This is the Message Centre for Dizzy H. Muffin

Here "I" Am

Post 201


Oh well, she should be back, I hope.

In the mean time, would you like to go to Mike's Evilware?

Here "I" Am

Post 202

Dizzy H. Muffin


Here "I" Am

Post 203



* bursts into tears *

smiley - wah

Here "I" Am

Post 204

Dizzy H. Muffin

Ah, doncha just love those smileys! smiley - wizard

Here "I" Am

Post 205


Yes, love them!

smiley - tea at last!

Here "I" Am

Post 206

Dizzy H. Muffin

And smiley - strawberries!

Incidentally, just to let the Moderators know you aren't succumbing to ambiguity*, you could just click on "Edit" and without changin anything, click "Update Page".

[*Footnote: Does anyone have any idea what this phrase means?? smiley - winkeye]

Here "I" Am

Post 207


I do know what ambiguity means, but to make sure, I looked it up. It's supposed to be "doubtfulness and uncertainty as regards interperetation".

And I don't much fancy unhiding my Space like that until I know it's not going to just be hidden again straight away.

Here "I" Am

Post 208

Dizzy H. Muffin

Right. Er.....

Here "I" Am

Post 209

Jedi Jade and her daemon Thras AKA Dr. Amelia T. "Bermuda" Rangel

I'm here. Just I wasn't here. Sorry kids. My monitor dies on me, and I had to wait until I got my paycheque to buy a new one. I got paid on Tuyesday, but today was the only day that I had a chance to go shopping for a new one. anyway, hi, and were we going to continue with the evilware thing, or just keep going on about squaresotf and such?

Here "I" Am

Post 210

Dizzy H. Muffin

We were just going on randomly.

Here "I" Am

Post 211


I want to go to Mike's Evilware!

Here "I" Am

Post 212

Dizzy H. Muffin

Fine, you go there. Bye bye.

Here "I" Am

Post 213

Jedi Jade and her daemon Thras AKA Dr. Amelia T. "Bermuda" Rangel

What, YK, you dun't want to go? Whyever not? I'll buy you a fudgesicle!

Here "I" Am

Post 214

Dizzy H. Muffin

[Yar] ..... Let's see first if we can have even something /remotely/ resembling what went on before.

Here "I" Am

Post 215


Why do we need that? We can do it better this time!

* starts the spell for a gateway to Mike's Evilware *

Here We Are Again! ;-)

Post 216

Dizzy H. Muffin

[YK] Fine. Incidentally, I am now a Summoner.

[This means that YK now has a short, grey horn sticking out just above his forehead.]

Here We Are Again! ;-)

Post 217


* looks at it *

Oh. Would you like it cut off?

* he resumes the gateway spell, and shortly afterwards the air splits open and a swirling vortex forms, more than large enough to walk through comfortably, and with the exterior of Mike's Evilware visible through it *

Here We Are Again! ;-)

Post 218

Dizzy H. Muffin

[YK] NO!!! It focuses my summoning powers! Do not do anything of the sort!

Here We Are Again! ;-)

Post 219


Fine, fine!

* he steps through the gateway *

Come on then, if you're coming. (spot the quote)

Here We Are Again! ;-)

Post 220

Dizzy H. Muffin

[YK enters after him]

[YK] Say, Jade's gone missing again...

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