This is the Message Centre for Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

Carry On Up The Busiest Forums List

Post 81

Drool Frood the Second

Goodness me .I'm away for a few days and the next thing I find is that
this forum has degenerated into some sort of picnic!
Well,as I have decide not to go on a diet until the New year I think
I will partake of a morsel or two.
Whats on the menu Helena?

Carry On Up The Busiest Forums List

Post 82

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

Some fruit? *shows Drool two apples and a banana*

Carry On Up The Busiest Forums List

Post 83

Mrs V

A jucy pear?? Melons, you should give them a squeeze EV

Carry On Up The Busiest Forums List

Post 84


Well, I was in the mood for a banana, but now I don't know. It's a bit too soft for my liking. And it's going all black too... that can't be healthy, can it?

Carry On Up The Busiest Forums List

Post 85

Beaker (Muse of bad guitar playing and Pork Pies)

I dunno - peel the skin back and have a look...

Carry On Up The Busiest Forums List

Post 86

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

Careful - mind my plums.

Carry On Up The Busiest Forums List

Post 87


*gingerly peels back the skin from the end*

Well Doctor, you'll be glad to know it looks much healthier underneath. In fact, I think it looks quite tasty...

Carry On Up The Busiest Forums List

Post 88

Damon the Demon

eek Ive never seen one that mushy before. If your dont get someone to eat it they tend to go very soft and can even break off.

Carry On Up The Busiest Forums List

Post 89

Beaker (Muse of bad guitar playing and Pork Pies)

Carry On Up The Busiest Forums List

Post 90

Beaker (Muse of bad guitar playing and Pork Pies)

Oops ...!! I was a bit premature there!!

I was going to say that it's probably better if you peel the skin back a little way and just nibble the end...

Carry On Up The Busiest Forums List

Post 91


The skin on the end won't stay back on its own though.

Mmm. I'm going to have to use my BIG BANANA CHOPPING SHEARS!!!!

*brandishes said kitchen implement like a maniac*

Carry On Up The Busiest Forums List

Post 92

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

'Scuse me.... I'm just, er, going to the lavatory. *disappears very quickly indeed*

Carry On Up The Busiest Forums List

Post 93

Cupid Stunt

OWW!! mmm, Well, i suppose i better be off too!

Carry On Up The Busiest Forums List

Post 94


I've got another banana here, with a couple of kiwifruit...

Carry On Up The Busiest Forums List

Post 95

Sidney Kidney, AKA Gruby Ben, friend of Dirty Den


Carry On Up The Busiest Forums List

Post 96

Beaker (Muse of bad guitar playing and Pork Pies)

I dunno - all the staff here cleared off to the toilets last night and we're all still waiting for breakfast.

When's the nurse going to arrive with something hot for me to get me teeth into??

Carry On Up The Busiest Forums List

Post 97

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

Here, Beaker, I've got a surprise for you... close your eyes and open your mouth...

Carry On Up The Busiest Forums List

Post 98

Beaker (Muse of bad guitar playing and Pork Pies)

Rats. Trust me to get the Pervy Doctor...!!!

Carry On Up The Busiest Forums List

Post 99

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

Hmmmph. Well, if you don't want a mince pie, that's up to you!
*minces off with his mince pie*

Carry On Up The Busiest Forums List

Post 100

Beaker (Muse of bad guitar playing and Pork Pies)

Shouldn't that be ... can I have a Mince Pie???

*Stands back* Ok - be my guest..

Sorry Doctor, but I was that you were offering me stuffing then...

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