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Don't touch my glass... pleashh
msmonsy Posted Oct 25, 1999
ermmmm....i really hate to be a bother as it seems we seem to have a bit of a problem with multiple NM's at the moment but, could we possibly move this to a new thread?? my computer is really starting to not like this one as it is quite is taking FOREVER to load
Don't touch my glass... pleashh
Post Team Posted Nov 28, 2002
Hi Nonnie
I spent a whole afternoon following all the links right from the first ever party to where the BFG's were born and onwards and upwards. It is just wonderful to finally have them all back!
Don't touch my glass... pleashh
Post Team Posted Nov 29, 2002
Busy, busy, busy - despite having time a couple of weeks ago to check out the returned fora.
In about 10 minutes I must take to the saddle once again and ride into the wind and rain to sit yet another exam! I'm beginning to go off Fridays!
Still, I'm looking forward to the festive season - especially the end of December when Pierce is coming to stay for a few days - I just hope he survives the New Year Day party at Het Kasteel - it doesn't even start until 1.30 am
Don't touch my glass... pleashh
Wowbagger Posted Nov 29, 2002
Sounds fantastic shazz! (apart from the exams of course ).
Being a cellar man Pastey you must be involved in Christmas/New Year drinkies of some kind ...
Don't touch my glass... pleashh
Pastey Posted Nov 29, 2002
My dear Wowwey baby! You don't keep up with the times do you? I'm working as an Internet Applications Developer these days
Never far from beer though...
Don't touch my glass... pleashh
FairlyStrange Posted Nov 29, 2002
OK...I'm glad to see this back.....and I TRIED to comment last night.....but I must have poked the wrong button!
Look...all this commeraderie is nice, but its' been so long now, that MN took a job a a traffic cop in New York(the extra arm was a help) and I'm still stuck here with only one arm....
Wowbagger....would you kindly push a button?...ANY button! Anythings' gotta be better than this!(yeah...MN's gonna' be P.O.'d.....but he shouldn't exist anyway!...and much longer and he'll be able to collect retirement benifits!:D)
Don't touch my glass... pleashh
Wowbagger Posted Nov 30, 2002
Oh okay mate. If you inist.
*pushes button*
Don't touch my glass... pleashh
Swiv (decrepit postgrad) Posted Nov 30, 2002
we're back are we?
*gapes in amazement*
Don't touch my glass... pleashh
Post Team Posted Nov 30, 2002
Hi Swiv, hi everyone.
Erm - who's this MN guy anyway? Don't you mean NM
I think someone may have been enjoying Thanksgiving!
Don't touch my glass... pleashh
FairlyStrange Posted Nov 30, 2002
eeerrrmmm...Shazz, me thinks you may want to re-read the page before this. I seem to have a bit of a problem.....eeerrr..
.....maybe its' worse, or maybe better now. I'm not sure.
Wowbagger, I appreciate the "button push", but I'm a tad indecisive about wheather it was a good idea or not.
We are down to one body...but 3 arms and 2 heads is a little confusing!
MN's head ain't too happy, either!
Don't touch my glass... pleashh
TowelMaster Posted Dec 2, 2002
I wondered why this thread popped up again after *three years*! And then I noticed these names; Shazz, Fairly Strange, Pastey, Wowbagger... No Wonder then! On retours tojours a ses premier amour ?
"I have a sense of Deja-Vie, I think I have forgotten this before..."
Don't touch my glass... pleashh
TowelMaster Posted Dec 2, 2002
Hey NM! With the two heads you now have a pretty good excuse if you contradict 'yourself'.. And a third arm? one word : StereoBeer!
Don't touch my glass... pleashh
Wowbagger Posted Dec 2, 2002
I hope he has more than one stomach... two drinking heads could be a but much.
The button I pressed was the 'reset' button NM. Any particular problems you have from this point on are your own concern.
Don't touch my glass... pleashh
FairlyStrange Posted Dec 2, 2002 a supercompurter handy?
Just what is the "Improbability Index" of the re-start button malfunctioning?..........and just how far DID that little bit of boost move the ship?
Don't touch my glass... pleashh
Wowbagger Posted Dec 3, 2002
Oh I thought I'd hit the backlog 'reset' button. Drat drat drat!
I'll have to go off and read it now...
*goes off to read the backlog, muttering as he goes *
Key: Complain about this post
Don't touch my glass... pleashh
- 221: msmonsy (Oct 25, 1999)
- 222: Anonymouse (Oct 25, 1999)
- 223: Anonymouse (Nov 28, 2002)
- 224: Post Team (Nov 28, 2002)
- 225: Pastey (Nov 28, 2002)
- 226: Wowbagger (Nov 28, 2002)
- 227: Post Team (Nov 29, 2002)
- 228: Pastey (Nov 29, 2002)
- 229: Wowbagger (Nov 29, 2002)
- 230: Pastey (Nov 29, 2002)
- 231: FairlyStrange (Nov 29, 2002)
- 232: Wowbagger (Nov 30, 2002)
- 233: Swiv (decrepit postgrad) (Nov 30, 2002)
- 234: Post Team (Nov 30, 2002)
- 235: FairlyStrange (Nov 30, 2002)
- 236: TowelMaster (Dec 2, 2002)
- 237: TowelMaster (Dec 2, 2002)
- 238: Wowbagger (Dec 2, 2002)
- 239: FairlyStrange (Dec 2, 2002)
- 240: Wowbagger (Dec 3, 2002)
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