This is the Message Centre for spiderbaby

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Post 2081


Confused? I am.

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Post 2082


you're not alone, Kate.

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Post 2083


Japanese 'No' theatre? I'm being obscure again, aren't I?



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Post 2084


Confused by...?

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Post 2085


I like Noh masks smiley - winkeye

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Post 2086


Before this goes any further, I wasn't thinking of Japanese theatre when I wrote the title. That's not to say you can't write about it if you want, but I believe, as someone has already pointed out, it's spelt 'noh'.

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Post 2087


Aren't Roy and haveago two different people? I'm confused now

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Post 2088


Weaver, I never thought you were thinking about Noh (yes, that is the correct spelling)theatre - it was just the first thing that came into my head. It was just a joke.

The title has countless possiblities.


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Post 2089


You're right, Linda. Haveago is Roger. I really have to lay off the Shiraz with dinner.


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Post 2090


smiley - bubblysmiley - starWell done PeeWee and Weave Master! smiley - starsmiley - bubbly

Being stuck between you two is like being a wee smiley - rose between two thorns, eh?! Shucks... smiley - loveblushsmiley - tongueout

So with Enig's and Weaver's titles, I've added mine:

The Test
No Rehearsal
Secret Keys

PS: The 'Roy' you may be refering to is not Haveago or RoyRodel (some chance). He's the 'ROY' who used to participate in this challenge and the only 'ROY' - Thee Poet Wordsmith extraordinaire U523135

(Where the hell are ye Mister? Get back in here or else... smiley - wah)

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Post 2091


No, it was haveago smiley - erm

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Post 2092


The 'Haveago' who's name is 'Rodger'?? smiley - erm

I've only ever known one 'Roy' and unfortunately have met someone posing as 'RoyRodel'...

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Post 2093


Erm, was it Roger? lol. smiley - laugh That's who I meant, anyway.

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Post 2094


Ach, nevermind. Mistaken identity and all that. These worders are coming fast and furious now. VRooooooooooooooooooom! smiley - somersaultsmiley - headhurts

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Post 2095


Congrats to Enig, Weaver & jen
smiley - discosmiley - discosmiley - disco
great stories - well done

loobysmiley - smiley

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Post 2096


Cheers Missus BUT what are you doing up SO late??? smiley - laughsmiley - tongueout

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Post 2097

the fat gardener

A very belated congratulations to Enig, PenJen and Weaver. Well done!!smiley - biggrinsmiley - biggrinsmiley - cool

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Post 2098


Thanks to all for the congrats smiley - winkeye

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Post 2099


What's the deadline for this one, anyone know?

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Post 2100


Don't know KJ, Spidey will have to come and tell us, but I suppose we should start posting our entries.

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