This is the Message Centre for spiderbaby

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Post 2041


Cheers Weaver

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Post 2042


My scores

A3619235 Jazzy J – 7.5
A3622682 Weaver – 8.5
A3642482 Kate – 8.5
A3642716 MrsLooRoll – 8
A3657080 Lyndabk – 9
A3659952 AsmallNumberOfMonkeys -
A3663074 Karjon – 8
A3663371 NaeThyme – 7.5
A3663623 Spidey – 8
A3664424 Enigmatic1 – 9
A3644471 Stationery Explorer – 8
A3665838 Fat fat gardener – 7.5
A3665973 Feckin'lastasusualPenJen – 9

I'll have a go at adding them up too.
smiley - smiley

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Post 2043


What happened to that roy chap?

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Post 2044

the fat gardener

A3619235 Jazzy J – 8
A3622682 Weaver – 8.5
A3642482 Kate – 8
A3642716 MrsLooRoll – 8
A3657080 Lyndabk – 9
A3659952 AsmallNumberOfMonkeys - 8
A3663074 Karjon – 8.5
A3663371 NaeThyme – 7.5
A3663623 Spidey – 8
A3664424 Enigmatic1 – 8.5
A3644471 Stationery Explorer – 8
A3665838 Fat gardener – ~
A3665973 PenJen – 8,5

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Post 2045


Enig - go read my fecking entry and stop fathoming about! Where's all your 6.5's, eh?
I'm about to put mine up in about ten mins. Just a quick re-read first.
(BTW, Roy was away and now back with us, thank-God). smiley - tongueoutsmiley - run

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Post 2046


A simple, "he was away but he's back now" would've sufficed.

A3619235 Jazzy J – 6.5
A3622682 Weaver – 7.5
A3642482 Kate – 6.5
A3642716 MrsLooRoll – 8
A3657080 Lyndabk – 6
A3659952 AsmallNumberOfMonkeys – 6.5
A3663074 Karjon – 6.5
A3663371 NaeThyme – 7
A3663623 Spidey – 6.5
A3664424 Enigmatic1 – n/a
A3644471 Stationery Explorer – 7
A3665838 Fat gardener – 7.5
A3665973 PenJen – 7

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Post 2047


Ach, c'mere Peewee - smiley - cuddle wind yer neck down, honey! smiley - tongueoutsmiley - kiss Give me 5mins...

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Post 2048


Get your skanky arms off me, woman, and do your scores.

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Post 2049


A3619235 Jazzy J – 8.0
A3622682 Weaver – 9.0
A3642482 Kate – 8.5
A3642716 MrsLooRoll – 8.5
A3657080 Lyndabk – 8.5
A3659952 ASmallNumberOfMonkeys - 8.5
A3663074 Karjon – 7.5
A3663371 NaeThyme – 7.5
A3663623 Spidey – 8.0
A3664424 Enigmatic1 – 9.0
A3644471 Stationery Explorer – 8.0
A3665838 Fat gardener – 8.0
A3665973 PenJen – N/A

Just dear Kate to go? smiley - wow

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Post 2050


unless kate's scores are a real upset, it's all over guys...

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Post 2051


Thank you Mark smiley - smooch
I was just sitting staring at them with a sinking feeling in my tummy. I hate maths, and, as this lot will tell you, I'm no good at it!


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Post 2052


Spidey - the scores are all in, apart from Kate's, but I think they might be a formality...

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Post 2053

Stationery Explorer

If it helps, this is what I make the scores so far:

Jazzy J – 86.5
Weaver – 93.5
Kate – 92.5
MrsLooRoll – 86.5
Lyndabk – 89
ASmallNumberOfMonkeys - 84.5
Karjon – 83
NaeThyme – 82
Spidey – 83.5
Enigmatic1 – 96.5
Stationery Explorer – 87.5
Fat gardener – 87
PenJen – 93.5

smiley - cheers

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Post 2054


Oh no! Sorry I'm so late. Caught up in the snow all morning. I thought I would be back ages ago. It won't make much of a difference but for the sake of completeness I'll get the scores up in a few minutes. Wait for me!


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Post 2055


A3619235 Jazzy J – 7.5
A3622682 Weaver – 8.0
A3642482 Kate –
A3642716 MrsLooRoll – 8.0
A3657080 Lyndabk – 9.0
A3659952 ASmallNumberOfMonkeys - 8.0
A3663074 Karjon – 7.5
A3663371 NaeThyme – 7.0
A3663623 Spidey – 7.0
A3664424 Enigmatic1 – 9.0
A3644471 Stationery Explorer – 8.0
A3665838 Fat gardener – 7.5
A3665973 PenJen – 8.5

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Post 2056

Stationery Explorer

I make the scores:

A3619235 Jazzy J – 94
A3622682 Weaver – 101.5
A3642482 Kate – 92.5
A3642716 MrsLooRoll – 94.5
A3657080 Lyndabk – 98
A3659952 ASmallNumberOfMonkeys - 92.5
A3663074 Karjon – 90.5
A3663371 NaeThyme – 89
A3663623 Spidey – 90.5
A3664424 Enigmatic1 – 105.5
A3644471 Stationery Explorer – 95.5
A3665838 Fat gardener – 94.5
A3665973 PenJen – 102

Well done Enigmatic1, PenJen and Weaver.
smiley - cheers

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Post 2057

Stationery Explorer

And everyone else, of course.
smiley - smiley

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Post 2058


We have a winner!

A3664424 Enigmatic1 105.5
A3622682 Weaver 101.5
A3665973 Feckin'lastasusualPenJen 101.5
A3657080 Lyndabk 98
A3644471 Stationery Explorer 95.5
A3642716 MrsLooRoll 94.5
A3665838 Fat fat gardener 94.5
A3619235 Jazzy J 94
A3642482 Kate 92.5
A3659952 AsmallNumberOfMonkeys 92.5
A3663074 Karjon 90.5
A3663623 Spidey 90.5
A3663371 NaeThyme 89

Congratulations, it's Enigmatic1 by a landslide!
Robance is alive and kicking on Get Writing!

Hearty pats on the back to PenJen & myself

Cheers, Folks

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Post 2059


Cripes! That was fast work, Statto!

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Post 2060

Stationery Explorer

I put them on a spreadsheet as they come in, to save time. Didn't manage to put them in order like you did though. smiley - cheers

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