Edited Entries
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ID | Title | Created |
A480502 | Messier Objects | Dec 20, 2000 |
A476606 | Trigonometry | Dec 14, 2000 |
A491465 | Project Apollo - Mission Planning | Dec 13, 2000 |
A447266 | Band Aid and Live Aid | Dec 13, 2000 |
A445989 | Spandau Ballet - the Band | Dec 13, 2000 |
A456022 | Adam Ant - Pop Star | Dec 13, 2000 |
A439940 | Culture Club - the Band | Dec 13, 2000 |
A424117 | Duran Duran - the Band | Dec 13, 2000 |
A426205 | Human League - the Band | Dec 13, 2000 |
A476877 | Columbus, Ohio, USA | Dec 13, 2000 |
A396812 | Mercury | Dec 5, 2000 |
A396939 | Venus | Dec 5, 2000 |
A398405 | Chiron - a Celestial Entity | Dec 5, 2000 |
A399909 | Moon | Dec 5, 2000 |
A402003 | Jupiter | Dec 5, 2000 |
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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."