Journal Entries
Old and Getting Older
Posted Feb 17, 2007
I've been trying to think of a different quoat to post on my page. There's nothing jumping out of my mind...but then, there's nothing unusual about that.
Anonimity is a wonderful thing, at times. No one will read this, and that has it's advantages. I can ramble about nothing and not be critisized. Such as mundane day-to-day happenings.
I turned 50 last month. Not really troubling...but my older sister turns 60 next week. Her kids invited me to a big birthday blowout bash in her honour next week.(love the "U" in, I'm not British, just been around H2G2 too long!) I'm the surprise. Think about that for a moment.
I haven't seen or spoken to her in a year. I had to have my niece send me directions because I have no idea where they live. It's not that I don't care or love them.....I just seem to keep to myself. Perhaps too much.
I love my brother and sisters dearly, and there are no family issues between us. We just live very diverse lives. That was hard for my new wife to comprehend, at first.
We had been married 6 months before she or I ever even spoke to my brother(she has now met him...finally), she has never met or spoken to my older sister since shes' known me. My eldest sister, she barely knows anything about. We've been married almost a year.
I'm the youngest of the siblings, and I know time is growing short for all of us. I just wonder, sometimes, if I should persue a closer relationship with them.
But we're all so different.....I love them dearly, but they don't fit in my world and I don't fit in theirs. I suppose how it is is how it is.
Hmmmm.....can I quoat myself on my space?
Why not.
"Goodnight Sweet Princess, Whoever You Are."
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Latest reply: Feb 17, 2007
Merry Christmas!
Posted Dec 23, 2006
AHHHHH!!!! I have 8 days off in the course of 2 weeks! Now...
If it would quit raining and warm up I could do something around the house!
Did I mention I'm praying for heavy rain and a nasty cold front?!LOL
"Goodnight Sweet Princess, Wherever You Are."
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Latest reply: Dec 23, 2006
Well...It's Official
Posted Nov 11, 2006
7 days a week. So much for those home improvement projects fo a while.
'Eck...I won't even have time for routine maintenence.
I can only hope the FCC refuses to allow AT&T to buyout Bellsouth. That's the only way work will slow down.....but no decision expected on that issue 'till after the first of the year.
It's going to be a LONG holiday season!
"Goodnight Sweet Princess, Whoever You Are"
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Latest reply: Nov 11, 2006
I Need A Time Out.
Posted Nov 5, 2006
I have worked 6 days a week every week since June 1st, 2004.
Well, that's not entirely true. I've been off for holidays, one week for vacation, and we actually only worked 5 days a week back in April of this year.
My yard is a mess and the home maintenence "honeydew" list is as thick as Websters Unabridged!.....And no end in sight!
The bosses have mentioned going to 7 days a week. I did that for 2 years, once. I was single, wasn't a homeowner, and didn't have anything else to do. Oh, and I was MUCH younger! Even with that, I told myself I'd never do it again unless the poles were broke and the cable was down in the roadway.(I install utility poles for the telephone company)
Thats' ok. The Christmas holidays are coming. I'll have a fresh 2 week vacation benefit up and ready on the first of January. I'll get some rest....but I bet nothing much gets done around here.
Maybe when the days start getting longer again.
"Goodnight Sweet Princess, Whoever You Are."
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Latest reply: Nov 5, 2006
Tomorrows' the Big Day!
Posted Apr 29, 2006
Wedding day....yes mine! They say the third time is a charm.
If one believes in omens, our meeting had a good one. I met my bride the night I went to see the Hitchhikers' Guide movie. Plum fitting, at least in my mind!
If anyone reads this, wish us luck.
"Goodnight Sweet Princess, Whoever You Are."
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Latest reply: Apr 29, 2006
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