This is the Message Centre for Captain Malcolm Reynolds

Mods in a coma?

Post 10161

McNamara That Ghost

I'd take the next train Jack. smiley - ok

And that's right Jack, we somehow coached the talent out of him. smiley - erm

Mods in a coma?

Post 10162


He's gonna come good at 4pm, Mac. smiley - grr

See you tomorrow. smiley - ok

Mods in a coma?

Post 10163

McNamara That Ghost

Have a good one Jack. smiley - ok

If you can. smiley - erm

Mods in a coma?

Post 10164


Morning All smiley - ok

Well that was a bit of suprise yesterday smiley - ok

smiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - bubbly

Mods in a coma?

Post 10165


Morning PSD. smiley - ok

We certainly stole that point.

We played rubbish but did so heroically. smiley - erm

We'll take it though. smiley - ok

smiley - ale

Mods in a coma?

Post 10166

McNamara That Ghost

Morning people. A surprise indeed PSD. smiley - ok

And Jack, even better with Armenia deciding to tonk Slovakia. smiley - grr Having said that, it does bring Armenia back in to it though. smiley - erm

Mods in a coma?

Post 10167


Morning Mac. smiley - ok

Yeah, the Armenia result was a great bonus although in retrospect we might have been better off if they'd just taken a point. The win means they'll be coming to Dublin with plenty to play for in a few weeks.

Didn't see the England game. Just the goal and Earnshaw's miss. smiley - doh

Walcott injured apparently? There's a surprise. smiley - grr

Mods in a coma?

Post 10168

McNamara That Ghost

Yeah, tight hamstring apparently. I think they meant to say 'dead' instead of tight.

I guess you'll just have to do the business against Armenia. smiley - erm

Earnshaw. smiley - laugh Up there with Iwelumo's against Norway.

Mods in a coma?

Post 10169


Iwelumo's was surely the funniest miss in history.

It took great skill to keep the ball out of the goal from there. smiley - doh

I'm guessing the best we can hope for is a playoff place in which we'll excel ourselves only to be beaten late on by an offside goal or a goal that never crossed the line or a goal scored with the aid of a double handball that the linesman sees clearly but doesn't give. Just like last time. smiley - grr

Mods in a coma?

Post 10170

McNamara That Ghost

I doubt any other player could replicate what Chris did. And that shows off his talent. smiley - ok

Jack, it wouldn't surprise me if you the perceived easy draw and somehow mess it up. However if you ended up facing Scotland then both the nations would be trying to outdo the other on how to master a glorious failure.

Before England show how that is properly done in the actual tournament.

smiley - grr

Mods in a coma?

Post 10171


That all sounds about right, Mac.

But I can't help feeling there's no way Scotland will make the playoffs. Won't they need to beat Spain? smiley - erm

Although knowing Scotland they'll beat Spain and still manage to miss out somehow.

Mods in a coma?

Post 10172

McNamara That Ghost

Czech Rep. also have to play Spain again too. It's just going to come down to the other two results probably.

Mods in a coma?

Post 10173


I hadn't realised that. So Scotland are in with a genuine chance of getting hammered in the playoffs then. smiley - grr

Mods in a coma?

Post 10174

McNamara That Ghost

Exactly Jack, I bet they can't wait. smiley - grr

Mods in a coma?

Post 10175


Realistically, a team that goes with a 4-6-0 formation in the Czech Republic probably deserves a hammering anyway. smiley - grr

Mods in a coma?

Post 10176

McNamara That Ghost

Any team that has Darren Fletcher in it.

smiley - grr

Mods in a coma?

Post 10177


Yeah, Mac. Forgot about that guy. smiley - grr

Nice to see his penalty miss yesterday. smiley - ok

Anyway, it's lunchtime and I've a site meeting aferwards so talk tomorrow. smiley - ok

Mods in a coma?

Post 10178

McNamara That Ghost

Have a good one Jack. smiley - ok

Mods in a coma?

Post 10179


Morning all. smiley - ok

Is this week never going to end? smiley - grr

Seems to have gone on forever. smiley - grr

Mods in a coma?

Post 10180


Morning Jack smiley - ok

What do you mean never end - you had Monday off and a sight visit yesterday afternoon so you have been away near half of it smiley - laugh

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