This is the Message Centre for spiderbaby

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Post 2101


...or writing them.

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Post 2102


Better actualty write one then, I guess!

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Post 2103


is anyone going to kick off a 100 word group on the Dock? Should I do it?

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Post 2104


Give Spidey a chance to, Weaver.

It is her baby after all.

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Post 2105


Well, that's my advice, anyhow. By all means start your own, I just think it'll be nice if Spidey could.

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Post 2106


She was going to do one on her Red Sofa.

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Post 2107


Doesn't mean she can't have one there too. What you think, spidey? It seems to be becoming GW's new home.

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Post 2108


My ears are burning! Hi, how about the 4th March. It'll be the last one on here I think, unless a miracle happens. The campaign is going well but we have to have a contingency plan.

Happy to transfer this to Writer's Dock instead of the Sofa as it might attract more people and feedback. If we are all transferring over there anyway and resettling in a new community it makes more sense.

You will still all be welcome to keep in touch though on the Red fact,, I demand that you do! You don't have to wade through my poetry there. I have set up a Coffee Table for us all to sit round and have a natter.

I have a 'friends' work thread so if you want to mail me your poems or stories I can include them on there. I see Red Sofa as an extension of my own house which is a place where lots of friends of all ages come for tea and sympathy and a laff every day.

Lets make this last challenge on here the BEST EVER!!!! Oh, and post your stories in short fiction too. Not enough postings lately , people slipping away. If the powers that be or potential supporters visit the site let's give them something good to read.

spideysmiley - teasmiley - cake

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Post 2109


I just took a look at your site, spidey. Ark at you showing off a proud front smiley - laugh

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Post 2110


smiley - biggrin

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Post 2111


Yeah, I was waiting for spidey to go for it first, but I thought I might as well raise the issue.

So, how many have the WD site open in another browser window then?

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Post 2112


*holds hand up*

I've used the chat room a few times in there. It's quite cool 'talking' to people in real time that you've been posting messages to for months.

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Post 2113


something GW shoulda had a long time ago.

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Post 2114


I'm not going to be able to do any of this smiley - wah Writers dock smiley - wah Sofas smiley - wah browsers smiley - wah windows smiley - wah

I'll have to wonder off to the cyber grave yard were all the thickos who only know how to turn their computers on go.

On the 23rd of March I will be in here with a bottle of wine and some tunes singing away and then it will all go dark, think about me sometimes me auld chumssmiley - wah

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Post 2115


Just buck your ideas up & get over there!

Good grief, woman...

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Post 2116



I'm bumbling about like doddery old bag over at Writer's Dock - no idea how to keep track of conversations I've jumped into, wandering aimlessly in and out of forums (still dressed as Hannibal Lecter smiley).

People started talking about opening an other window and keeping GW and Writer's Dock up at the same time, but it sounds a bit chilly to me, so I'll keep doing things the slow, stupid way until my husband passes and says, 'Why are you doing that? Oh, for God's sake! Move over!'

Come and join us at Writer's dock - I'm sure we'll bump into each other.


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Post 2117


If you don't make it there, you'll miss me swearing in the chat room with reckless abandon.

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Post 2118


I have just tried,

I filled in the registration form, got my e-mail and went to the link which asked me to log on, but of course when I tried it was INCORRECT!!!! computers hate me! they know I'm a fool.

Reckless abandon eh, Enig? that I have to see.smiley - laugh and who are you swearing at? or is it just in general?

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Post 2119

Stationery Explorer


If it makes you any happier, I just tried to register at WD and had exactly the same problem. Maybe a server problem, or they have not registered our details on their own system yet. Recommend trying again later.

Hope this makes you feel slightly more computer literate - or me less so. Hopefully the former.

smiley - biggrin

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Post 2120


Just in general. Swears make a nice adjective.

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