This is the Message Centre for Captain Malcolm Reynolds

The Flying Headbutt

Post 10941

jack white

Yeah, the best way of washing down the blubber of a cute seal pup that you've just murdered is a cup of tea. smiley - grr

And speaking of tea, it's time I had a cuppa. smiley - ok

The Flying Headbutt

Post 10942

McNamara That Ghost

Sounds delicious Jack. smiley - grr

Something to ponder: do you reckon animals ever think why they have to make do with raw meat whilst we get ours to be cooked? I reckon they feel the creator is just as cruel as we do. smiley - whistle

The Flying Headbutt

Post 10943


But is eating raw meat making do Mac?

I would prefer a very raw steak rather than one that is either medium, well done or burnt to a cinder smiley - grr

Why bother eating meat if its charcoal smiley - grr

Anyway cuppa tea sounds good to me - and I have just seen someone fill it up smiley - ok

The Flying Headbutt

Post 10944

McNamara That Ghost

PSD, you've eliminated pretty much all the possiblities for meat eating so do you actually eat it raw? smiley - erm

And cooked meat is much better, I'm sure animals would agree. They wouldn't have to waste their energy hunting, either. smiley - grr

The Flying Headbutt

Post 10945

jack white

Morning PSD. smiley - ok

I prefer rare meat too. Wipe its arse and put it on a plate. That's my motto. smiley - ok

Mac, maybe polar bears do consider themselves hard done by compared to us but they're still lording it over seals so it's not all bad.

Although they probably would wonder occasionally what a cooked seal pup tastes like. smiley - erm

The Flying Headbutt

Post 10946

McNamara That Ghost

They've got to eat seals raw Jack otherwise they'd be a bit knackered. Even if you do like it wiped and put on the plate, you're eating it with a knife and fork so it's inherently less messy than sticking your paws and mouth right in to it. And you've got the problem of other Polar Bears coming round and stealing your kill.

You don't have that happen. Well, I don't anyway. smiley - whistle

The Flying Headbutt

Post 10947

jack white

That's what seperates us from the animals, Mac.

We don't go around to someone else's house at dinner time and take the food of their plate like a big bully. smiley - grr

Well, hardly ever anyway. smiley - erm

The Flying Headbutt

Post 10948

McNamara That Ghost

I might do if I knew they were having chicken. smiley - whistle

The Flying Headbutt

Post 10949

jack white

Well, yeah. As long as there's a good reason. And chicken is a good reason. smiley - ok

Right? smiley - erm

The Flying Headbutt

Post 10950

McNamara That Ghost

Exactly, Jack. Exactly. smiley - grr

The Flying Headbutt

Post 10951

jack white

Speaking of chicken, it's nearly lunchtime.

And I'm thinking of chicken for the second day in a row. smiley - ok

The Flying Headbutt

Post 10952

McNamara That Ghost

That's a daring choice Jack. Same style two days in a row too? smiley - grr

The Flying Headbutt

Post 10953

jack white

Might go for something different, Mac.

Yesterday's chicken was a success but I rarely have the same thing two days in a row. smiley - erm

The Flying Headbutt

Post 10954

McNamara That Ghost

You want to keep it special. smiley - grr

The Flying Headbutt

Post 10955

jack white

Exactly, Mac. smiley - ok

Anyway, in the end I went for a chicken and bacon caesar wrap. smiley - ok

Who doesn't love both chicken and bacon? smiley - erm

Only a madman, I would suggest. smiley - grr

And I'm giving today's lunch 8 out of 10. smiley - biggrin

The Flying Headbutt

Post 10956

McNamara That Ghost

Sickos Jack, only sickos.

Vegetarians. smiley - whistle

Caesar wraps are great. smiley - grr

8/10 eh? Might be worth having it more often Jack. At least you can't get rogue tomatoes in that.

The Flying Headbutt

Post 10957

jack white

It's another option, Mac.

The classic will always be the classic. Any changes and it isn't a classic. In fact any changes and the person who makes those changes is a nutcase. smiley - grr

But with a chicken-based snack there's any number of acceptable forms it can take. smiley - ok

The Flying Headbutt

Post 10958

McNamara That Ghost

True, chicken is very versatile. It's probably why I can get away with having it so often. smiley - grr

The Flying Headbutt

Post 10959

jack white

Realistically if it was up to me, I would have chicken twice a day every day apart from the days when I have a classic on which my chicken intake is reduced to one.

It's not always up to me of course as Mrs White is head chef but I don't go short chicken-wise. smiley - grr

The Flying Headbutt

Post 10960

McNamara That Ghost

Too right, you can't deny a man his chicken. It's like denying him football. smiley - grr

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