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Come on Baby, Light my Fire!

Post 261

Swiv (decrepit postgrad)

I think I will sit back and watch then smiley - smiley

Come on Baby, Light my Fire!

Post 262


Swiv!!!!!! Squint, damn you, SQUINT!!!!!!!!

My heads' starting to hurt, and I KNOW Wowbagger can't handle it on his own!!!

He may be the "Master", but there IS a limit....and we all REALLY want to see "The Nipple" now, don't we!smiley - winkeye


Come on Baby, Light my Fire!

Post 263


Ok den!
* concentrate, concentrate... phhhhhhhhhhhhhhzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.......
Hows dat den?
shazz smiley - winkeye

Come on Baby, Light my Fire!

Post 264

Swiv (decrepit postgrad)

I can't squint I'm afraid NM
My optician told me I need to practise smiley - smiley

Come on Baby, Light my Fire!

Post 265


~Greebo passes out....

...sniggers... and continues the sentance... spare pairs of goggles to all who wants them~

Is this fun or what... all these gorgous blokes muscles arippling... er... well... foreheads rippling anyway... last time me see such concentration was when... ~Greebo blushes~... oh never mind about that... ~embarrassed grin~

Come on Baby, Light my Fire!

Post 266


*don't think about doughnuts... must concentrate... don't think about doughnuts... must concentrate... don't think about doughnuts... must concentrate... don't think about doughnuts... must concentrate... don't think about doughnuts... must concentrate... *

Come on Baby, Light my Fire!

Post 267


"WE don't need to PRACTICE, Randy!"

Opps, sorry....local radio show got to me!smiley - winkeye

This is all the squint I 've got![-|


Come on Baby, Light my Fire!

Post 268


not practice...famous last words from the peanut gallery smiley - winkeye....
*sits back with her warm fuzzy drink, umbrella included, and watches the veins pop out of the squinters forheads*
Monsy smiley - fish

Come on Baby, Light my Fire!

Post 269


We could certainly do with Mr G. in here as well!
More brains required!
One user only!

shazz smiley - winkeye

Come on Baby, Light my Fire!

Post 270


Me got a brain... tis in a bottle in my backpack... does anyone want to see it?

Come on Baby, Light my Fire!

Post 271


Ohhh... yes please Greebo smiley - bigeyes
*Adjusts flying goggles*
OK... go ahead!
shazz smiley - winkeye

Come on Baby, Light my Fire!

Post 272


Shall... look... at... lovely... Greebo's... brain... later...
Are... we... there... yet?...
I... can't... tell... with... all... this... squinting...

Come on Baby, Light my Fire!

Post 273


~Greebo puts the jar back into her Garfield Backpack...~

Better leave that for another time... ~grin~

Do you want to borrow my goggles... wowowowowowowobagger???

Come on Baby, Light my Fire!

Post 274


If I squint anymore my eyelids are going to grow together!!!!

Wowbagger, can you handle this on your own, or should we just "put down" somewhere!!??

Greebs.....can you loan your brain for just a sec..??...I promise, no harm will come to it!'s just that the Temple is getting a bit heavy, and I'm getting a bit of a headache!smiley - winkeye


Come on Baby, Light my Fire!

Post 275


~Greebo gets the jar out again and passes it to NM...~

Come on Baby, Light my Fire!

Post 276


*Shazz adjusts her flying goggles and also tries her hand at squinting. Suddenly the Temple takes a violent lurch to the right... although Lurch isn't too pleased at the interruption...*
shazz smiley - winkeye

Come on Baby, Light my Fire!

Post 277

Garibaldi - Patented Mr G party at F14181?thread=256534

*wanders back in*

Hi all, how is things?

Come on Baby, Light my Fire!

Post 278


Not... too... bad... thanks... Mr.... Garibaldi *lurch*
We... could ... do... with... a ... hand... or ...rather... an eye... in... here... though! *lurch*
shazz smiley - winkeye

Come on Baby, Light my Fire!

Post 279


~Greebo tries her best to squint for a while~

Come on Baby, Light my Fire!

Post 280


*monsy just wonders when they will slide that rock under the corner to level it and relax*
Monsy smiley - fish

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