This is the Message Centre for Captain Malcolm Reynolds

Mods in a coma?

Post 10181


I don't know why it seems so long. smiley - erm

I think there's an expectation that a four day week should always seem extra short and when it doesn't feel like that it's extra annoying. smiley - grr

On the credit side there's an official presentation for the people who retired a few weeks ago. We'll have to put up with a few speeches in the staff canteen but it's followed by a trip to the boozer and......a free bar. smiley - biggrin

smiley - ale


Post 10182

Captain Malcolm Reynolds

Optometrist came to see him at work eh, psd? smiley - whistle

Morning all.


Post 10183


Morning Captain. smiley - ok

That was a proper site meeting yesterday. I didn't even get home early. smiley - grr

Well, maybe a few minutes early. smiley - whistle

Time for a cuppa. smiley - biggrin


Post 10184

Captain Malcolm Reynolds

Morning Jack.

I know what you mean about 'short' weeks. I always have that after bank holidays. Three day weeks that feel like it should be over by the time Wednesday is finished. smiley - grr


Post 10185

McNamara That Ghost

Morning people.


Post 10186


Tea break over. smiley - ok

Out of bed early today, Mac. Why couldn't you sleep? Roadworks outside? Noisy neighbours?

Did you wet the bed again? smiley - grr


Post 10187

McNamara That Ghost

Early night Jack. smiley - grr Let's be honest, it's not often I get woken up by anything. smiley - whistle


Post 10188


You have certainly mastered the whole sleep thing, Mac. smiley - ok

It's your greatest talent.

smiley - grr


Post 10189

McNamara That Ghost

If it's my greatest talent, do you mean I have other great talents too? smiley - ok


Post 10190


Just been to a presentation for someone who is emigrating to Oz.

And they had the biggest plate of small sausage rolls ever smiley - ok

Shame there was no wine to accompany it smiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - bubbly

Morning Macsmiley - ok Cap'n smiley - ok


Post 10191


Why, of course, Mac. smiley - ok

I just can't think of what they might be though. smiley - erm

Boozing maybe? Sex?

All the vices, probably. smiley - ok

smiley - grr


Post 10192


There better be small sausage rolls at our presentation, later. smiley - grr

There will definitely be wine though.

Followed by the free bar. smiley - ale


Post 10193

McNamara That Ghost

PSD. smiley - ok

So PSD, you know Melbourne Sue too, eh? smiley - grr


Post 10194

McNamara That Ghost

Sounds about right Jack. smiley - whistle


Post 10195


Of course it does, Mac. smiley - ok

Melbourne Sue says she's coming back in two years. That's because she can't bear to stay away from her neighbour. smiley - grr

Probably. smiley - erm


Post 10196

McNamara That Ghost

That sounds pretty accurate Jack. She'd miss out on Bedminton too much. smiley - grr


Post 10197


There can't possible be any other reason, Mac. smiley - grr

Debating what to do at lunchtime. There will be food in the pub later but it wouldn't be classed as dinner.

So do I have dinner at lunchtime or stick to my normal lunch and pay a visit to a takeaway on my way home tonight? smiley - erm

Decisions, decisions.


Post 10198


If it was me I would end up doing all of the above:

Dinner at lunch,

Food in pub,

Takeaway on way home.

I mean you know you had a good night when you find a kebab under your bed in the morning!smiley - laugh


Post 10199

McNamara That Ghost

Jack if it was me, I'd way up what am I going to get more enjoyment out of. And given you can have a sneaky pint in the pub I'd be inclined to go for that.

Of course I don't know what takeaway you're thinking of though. smiley - grr


Post 10200

McNamara That Ghost

Or weigh up, in fact.

smiley - erm

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