This is the Message Centre for Captain Malcolm Reynolds


Post 10081

Captain Malcolm Reynolds

You know what way, Mac you know. smiley - grr


Post 10082

McNamara That Ghost

It's not going to end well Captain.


Post 10083


Not sure what part of Austria they're from, Mac.

Could be Salzburg Sarah. Or Kitzbuehel Kate. smiley - erm

But those houses don't have basements so it should be okay. smiley - grr


Post 10084

Captain Malcolm Reynolds

Bye Jack.


Post 10085

McNamara That Ghost

Yeah but the houses they do have basements in they didn't check there.

smiley - grr


Post 10086


Although now I come to think of it, didn't that Fritzl guy actually build the basement himself without anyone noticing?

An impressive construction feat you have to admit. smiley - ok

I'll have to listen out for digging noises. smiley - erm


Post 10087

McNamara That Ghost

I'm guessing should you be invited round Fritzl would be the main topic of conversation? I mean what other famous guys do they have?

Well Hitler I suppose. smiley - erm


Post 10088


Fritzel Frau?

I am going to have to stop there before I post something that will get me bannedsmiley - grr


Post 10089

McNamara That Ghost

Yeah you don't want to get on the wrong side of the mods here, they can be pretty merciless.

Isn't that right Jack? smiley - ok


Post 10090


Yeah, you wouldn't want to do that, PSD. YOu might end up in premod for eight months. smiley - grr

It's a bit sad, isn't it, Mac? They've only got Hitler and Fritzl to ermmm, boast about. smiley - erm

Although, when it comes to celebs we've got Bono. smiley - grr

Might be best to steer the conversation away from celebrities when I'm talking to them. smiley - erm

Come to think of it, they've got Mozart as well. And some famous downhill skiers too, probably.


Post 10091

McNamara That Ghost

You might be best avoiding conversation at any cost Jack. smiley - grr

Bono, Hitler and Fritzl. A pretty grisly combination between the two countries.


Post 10092


They have that bloke that sung Rock me Amadeus - he was Austrian although can't remember who he is smiley - erm

Now got that song stuck in my headsmiley - grr


Post 10093

McNamara That Ghost

I have no idea.

smiley - grr


Post 10094


His name was Falco, PSD. And he's dead now anyway.

And Julie Andrews realistically doesn't count.

Okay Mac, I'll steer the conversations away from celebrities and basements. Maybe I'll just stick to football. smiley - ok


Post 10095

McNamara That Ghost

Do you know your Austrian football Jack?

smiley - ok


Post 10096


Well, I know that Trapattoni was Red Bull Salzburg manager before leaving to manage Ireland and the same team knocked Bohemians out of Europ with a flukey last minute goal a couple of years ago. Then there's Paul Scharner's dodgy haircurts. And the fact that Sturm Graz made the CL a couple of times and were absolutely useless.

So pretty expert, eh? smiley - ok

smiley - grr


Post 10097

McNamara That Ghost

That should keep the conversation going for oo, about five minutes.

smiley - ok

Should calm them down enough not to stick you in the basement though.


Post 10098


Fingers crossed, Mac.

I don't want to have half a dozen babies while locked in a basement for twenty years. smiley - grr


Post 10099

McNamara That Ghost

It's bad enough being in a house with kids already right?


Post 10100


Pretty much, Mac.

If only sex wasn't so much fun. smiley - grr

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