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Osama...a US Creation.....

A thought just crossed my mind.(dangerous, I know...but it happens sometimessmiley - winkeye)

Our CIA trained him. We didn't know what would happen. At the time he was on our side....we had no reason not to.

Now hes' the worlds' top terrorist.

We taught him what he knows. At last report I heard, we have 45,000 more trained just like him here in the US.

The difference is, we KNOW they are on our side.

"Goodnight Sweet Princess, Whoever You Are!"


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Latest reply: Oct 18, 2001

He Died Last Night....

...My brother-in law. My sisters' husband of some thirty some-odd years.

He was but a few years older than myself....and it came on so sudden.

No...not a heart attack. Didn't drink, didn't smoke. Fine, upstanding "leader of the community" type.....and serious with it. No skeletons in his closet.

He was the picture of health 8 months ago. Went for a standard check-up....that diagnosed him with a particularly virulent form of leukemia.

The funeral is Wednesday. The doctors did everything they could.....but it was too late. His lungs had taken the beating too severely.

Their children are grown, my sisters' future is secure(he WAS a great husband).....but he will be missed.

I hope "big sister" will be allright.

"Goodnight Sweet Princess, Whoever You Are!"


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Latest reply: Oct 15, 2001

Whos' Minding the Store?

I am SO tired of the US bashing I could s**t.

Seems everything in the world is our fault....but we shouldn't have a say in anything, 'cause we'll only muck it up!

World unrest is our fault 'cause our foriegn policies caused it. Global warming is our fault 'cause we use more energy than anyone else. We shouldn't be allowed to carry weopons, 'cause we might be tempted to ambush someone. We shouldn't have a death penalty in our laws because its' morally hypocritical. "Dubya" shouldn't be president 'cause our election laws are faulty..........*ad nauseum*.... which I say "BULLPUCKY"!

This world is way too complex for any one nation to control the chaos involved. We make a good scapegoat simply because we are as powerful as we are.

We didn't stumble into this power so we must be doing SOMETHING right. You couldn't tell it by reading the posts in H2G2.

I don't want to get in anymore discussions on politics, simply because there is always a list of extreme right or left Reasearchers waiting to pounce on anyone who might be so "nieve" as to think there might be a spot of "middleground" somewhere. (hey all you grammer nuts...hows' THAT for a "run-on" sentence!smiley - winkeye)

Just for kicks, may I say that I am all FOR global still frosts in central Alabama!smiley - 50 years my little house could possibly be "beachfront"!LOL

"Goodnight Sweet Princess, Whoever You Are!"


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Latest reply: Oct 13, 2001

May It Be Short Lived!

Its' started.

We all knew it was coming.

Thanks, Britain, for your help. When we haven't been at war with one've always been there for we have been for you.

I hear Germany and France may get into the act. I even caught in the paper that Japan and Russia are throwin' in with us as well.

Maybe we aren't as far off course as I have been told by some.

Thats' good to "hippie brain" is already on overload!

"Goodnight Sweet Princess, Whoever You Are!"


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Latest reply: Oct 8, 2001

AHH! This is More Like It!!!

Its' been a most pleasant eve in here!

Nice chats, a little fun...a little serious. Nothing sinister or overbearing.

Yep....quite pleasant!smiley - smiley

"Goodnight Sweet Princess, Whoever You Are!"


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Latest reply: Sep 30, 2001

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