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Help me!

Ok, so I've got a billion jobs, but I'm still going to need to get a loan to be able to afford to get from the airport to a house, let alone actually *doing* anything before work starts. So, what's a good reason I can give on my loan application?! I don't want to lie as such, just make it sound better than "I need the money to go overseas and see my boyfriend"! I thought something along the lines of 'cultural exchange'...smiley - winkeye

Ideas, anyone?!

On the news front: my ticket is all but booked (it's on hold for a few more days), the US visa laws are driving me up the wall, I got offered a job at McDonalds in Boston (I told them I'd think about it smiley - erm), and I'm so busy with work I've forgotten all about the fact that I am enrolled at uni. Ah well, not much difference there anyway smiley - winkeye

I get to go kayaking this week as part of my course...and the next week...and possibly the week after smiley - wow

Only 90 days to go!

smiley - smooch

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Latest reply: Aug 7, 2003

Planes, trains, and automobiles

...although not necessarily in that order smiley - smiley

Well, he has been gone three weeks today - it hardly seems that long, but at the same time seems much longer. I'm madly working as much as possible - I have three jobs on the go at the moment, although it still looks as though I'll have to take out some sort of student loan or work 27 hours a day to be able to afford to do anything once I'm over there! I'm *very* excited though - yay for travelling!!

I got a car smiley - wow which is very very exciting - her name's Mathilda (as in 'Waltzing' smiley - winkeye) - she's the one we drove around the country in...if she can handle 12000 k's in 12 days then she's good enough for me!!

I've got tickets on hold to get over to the states - if how long people spend in transit could be used as an indication of their feelings for someone, well, he should be deeply moved! THREE DAYS!!! Three days to get from Melbourne to Boston! Ouch! smiley - yikes Yes, that's right, I'm rowing over smiley - winkeye

Ah well, it'll be great once I get over there - he's working out an apartment at the beach (in winter!) with a mate, and they're all set to have me move in with them smiley - wow So yay for being busy and for four and a half months flying by!

smiley - smooch

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Latest reply: Jul 19, 2003

And now for something completely different...

----> smiley - biggrin <----

Cafram is smiling! Who would've thunk it?! I've had four days of crying and moping over my wonderful guy going home to the states, but I'm over it now. Well, mostly over it smiley - winkeye

I'm going to get me twenty million jobs, earn a stack of money, and go over and visit him at the end of the year. smiley - wow

So, please excuse the occasional tears and sniffles, but on the whole I'm up for a bouncy happy *busy* five months!

smiley - cheers

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Latest reply: Jul 2, 2003

We're the fukarwi?!

Currently in the middle of effing nowhere, halfway through a drive around the country.

Now I know why Australia is called the big red country!

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Latest reply: Jun 15, 2003

*surfaces briefly*

It's so long since I've posted anything! smiley - doh [send me emails. emails are fun.]

Since the last installment in 'The life and times of Cafram' (now only $9.95 plus postage and handling...) I've done a bit of rockclimbing, had a birthday, worked insane hours in a busy store, done a bit more climbing, found myself an amazing guy who feels much the same way about me as I do about him smiley - loveblush, worked on a camp in a beautiful spot with wonderful people for an exhausting week, helped my mum pack to move house, and succesfully avoided most of my assignments.

Just for something different, I may go climbing next week.

So. What've you been up to? Life'd better be brilliant - I'll have to send the happy monsters over to anyone who's not as exhausted and happy as I am! smiley - biggrin

smiley - smooch

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Latest reply: Apr 18, 2003

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cafram - in the states.

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