This is the Message Centre for Captain Malcolm Reynolds


Post 10281

McNamara That Ghost

I wouldn't be able to help myself Jack, I might not have watched it but I'd still seek out the result. smiley - grr It would just be better if I hibernated. All animals that hibernate are happy aren't they? You never see an angry squirrel.


Post 10282


But suppose there was a squirrel who was a Barcelona fan, Mac. smiley - erm

He'd miss everything. smiley - grr


Post 10283

McNamara That Ghost

I'm guessing he could hibernate with smug satisfaction Messi, Xavi and Iniesta would take care of business. He can always catch the highlights in the spring. smiley - grr


Post 10284


Yeah, but all his non-hibernating mates will have stories to tell their grandchildren about it.

Whereas he'll just be reduced to a story along the lines of 'I woke up one day to find that the lads won everything in my absence and everyone got plastered while I was asleep'.

His grandchildren will hate him for having such rubbish stories. smiley - grr


Post 10285

McNamara That Ghost

I guess if he times it right he can hibernate when they won't actually get round to finishing off winning everything. Plus they'll be missing a few important games in December this year to go to the World Club Cup.

smiley - grr


Post 10286


But one day, Mac, that tournament will take off and he'd be able to boast to his grandchildren about the day he watched it, without telling him that it really wasn't of any interest at the time of course......but only if he wasn't hibernating. smiley - grr

I think we have to conclude that hibernation is a great idea of you're an Arsenal fan but a rubbish idea of you're a Barcelona fan. smiley - grr


Post 10287

McNamara That Ghost

Maybe all squirrels are Arsenal fans then.

smiley - grr


Post 10288


Bears too, Mac.

I have it on good authority that most bears in North America catch salmon while wearing a Ray Parlour shirt. smiley - grr


Post 10289

McNamara That Ghost

Salmons must think a legend has come to visit them. smiley - grr


Post 10290


Still a sickener though, Mac.

You get one chance to have sex in your whole life and you have to swim for 4000 miles to get it and seconds before you get there you get eaten while trying to jump up a watefall.

smiley - grr


Post 10291

McNamara That Ghost

Don't salmons realise it's a waste of time? smiley - grr

If anybody could advise a group on not getting involved with someone, it'd be Ray Parlour. smiley - whistle


Post 10292


Getting involved with someone was a bad idea for him, Mac. smiley - laugh

Anyway, gotta go. Talk tomorrow. smiley - ok


Post 10293

McNamara That Ghost

Have a good one Jack.

smiley - ok


Post 10294


Morning people. smiley - ok

Bit of a hold up today, but I've made it in time for tea break. smiley - ok


Post 10295

McNamara That Ghost

Morning people. smiley - ok

Jack, good tea break?


Post 10296


Passable, Mac. Nothing special.

You didn't quite manage the hibernation thing again then? Today might have been a good day to start. smiley - grr


Post 10297

McNamara That Ghost

Jack, I can't help but be an idiot and subject myself to misery. smiley - grr


Post 10298


Me too, Mac.

We should be locked up, frankly. smiley - grr


Post 10299

McNamara That Ghost

I'd still request a tv. smiley - grr


Post 10300


I guess we'll just have to conclude that we will never, ever be logical again. smiley - sadface

smiley - grr

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