This is the Message Centre for Merkin

Limericks 7

Post 141


With some swing and bee-bop

Limericks 7

Post 142


While digging a hole outside the shop
Making the customers hop
A girl so pretty
Did sing a ditty
With some swing and bee-bop

While digging a hole outside the shop
Making the customers hop
I found a fossil,
Which I did jostle
When struck by a girl singing bee-bop

Peet--That was a simul-posting, but I do collect fossils. Thanks for the link, it sounds like your friend has a lot of fun.

New start:
Standing in line at the bank

Limericks 7

Post 143


To withdrawl enough for a tank

Limericks 7

Post 144

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

A punk with a gun

Limericks 7

Post 145


Disguised as a nun

Limericks 7

Post 146


Stole my chequebook and christened me Frank


Now although I don't want to sound haughty
This page is quite long now, so ought we
Choose today as the date
To start Limerick Page 8
Or should we skip straight to Page 40?

smiley - smiley

Limericks 7

Post 147


your wish is my ryvita shaped ticket to eternity...

Let the wevelwy continue. smiley - bigeyes

Limericks 7

Post 148


Okay, so no one else is gonna do it...

He took a quick swim
With a lucious young pickle named Midge. smiley - winkeye

Limericks 7

Post 149


At material bunched
Until a replacement was fetched.

(guess I do smiley - winkeye)

Limericks 7

Post 150


Good show. Took ages to find it!

Limericks 7

Post 151


*peeks to side* Have I actually found the tail? We'll see in a moment.

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