This is the Message Centre for tsarina

The tiara suits you well ....

Post 81


There's really no need to apologise smiley - hug a true friend is always there thro the good and the bad! Am always happy to chat to you whether it be light banter, more serious stuff or just a general dumping of frustrations and feelings! PLease feel free smiley - cuddle

This is not making excuses, but we women are not always the most logical of creatures! Am reliably informed that it's something to do with hormones, altho I probably think it's more likely the Venus connection smiley - laugh

Am sure having the in-laws there for the last 5 days has been stressful, even tho it's nice to see them and spend time together! Financial worries are never easy to cope with and I know all about that smiley - sadface

Offers a warm loving smiley - cuddle and a soft shoulder to rest your head on if that will help to ease the stresses of the day?

smiley - smoochsmiley - kisssmiley - smooch

The tiara suits you well ....

Post 82

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

My dear, I have known a couple of women, and married a couple. So I know that reason and logic are not necessarily in every recipe. As to horomones and the likes, the 'natural' HRT does what it can, ... She had a TOTAL hysterectomy for our 10th anniversary. Absolute medical necessity, thanks to a series of f***-ups by our proud military medical system. (She too was in Air Force uniform our first 7 years)

Her folks arrival was really a welcome diversion from smiley - cat concerns. But their departure just helped to open the valve. In any case, as the man, I was wrong (it goes without saying), I will absorb it with all else and then, ..... life goes on.

So, enough of that!!!! How are you? And the night going along? You didn't say anything about how it was t0 get in last night, the noises near you because of the games, and then getting home.

And just as a PS, if you've any ideas to drop into an e-mail, I think they'd be totally welcomed smiley - smiley

smiley - smoochsmiley - kisssmiley - kisssmiley - kisssmiley - smoochsmiley - smoochsmiley - hugsmiley - hugsmiley - hugsmiley - kisssmiley - smoochsmiley - smoochsmiley - kisssmiley - kisssmiley - hugsmiley - hugsmiley - smoochsmiley - kisssmiley - hugsmiley - smooch

The tiara suits you well ....

Post 83

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

Oh, and BTW, just in case you think that last post a bit too heavy, .....

smiley - tongueoutsmiley - spacesmiley - somersaultsmiley - spacesmiley - boingsmiley - spacesmiley - nahnah and an entire choir of

smiley - catsmiley - catsmiley - catsmiley - catsmiley - catsmiley - catsmiley - catsmiley - catsmiley - catsmiley - catsmiley - catsmiley - catsmiley - catsmiley - catsmiley - catsmiley - catsmiley - catsmiley - catsmiley - catsmiley - catsmiley - catsmiley - catsmiley - catsmiley - catsmiley - catsmiley - catsmiley - catsmiley - catsmiley - catsmiley - catsmiley - catsmiley - catsmiley - catsmiley - catsmiley - catsmiley - catsmiley - catsmiley - catsmiley - catsmiley - catsmiley - catsmiley - catsmiley - catsmiley - catsmiley - catsmiley - catsmiley - catsmiley - catsmiley - catsmiley - cat
singing the Andoran National Anthem

The tiara suits you well ....

Post 84


I managed to get into work ok last night.......left home just before 6pm and managed to get into town before they blockaded the streets smiley - biggrin Parked the car up in the company car park and then braved the short walk from car park to office block. The street was heaving with football supporters but fortunately because it was pre-match they were relatively sober and good humoured smiley - biggrin

The match kicked off at 8pm and thats when the streets went quiet for a couple of hours smiley - biggrin! Apparently Wales lost 3-2 to Poland (surprise surprise) so the pubs and bars were full of sad welshman drowning their sorrows after! By the time I finished work at 7am, everything was quiet once more and I had a very quick and easy journey home..........was in bed by 8.30am smiley - zzz

Will think about something for an Email but, this being my 6th night out of 7, am getting quite tired and the imagination is getting a little stale sorry!

Only another 30 mins and then I shall be on my lunch break smiley - smiley

smiley - cuddlesmiley - kisssmiley - hugsmiley - smoochsmiley - cuddlesmiley - hugsmiley - kisssmiley - kisssmiley - cuddlesmiley - smoochsmiley - smoochsmiley - hug

The tiara suits you well ....

Post 85

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

I've only seen on the international news how serious "Europeans" take their soccer/football. The riotings, the police clashes, etc. I can't fathom it at all. Even with a national seasons ending of baseball, hockey or fottball, there's none of that. Perhaps we "colonials" are just too timid? smiley - laugh

In any case, I am so pleased that your travels were uneventful. A hot lady like yourself could indeed have been a target for any lads with taste. smiley - smiley

As to any e-mails, please don't feel obligated. If you're inclined, just any thing as it comes to mind is a pleasant read. I have as yet to give you a long and considered piece of prose, ... they've always been brief to suit your brief meal-break.....

smiley - smoochsmiley - smoochsmiley - smoochsmiley - smoochsmiley - smoochsmiley - smoochsmiley - smoochsmiley - smoochsmiley - smoochsmiley - smooch & an extra-ordinarily massive smiley - hug

The tiara suits you well ....

Post 86


We never have any real trouble with Rugby fans being the national sport in Wales! For some reason football/soccer seems to bring out the worst in the fans and coupled with copious amounts of alcohol, it seems to generate a lot of violence and hooliganism smiley - sadface Altho, having said that, there didn't appear to be too much trouble last night smiley - biggrin

On Saturday night there was a huge fight in the pub across the road from our building and we watched as about 30 policemen turned up with seven wagons and a couple of mounted police..........the horses were lovely smiley - laugh It took 4 of them to restrain one man and he was eventually manhandled into the back of one of the vans! An ambulance then arrived and someone was taken off to hospital altho he didn't look too seriously injured smiley - biggrin Another eventful night in Cardiff City centre smiley - sadfacesmiley - laugh

I'm assuming that you've probably given up the fight and retired to bed by now, so I shall wish you pleasant dreams smiley - angel and a restful sleep smiley - sleepy

smiley - cuddlesmiley - kisssmiley - smoochsmiley - hugsmiley - cuddlesmiley - cuddlesmiley - kisssmiley - smoochsmiley - hugsmiley - cuddlesmiley - cuddlesmiley - kisssmiley - smoochsmiley - hugsmiley - cuddlesmiley - cuddlesmiley - kisssmiley - smoochsmiley - hugsmiley - cuddlesmiley - cuddlesmiley - kisssmiley - smoochsmiley - hugsmiley - cuddle

The tiara suits you well ....

Post 87

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

Just a brief waking, my dear lady, ... only long enough to wish you quiet for the rest of your night, safe home and then a very deep sleep. If you've the time or energy anytime throught the day, ..... I'll be about.

Back to my sleep now, to dream ... smiley - smileysmiley - spacesmiley - devil

smiley - cuddles and smiley - kisss a-plenty to attend all needs

The tiara suits you well ....

Post 88


Hello there smiley - smiley

Back in work again smiley - cry Home pc is still not fixed so not been able to get on Email again! Had a very busy w/e sorting out house and getting it ready to be 'viewed' again smiley - sadface

Hope you had a good w/e and managed to get some quality rest and relaxation smiley - biggrin

Lady H smiley - cuddlesmiley - smoochsmiley - hug

The tiara suits you well ....

Post 89

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

I'll be leaving work soon. And posting two parcels to grand-kids. But I should be able to find you as the evening progresses.

Sorry the PC is still sick. I do hope you get it revived, my dear. Did you find any rest time? I did see you briefly pop-up on MSN one night, but then gone just as fast, so I didn't get a chance to call.

My week-end was many small jobs, nothing very tiring or taxing. But busy none-the-less.

Did you find any rest time?

smiley - smoochsmiley - kisssmiley - hugsmiley - cheerup

The tiara suits you well ....

Post 90


Glad you had a relatively restful w/e smiley - hug

Yes, I managed to get some rest.........after spending most of friday evening and all day saturday cleaning, polishing and tidying ready for a visiting at 4.30, I got a phone call from the real estate agent at about 3pm to say that it had been cancelled. So, I downed tools and jumped in the shower, being rather hot, sweaty and smelly by this time! I then got in touch with a friend and went out for an hour or two in the evening, altho alcohol was limited as I was driving, but it was good to get out of the house for a while smiley - biggrin

Sunday was a lazy day, just relaxin and chillin out smiley - devil

smiley - smoochsmiley - kisssmiley - cuddle

The tiara suits you well ....

Post 91

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

Our Sunday afternoon, later half, was also lazy. But no chilling, .... I lit a good wood fire in the fire-place and mellowed with a bit of brandy. It was a chill and damp day and it just seemed appropriate. smiley - biggrin

So did your realtor suggest an alternate date or time for the viewing?

smiley - cuddle

The tiara suits you well ....

Post 92


No they didn't smiley - sadface Apparently the coulpe had been to look the place over and it wasn't in the area they thought and not what they were looking for??? The specification is available at the estate agents complete with pictures and dimension so why make an aoppointment to view in the first place? smiley - doh

Have to say.........I do miss the Emails smiley - wah really must try and get pc sorted soon!

smiley - kisssmiley - smoochsmiley - cuddle

The tiara suits you well ....

Post 93

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

I may be able to work up an e-mail for your dinner break, if you like. Your choice, just some casual chatter or perhaps a pleasant 'escape from reality'?

I just finished printing our first pic of Nathan, our grandson. A couple of wallet sized shots, and a 5" x 7" came by post, from hospital shots. A bit of a goofy look on his face, but a sweet enough lad all the same.

(Nawwwww, no "Poppy pride" here. smiley - biggrin)

smiley - smooch

The tiara suits you well ....

Post 94


whatever you feel like putting together smiley - winkeyesmiley - devil I'll leave it up to your mood smiley - biggrin

If you got a pic of the new arrival then would you like to send me one so I can see the latest addition to the Keip family smiley - biggrin

What you got planned for supper tonight? smiley - drool

The tiara suits you well ....

Post 95

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

Hmmm, you've a hotmail account, so I'll see about a somewhat reduced-in-size piccy. smiley - smiley

As soon as properly cooled, we froze the left-overs of our baked Atlantic salmon last week. So tonight, a re-heat and a side-dish of rice will be the lazy Monday fare.

What did you bring? Or plan to smiley - whistle-in later?smiley - hugsmiley - smooch

The tiara suits you well ....

Post 96


Supper sounds lovely smiley - drool I DO like salmon, especially with a bearnaise sauce or hollandaise smiley - biggrin

I'll either get a sandwich from the vending machine in the canteen or pop out to get a chicken supper on my next break........but I think the chick will probably win smiley - laugh

smiley - smoochsmiley - hugsmiley - kiss

The tiara suits you well ....

Post 97

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

Well I'm away now to the salmon and stuff. There's two e-mails awaiting your break. One of a little place-away-from-the world. The other a piccy of a little lad who will grow into who-knows-what.....

I'll be back later, my dear. smiley - kiss

The tiara suits you well ....

Post 98


smiley - biggrin

Enjoy your supper and I don't want to hear any 'oinking' when you come back please smiley - tongueoutsmiley - rofl

smiley - kisssmiley - kisssmiley - kiss

The tiara suits you well ....

Post 99

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

smiley - oksmiley - space Siiiiiggggghhhhhhh !!!!!

Is that better? smiley - biggrin I had enough to be comfortable but not bursting. In fact, there's just enough set aside for my lunch at work tomorrow.

Speaking of work, .... smiley - brave changes are a-foot. I have had a shop to myself for quite some time, and been too effective. Most of the back-log has been cleared of things awaiting repairs. But an adjacent shop is about 2-3 years behind. So as of November 1st, I and another start in the other shop. There'll no longer be the freedom to take a break and just wander hootoo. Or chat nearly day-long with e-friends. Only really during luch and a couple coffee breaks.

I've not worked with anyone else, as a team, for over 9 years. I like working at my pace and in my own way. smiley - sadface

smiley - hug

The tiara suits you well ....

Post 100


a sigh is much better than grunts and snuffling smiley - laughsmiley - tongueout

Oh dear smiley - cry Sorry to hear about the work arrangements changing (and not for the better) Your going to find it hard not being able to chat and Email at your leisure smiley - sadface and having to work with other people will be a bind too! I'm used to working with others but much prefer the freedom of working alone!

smiley - kisssmiley - cuddle

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