This is the Message Centre for Captain Malcolm Reynolds

Mods in a coma?

Post 10141


Thanks for the info, Lil. I'll have a go. smiley - ok

All our posts are family friendly, aren't they, Mac? smiley - whistle

Mods in a coma?

Post 10142

McNamara That Ghost

Of course Jack, I was just making sure!

Mods in a coma?

Post 10143

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned


Innuendo is fine, just keep it clean boys smiley - whistle

lil x

Mods in a coma?

Post 10144


Of course, Lil. smiley - ok

smiley - whistle

Mods in a coma?

Post 10145


And while we're at it, you've been in the pub all morning and we haven't offered you a drink.

On the house. smiley - ale

smiley - ok

Mods in a coma?

Post 10146

McNamara That Ghost

Innuendo is fine? That's like giving us a free pass Lil. smiley - whistle

Jack, I have to go food shopping. Should I be buying comfort food in preparation of us messing up against Swansea or leave that until next Tuesday ahead of our Champions League humilation?

smiley - grr

Mods in a coma?

Post 10147


You'll need it for both, Mac. smiley - sadface

Even more so now that two of our most important players are out for at least three months. Which, of course, means the rest of the season. smiley - grr

I need even more because of Ireland's inevitable trouncing in Moscow tonight. Friday's nil-nil draw got the weekend off to a very bad start.

Bad times all round. smiley - sadface

Mods in a coma?

Post 10148

McNamara That Ghost

Pretty much Jack. This will be the one time Arshavin decides to deliver. smiley - grr

Mods in a coma?

Post 10149

McNamara That Ghost

I forgot to say, I'll be back in an hour or so. smiley - grr

Mods in a coma?

Post 10150


I reckon so, Mac.

He'll be at his very best tonight and then he'll decide that he's done enough for the season and rest on his laurels. smiley - grr

Mods in a coma?

Post 10151

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Boyz! I've just spoken to a friend of mine, Prof Animal, and he's says you are more that welcome into the Sportsman's It tends to become active from about 10pm if you fancy a natter in there Now I will leave you to talk lil x

Mods in a coma?

Post 10152


Later, Mac. smiley - ok

Incidentally, I have a problem. On Friday I wrote 'Wed: 11:10' on a scrap of paper and left it beside my PC to remind myself of......something. smiley - erm

All morning I've been trying to remember why I did that. What am I supposed to be doing at ten past eleven on Wednesday?? smiley - erm

smiley - doh

smiley - grr

Mods in a coma?

Post 10153


The remote chance that you are to go on Teabreak? As if you would forget smiley - laugh

Or to the pub for some pre match pre drinks?

smiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - bubbly

Mods in a coma?

Post 10154


Another pub, eh?

A long standing one too.

10pm? So it's a late night bar. Hope they serve after hours. smiley - ok

smiley - ale

Mods in a coma?

Post 10155


I don't need to remind myself about that sort of stuff, PSD.

If I needed a reminder it must be work-related.

I have a horrible feeling someone's going to ring me at 11.10 tomorrow to ask me if I'm running late. smiley - sadface

smiley - doh

Mods in a coma?

Post 10156


Your posts are coming through a lot quicker now. smiley - ok

Are they having a laugh about Keano going to Iceland? Kerry Katona won't be happy about that smiley - biggrin

Mods in a coma?

Post 10157


I always thought that managing a supermarket is the limit of his abilities. smiley - ok

Of course, he'll only do it for a few months before walking off in a huff and glaring at innocent passers by while taking his dog for a run. smiley - grr

Mods in a coma?

Post 10158

McNamara That Ghost

Lil, sounds good. I could do with a drink. smiley - ok You having one too?

Jack, I think the best technique for remembering something you have forgotten is to not bother trying to remember it. You rarely do doing it like that. smiley - grr

As for Arshavin, how do we manage to make good players play like they can't work out what football is about? Arshavin spoons shots up in to the air more than tennis players do. smiley - grr

Mods in a coma?

Post 10159


I know, Mac. Wasn't he universally regarded as the best player in Euro 2008?

So how did he become a Russian dwarf version of Gus Caesar? smiley - erm

Also, Ireland kick off early today so I have to sort out what train I'm catching. And inevitable there's now a gale force wind coupled with sheeting rain. Earlier this morning I was looking out at blue skies. smiley - grr

Mods in a coma?

Post 10160


Right. Sorted out the train. I'll be here for another twenty minutes. smiley - ok

Not sure why I'm bothering to be honest. I'd probably enjoy a full day's work more than the trouncing we're about to get. smiley - grr

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