This is the Message Centre for Captain Malcolm Reynolds


Post 10261


Half an hour till you go to the pub! smiley - laugh


Post 10262


sorry I go to the pub - though it might be 45 mins I have just been told smiley - grr


Post 10263


You're so excited about it that you can't remember whether it's you or me who's going to the pub?

smiley - doh


Post 10264

McNamara That Ghost

Jack, it's always the way. The Weather Gods wouldn't be the cruel beings that we know them as if they didn't do things like that.

smiley - grr


Post 10265


They're almost as evil as the Football Gods, Mac.

Almost. But not quite. smiley - grr

Anyway, I'm done for today. Have a good weekend. smiley - ok


Post 10266

McNamara That Ghost

Have a good weekend. I am sure the Weather Gods and Football Gods are all in cahoots. smiley - grr


Post 10267

Reality Manipulator

Hello allsmiley - smiley

I am staying in Tilbury for a few days, lot quieter than where I live on Ockendon where I'm regulary woken up with people coming in through the communal entrance as my bedroom is on the ground floor.

Forecasted winds up to 75 wpm on Monday, time to batten down the hatches.


Post 10268


Morning Thinker,

We have gale warnings here - I drove to work rather than getting blown off the bike.

Although don't think its as bad as in South of England smiley - erm


Post 10269


Morning PSD. smiley - ok

Quite windy all right.

Good weekend?

I got here just in time for tea break. So I'm not late. smiley - grr


Post 10270


Pretty hectic weekend - pub Friday night.

Gardai were visiting when I got home smiley - grr apparently Emily's two friends who were sleeping over had actually run away from home smiley - grr

And Ikea yesterday which is always stressful - nice meal on the way home thoughsmiley - ok


Post 10271


smiley - laugh

Must have been fun to get home half slaughtered and discover the cops were investigating the fact that two disappearewd kids were in your house.

I have made a promise to myself never to cross the threshold of Ikea. smiley - grr

And I'm confident of keeping that promise. smiley - ok


Post 10272


We are doing the kitchen and there is not a chance I would let him have his own way with it smiley - grr

He says that next room is the bathroom so I don't mind him going up on his own smiley - ok

Although its nice to drop into Joels on the Naas Road on the way home - had a good burger there yesterday smiley - ok


Post 10273


Yeah, they do a good burger in Joel's. smiley - ok

Just thinking about it is making me hungry. smiley - grr

Only half an hour or so until lunchtime though. smiley - ok

Wonder what time Mac will be out of bed today. I'm gonna guess 1.45. smiley - erm


Post 10274

McNamara That Ghost

Close Jack, close.

Morning people.

smiley - grr


Post 10275


Afternoon Mac smiley - ok

Nice of you to join us smiley - laugh


Post 10276


Afternoon, Mac. smiley - ok

I like the way you say good morning even though you posted an hour and a half after the morning ended. smiley - grr


Post 10277

McNamara That Ghost

Yeah but Jack, really, it's still morning for me. smiley - ok

PSD, you're welcome!


Post 10278


Mac, you can't simply claim it's still morning because you've just got out of bed. At that rate if you'd stayed in bed another ten hours you'd be saying 11pm is the morning.

I bet you've done that on occasions, haven't you? smiley - grr


Post 10279

McNamara That Ghost

11pm? Nah that's a step too far Jack. That'd mean missing three mealtimes. smiley - grr


Post 10280


True enough, Mac.

And you wouldn't get to a pub by closing time either. smiley - grr

Although, if it was a matchday you wouldn't have to live through the disaster. smiley - grr

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