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Post 10201


The thing is PSD, I want to make sure I leave room for a few pints this evening. So that constant eating that you specialise in might not be a good idea. smiley - erm

I have every possible type of takeaway to choose from, Mac. But realistically, after a few beers I always seem to head for the old fashioned chip shop. There's one just outside the train station called Macari's which I'll probably go to. For some reason all the chippies in Dublin are run by Italian immigrants. When people talk about Italian cuisine I automatically think of a fresh cod and chips.

I was shocked on my first trip to Italy to discover that they don't do what I consider to be 'proper' Italian food. smiley - grr


Post 10202

McNamara That Ghost

Lou Macari? smiley - erm

And let's face it Jack, any self-respecting nation should have a chippy in it. smiley - grr

You can't beat a good chippy though so I can see the potential in it Jack. smiley - ok


Post 10203


I guess there must be some distant connection with Lou Macari. smiley - erm

Even though, he's Scottish. Italian-Scottish I guess. Those Italians get everywhere. smiley - grr

But did they open hndreds of chippies in Ediburgh or Glasgow? smiley - erm

Anyway, mind made up. It's a regular lunch and Macari's on the way home. smiley - ok

I'm off for a classic. smiley - ok


Post 10204

McNamara That Ghost

If PSD can remember her time in Scotland maybe she'll be able to let us know. smiley - grr

Good choices anyway Jack. smiley - ale


Post 10205


I'm in Scotland often enough to replenish what little I can remember smiley - laugh

And the best chippies are all run by Italians. But in Scotland they make the chips different that in Ireland.

And you get a brown sauce with chips - home made - so its really runny and vinegary! smiley - laugh

Perfect with a deep fried pizza and bottle of Vimto smiley - ok


Post 10206


That's not Italian cuisine. That's Scottish cuisine. smiley - grr

Even if there is pizza involved. smiley - erm


Post 10207

McNamara That Ghost

Runny brown sauce? What the hell?


Post 10208


You also get deep fried haggis, deep fried white and black pudding.

Deep fried Scotch Pies, German Sausage (deep fried)

Fish cakes deep fried.

And, of course mars bars, cream eggs, snickers bars. Dipped in batter and deep fried.


Post 10209


Now we know why Scottish people have a life expectancy of about 28. smiley - erm

I could feel my arteries harden just reading that. smiley - grr


Post 10210

McNamara That Ghost

That's ruining a good chippy. Just give me some chips and a jumbo sausage (don't) and I'll be happy. smiley - grr


Post 10211

Captain Malcolm Reynolds

Deep fried mars bars are delicious.


Post 10212

McNamara That Ghost

I can think of better ways to get heart problems. smiley - grr


Post 10213


I can safely say I will never try a deep fried mars bar. smiley - grr

Mars bars are fine just as they are. smiley - ok


Post 10214

McNamara That Ghost

Agreed Jack. Although I barely have any chocolate now. I guess I'll make up for that once it gets closer to Christmas. smiley - grr


Post 10215

Captain Malcolm Reynolds

True, Mac, Jack.

But they're delicious.

It's like chicken burgers are delicious just how they are. But stick a couple rashers of crispy bacon in those bad boys and it's immediately better.


Post 10216


Yeah but chicken and bacon are natural bedfellows.

Mars bars and batter aren't.

smiley - grr


Post 10217

McNamara That Ghost

Man I love bacon.


Post 10218


Me too, Mac. smiley - ok

Intersting that we've discovered Captain's Inner Scotsman. smiley - ok

smiley - whistle


Post 10219


smiley - laughsmiley - laugh

I have had deep fried ice cream - that was literally a scoop of ice cream, dipped in batter and deep fried and it was gorgous.

I don't like mars bars so I dont think I would like them deep fried smiley - erm

But cream eggs would be a different matter smiley - ok


Post 10220

Captain Malcolm Reynolds

Jack, ive considered myself to be an honourary scotsman for quite some time.

Their drinking habits and their women are definitely things to admire. smiley - grr

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