears.

Meanwhile at the table, this badger is standing on his hind legs, well back from the table and delicately eating away and taking not one bit of notice of t'others! No wobbly table, and badger eats standing up for about twenty minutes. In the meantime Badger No. 2 returns, up the right hand side of the garden. Standing on hind legs and nosing in the bushes and blackberry brambles. The badger with table manners is still eating. Second badger runs round the table, picking bits from underneath the nose of the other one, and there is no reactionsmiley - biggrin

Second badger has a wander round the top of the garden, under the Cononeaster, round the compost bin, and then slowly heads along the wall to the gap where the step is. He looks around gingerly - other badger has now tipped table off and is busily cleaning up.

Up the step, "Maam! this is a big step" smiley - puff. Noses round the dish, pushes the slates and the plastic lid off with a clunk. Other badger still scoffing, no reaction to the clunksmiley - rofl so he begins eating. Ploughing steadily through the food, neither badger notices another visitor.

A huge white body, shining like a beacon is standing down the garden, watching very closely, and looking up at where the badger had previously been staring. What is there that is so interesting to both of them I wonder smiley - huh This is a smiley - blackcat, well, white actually, but there is no smiley for a white cat smiley - bleep. This is the wretched thing that thinks he is a flying fox! Now who in their right mind would go hunting in the dark when their fur catches the light and glows. His back is patchy black blobs, with black ears.

Badger has finished at the table and makes no attempt to come up to the patio. He hasn't noticed the cat just yet, and wanders across the garden to walk down the path. His eyesight MUST be bad as he practically bumps in to the cat smiley - yikes. Cat's back arches, badger puffs himself up and sticks his head out and jumps. Cat jumps tw feet in the air and "flies" across the garden (left) and over the four foot fence.

Badger trundles off down the garden and cat comes back, this time meeting him in a different place and is sent stage right up and over a six foot fencesmiley - wow Meanwhile the other badger is still chomping at the dish. This one seems smaller, he doesn't fill the gateway space as much.

What's this then? smiley - yikes what else is out theresmiley - somersault A pair of ears is moving along just above the low wall, getting nearer and nearer to the opening (and the badger!) A white face peeps round the corner and jumps a foot in the air - "crumbs, where did that one come from, I thought he'd gone down the garden!!" I didn't see this one, he had his back to me. Now, how do I get round the front of the house - I can't get past him!! " smiley - wah

Yes, folks, it's the pesky cat back again. The badger turns round, and at sight of the white stripes, big nose, black body and a smiley - grr the cat again leaps over the four foot fence stage left.

Badger now trundles off down the garden. Both table and dish are cleared, fox seen off, cat seen off - two badgers well fed "Hm, good night's work, that - it pays to come early".

It "looks" like our badgers might have come to an agreement - one gets the table, the other the dish. No argument, no intruders, and lots of fun for me, PHM and you, I hopesmiley - smiley

NIght, night, all.smiley - smiley
Any further shenanigans and I'll tell you tomorrow. smiley - sleepysmiley - zzz

Websailorsmiley - dragon

My Heart is still Thumping!!!

Post 252


WS - this should translate to Wonderful Scenario shouldn't it? I usually have to copy your posting into Word, then print it off, so that I can relate to all the absolutely wonderful bits and pieces you've put. Tonight I haven't the time, so I'll have to hope that I remember all the important bits.

Wonder where badger number two and brer fox went when they disappeared. Do not remember badger with good table manners before. Have I missed something, or is this a new kid on the block?

The resident cat is obviously subscribing to the curiosity killed syndrome. He must believe he has the prescribed nine lives and has marked out his territory (not his best move this week obviously)

I shall re-read your posting when me and the hound from hell have been down the woods.

If we don't speak later - have some sleep (somewhere!) and look forward to another absolutely excellent report as usual, later.

Take care WebSailor xxx
smiley - magicsmiley - witchsmiley - zoom

My Heart is still Thumping!!!

Post 253


Thanks for the smiley - musicalnote Websailor smiley - smiley To be honest, I'm not sure how much I miss the bagpipes. Always found them too blary for my liking. Mind you, after 8 months away from them, perhaps I would well up with nostalgia.

smiley - pirate had a pipe band come up our drive in Cooktown for my birthday in 1998 smiley - wow They played Flower of Scotland, Scotland the Brave and Happy Birthday To You smiley - laughsmiley - cry Fortunately I'd had smiley - bubbly for brekkers, so was unembarassed when I burst into tears smiley - rofl

Good to hear the nocturnal activities are still keeping you busy smiley - smiley

My Heart is still Thumping!!!

Post 254


This morning, an hour in the garden refilling feeders, cleaning out water dishes and listening to the squirrels and birds.smiley - peacedove

Blue Tits now sitting on my windowsill tapping at the glass. It is double glazed and my nose was about two inches from them smiley - wow

Sun is shining and everything is fine, except there's a big hole in the lawn. Brock must have come back in the early hourssmiley - huh Managed to roll the turf back so it doesn't look too badsmiley - roflsmiley - biggrin

I was going to cut the lawn, but yesterday's heavy rain took care of that smiley - somersault

scorpio_smiley - witch I haven't printed any of it off. I think I had better in case the computer or anything goes kaput. It is my record, too, of what has been happening. Thanks for mentioning it.

Frenchbean, I smiley - love the bagpipes, but perhaps I have not been exposed to them as much as you. These were very well played and the music was lovely. New Year is just not the same now the NY celebrations are not shown on TV. I used to love Andy Stewart, Jimmy Shand, the White Heather Club etc. but perhaps you are too young to remember those?! smiley - evilgrin

The crows are making a heck of a racket this morning - all the Autumn sounds and colours are here, quite suddenly it seems.

Websailor smiley - dragon

My Heart is still Thumping!!!

Post 255


>>Andy Stewart, Jimmy Shand, the White Heather Club<< smiley - yuksmiley - yuksmiley - yuk

smiley - laugh
smiley - run

Have a look at my Journal to see what I saw this afternoon off my balcony smiley - bigeyes

My Heart is still Thumping!!!

Post 256

Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and

don't know how to lurksmiley - ermsmiley - ermBoo! ??

My Heart is still Thumping!!!

Post 257

Navigatorblack of the EAN Blackheart

lurk..... lurk....


My Heart is still Thumping!!!

Post 258


Creeps in, tail between legs smiley - headhurtssmiley - illsmiley - blush

Haven't posted for two days. You don't want the details but suffice it to say I have to be feeling really awful not to use my computer. It hasn't even been switched on, and I am drowning in messages!

Not that anyone appears to have missed me smiley - sadface

Couldn't look much at badgers but PHM kept me up to date. The last two nights only one badger has appeared and cleared both table and dish. No sign of the other one, though the foxes have been popping in and out pinching bits off the table. I even managed to frighten the fox away from the dish while the badger was feeding at the table, so brock is getting quite confident. These "wicked" (in the old fashioned sense!) foxes are scaredy cats really

I DID manage to feed brock, and PHM, in case you are wondering, but with great effort. Not sure what I had but I don't want a repeat. Cancelled a dental appointment this morning. Couldn't face it.

One bit of news, some photos are on the way to me by snail mail. If I don't managed to get them up on my Yahoo photo album, I will snail mail copies to those of you who have given me your addresses.

Anyone else wants any, email me at twirly60atyahoodotcodotuk.

My son is having problems with his computer otherwise it would have been easy. Anyway fingers crossed, I'll do it somehow.

I am afraid I am not in smiley - rofl mood at the moment. Crawling round doing essential chores is more than enough at the moment. I just want to curl up with my duvet smiley - wah

Back on form soon, I hope. In the meantime I will make sure badgers etc. still get fed smiley - biggrin

Websailorsmiley - dragon

My Heart is still Thumping!!!

Post 259


Sorry to hear that you're ill! Hope you're already on the mend! Lots of smiley - teasmiley - teasmiley - tea should help! smiley - cheerup

Get well soon! smiley - teasmiley - strawberrysmiley - orangebutterfly

smiley - blackcat

My Heart is still Thumping!!!

Post 260


Oh WS, so very sorry that you're not feeling up to 'scratch' We all love the nightly/daily journal; but your health obviously takes priority; and we can wait for the return of the saga whenever you feel better.

However, no tail between legs syndrome! Stalk in (cat-like) tail waving in the air - as in - welcome me, I am special and want your attention!!

On the subject of no-one missing you - EVERYONE has missed you!!! - without you, there would be no thread. Do advise PHM that his efforts are appreciated by the rest of us though.

Take care and hope you feel better soon. smiley - cheerupsmiley - hug

Have sent you an e-mail re: photos (getting desparate for these)

smiley - magicsmiley - witchsmiley - zoom

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