This is the Message Centre for Jo (Dead)

Did I find #4?

Post 141


What was that for? smiley - smiley

Did I find #4?

Post 142

Jimi X

So are you talking to me, or not? And how was I used? And what the h*ll is going on anyway.
And why, when one swears, do you take out the vowel? Does that make it OK to curse?

When everything cools down, I'd love to know what has or has not occurred, especially as it relates to me! I like Jinx. I like Lisa. I like Menz@r@e. I even like myself!

Though I don't like myself when I'm this confused!

Did I find #4?

Post 143


Can I just say that I'm founding the "Whats Up With Lisa and Jinx" club, anyone want to join. smiley - smiley

Did I find #4?

Post 144

Jimi X

I think you and I are charter members...
smiley - smiley

Did I find #4?

Post 145


Do you tink they could do with a big bunch of flowers?

The answers

Post 146

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga

1. Everyone falls out with their mates. If not then you realise it's not a healthy relationship!
2. It was no one's fault. (you see by saying that then there's no more argument.)
3. We're friends again.
4. (Just to keep everything on track) 42.

Oh and no flowers thanks, I'm allergic!

The answers

Post 147


A Box of chocolates? smiley - smiley

Sorry but I've got to go, Its been a little busy this evening. smiley - bigeyes

The answers

Post 148

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga

I locked myself in the bathroom today and stuffed my face with chocolate.... hmm...blis..... smiley - smiley

Did I find #4?

Post 149

Jimi X

Maybe we should agree to blame Peta! smiley - winkeye

Oh, BTW did you like the smiley - fish?

Did I find #4?

Post 150

Jo (Dead)

1)Menzarse:Your kiss was for being amazingly wonderful as were all other signs of affection; I'll join the "What's up with Lisa and Jinx" club. Sometimes I'm not sure myself; I'll have the flowers! I like flowers. I think I'll put them on Norman's grave.
2)Jimi X:I am talking to you, of course 'cos you're wonderful and I don't hold anything against you; I'm not sure how I used you, but I'm sure I must have at some point;Lisa pretty much explained what's happening, but she didn't say why. It's basically 'cos I'm throwing myself at life without any thoughts over what might happen. She doesn't want me getting hurt. I'm fine though. Really;This only relates to you because you happen to be in this forum.
3)Lisa:Still friends, still smiling. So far, so hoopy.
smiley - smiley

Did I find #4?

Post 151


That sorts out most of the confusion, but can I ask one simple and small question, WHAT KISS? smiley - smiley

Did I find #4?

Post 152

Jo (Dead)

The one I gave you quite a few postings ago, I still don't regret it. Search back through the entries and you'll find it.
smiley - smiley
Happy Hallowe'en!

*kisses Menza@@e agin*

You can't miss that one.
smiley - winkeye


Did I find #4?

Post 153


Found it, do you think I should have some antibiotics. smiley - winkeye

Did I find #4?

Post 154

Jimi X

You do look a little green in the face...

Did I find #4?

Post 155

Jo (Dead)

*tries to look severe whilst blushing and smiling*

I think that was insulting me!
smiley - winkeye

Did I find #4?

Post 156


All part of the service. smiley - bigeyes

Did I find #4?

Post 157

Jo (Dead)

Oh. Well that's alright then.
smiley - winkeye

Did I find #4?

Post 158


Have you recovered from all the chocolate? smiley - smiley

Did I find #4?

Post 159

Jo (Dead)

*evil chocolate covered grin*

smiley - winkeye

Did I find #4?

Post 160


Thought as much. smiley - smiley

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