This is the Message Centre for vegiman:-)

HI vegiman:-)

Post 21

Jenn (ACE)

Hi vegiman
it's jenn, the pseudo-ace!
smiley - fairy

HI vegiman:-)

Post 22

Kasia, P.S. of Syncopation,Muse of Classic Goo Fans, Keeper of Rainbows, Zaphodista (visit Crossed Purposes Pub: A429310)

Hi vegimansmiley - smiley

good to see you are back, too smiley - biggrin

I reactivated my Crossed Purposes pub, so come along for a drink!

Hope, you will be able to make your great updates in the future - looking to itsmiley - smiley

smiley - hug and smiley - smooch

Kasia smiley - angel

HI vegiman:-)

Post 23


Oooo - I have been lacking as a host. Thursday through to Saturdays are a busy time for me IRL - Sorry for the delay in welccoming you all back to the Compost Heap and thanks for dropping in. smiley - ok

HiYa Garibaldi
If smiley - ale is not your cuppa tea then hows about a smiley - stiffdrink but dont drink too many, they are awefully strong smiley - winkeye

Hey Drool Frood the Second
I think the mess will gradually become a distant memory as the new guide takes a foothold - Some are not happy smiley - steam but you cant please everyone smiley - cry

Getting on real well on site - I wish I could say the same IRL - I need that smiley - ale now smiley - winkeye

Welcome Jenn (ACE)
Wads der matter arn't you feeling real. smiley - ghost. They say pseudo things work 30% of the time smiley - winkeye have a smiley - rose to make you fell more smiley - magic.

Watcha Kasia, P.S. of Syncopation,Muse of Classic Goo Fans, Keeper of Rainbows (visit Crossed Purposes Pub: A429310)
Phew I am out of breath after typing that lot - I need a smiley - doctor on second thoughts make that a smiley - nurse to put me to rights.

I'd love to pop over for a drink and when I get the time - I will do just that smiley - winkeye As for the pages - well - I cant host them on h2g2 anymore, so when I get the urge for another fun purge, I will link it to one of my websites, so watch this space smiley - star

I think this must be the most I've ever used the smileys in a single posting - I am a little smiley - devil arnt I

vegsmiley - smiley

HI vegiman:-)

Post 24

Jenn (ACE)

how did you get this neat box on your user page? i searched and searched the guideml clinic, and couldn't figure it out! please tell me!
smiley - fairy

HI vegiman:-)

Post 25


I was going to write a long explaination but thought it would be easier to do it for you.

I started a forum called Jenn's Workshop

The following coding if put on you page will lead to that forum. If you want to change the heading you can or what will show in the box.

Want to leave it as it is, then just write an intro at the beginning
Vegsmiley - smiley

copy from the next line downsmiley - smiley




Hi Jenn (ACE)

HI vegiman:-)

Post 26


Hi vegimansmiley - smiley
Just testing your box vegiman. Greetings from watercress county. How are you?
smiley - fish

HI vegiman:-)

Post 27


Hi and how are you my old trout?

Nice to have you return to der forum.

Hows the kids ? [ you must be really settled in by now ]

Must rush now - just off to work.
catcha soon
vegsmiley - smiley

HI vegiman:-)

Post 28


Settling in has taken a long time, and the process continues. It might be easier if it stopped raining! Even this old trout could do with a break from all the water around.
Have a good day vegiman! Catch you soon.
smiley - fish

HI vegiman:-)

Post 29


Hi vegimansmiley - smiley

~waves at vegiman~

Got any Earl Grey?

smiley - cool

HI vegiman:-)

Post 30


Hi vegimansmiley - smiley

~waves at vegiman~

Got any Earl Grey?

smiley - cool

HI vegiman:-)

Post 31


I Certainly have got some Earl Grey - tell e how you like it and I'll make you a smiley - coffee

Thanks for dropping in
Lots of fun

HI vegiman:-)

Post 32


mmm, Earl Grey!!

Neat, I believe is the term, that is sans le creme ou le sucre, (oops!, I come from a bi-lingual country, and sometimes I slip up smiley - winkeye I really meant to say, without cream or sugar, thanks!

I brought some smiley - cupcakes and smiley - donuts

Lovely day here, what's it like in Merry Old?

HI vegiman:-)

Post 33


wow! my parlez en francais survived, (so far) weird.
Man, that tea was fine. Thanks muchly!smiley - smiley

If you have time and the inclination, come on over to and join in the singalong.

There will be smiley - cupcakes, smiley - donuts, smiley - coffee, and smiley - ale for those who really sing loud.smiley - ok

HI vegiman:-)

Post 34


Why Tankeee Taleisin

When I get some time - I will try and pop over - Who could refuse such an initation.
vegsmiley - smiley

HI vegiman:-)

Post 35

Researcher 170458

Hi vegimansmiley - smileyCan you help, tried to get my page up & running but it keeps telling me its awaiting moderation. Don't know what to do now.
Grateful for any help........Driver.

HI vegiman:-)

Post 36


I'll pop over now Driver and have a look
vegsmiley - smiley

HI vegiman:-)

Post 37


Hi Driver - I popped over to U36660 which I think is the page you wanted me to have a look at. I used 'test' to see what was there and it says 'Article Hidden' so I couldn't see what the problem might be.

I take it you have tried edit and you found nothing there other than a message from the moderater.

I had this problem when I was testing the site before relaunch and I decided to just start from scratch and re-write the page.

If it is some other problem then please let me know what it is and what happens when you activate the edit button. Also if this is not the page then give me what page number you want me to look at.

Or is it you are having trouble logging in on your old page ? Let me know.
All The Best
Vegsmiley - smiley

Hi vegiman

Post 38


Hi vegiman...why are you called vegiman? I'm new here and am trying out random links...I like your picture of a compost heap though...Beky... smiley - monster...did that make a little picture of a monster? That's the first time I've tried one of them. Bye.

Hi vegiman

Post 39


Hi Beky - yes it made the piccy smiley - ok and thanks for dropping in.

I am call vegiman cos I am one - I'm not made of veggies but I do deliver em door to door.

In all der spaces, in all the site - yer hadta walk into this onesmiley - winkeye

Thanks for that.
vegsmiley - biggrin

Thanks for the ACE list (cuppa tea) thingy

Post 40

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

I got an ACE e-mail telling me how: so gone I've stuck it onto my page now - but is there anyway to change the colouring? I remember you warned that it has to be visable in both Goo and Alabaster but I've never had to bother with anything above rudiamentary GuideML coding before this, so what should I do?

Clive smiley - smiley

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