This is the Message Centre for spiderbaby

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Post 2001

the fat gardener

I think he'd have his hands full!smiley - winkeye

Spose I'd better post an A number - Blue Moon - A3650636.

The tube one is two old trouts - discussing a nice bit of steak. (Think kalaidascope tunnel effect if anyone bothers to read it!) A3665874.

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Post 2002

the fat gardener

A3619235 Jazzy J
A3622682 Weaver
A3642482 Kate
A3642716 MrsLooRoll
A3657080 Lyndabk
A3659952 ASmallNumberOfMonkeys
A3663074 Karjon
A3663371 NaeThyme
A3663623 Spidey
A3664424 Enigmatic1
A3644471 Stationery Explorer
A3665838 Fat fat gardener

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Post 2003


Your A number for Blue Moon is wrong, Fats, it took me to the Flower Seller

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Post 2004


found it.


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Post 2005


Fat fat gardener? Is your self esteem getting worse of late, fats? smiley - biggrin

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Post 2006

the fat gardener

Sorry Lyndabk!smiley - oksmiley - cheerupThanks for pointing it out.

It's right on the composite list now above.

Spect I should go to bed...keep falling over. Fell down the stairs a week ago. Fell out of the summer house today. Tipped my wine over at a business meeting today. Keep wondering if there's more than usual wrong with my brain.

smiley - zzz

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Post 2007


OK, OK; I'm away to write my wee piece. God, talk about pressure. Give me about 20mins (have to go grab me a coffee and a fag). smiley - run

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Post 2008


bout time too wee mullsmiley - smiley

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Post 2009

the fat gardener

Ooh Enig, it's just the Baroque landscape of my life...fat fat fat - sounds like a 2CV struggling up a hill. smiley - winkeye

Lyndabk...'Meltemi' - the wind that blows in Summer in the Aegean. smiley - ok

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Post 2010

the fat gardener

Hi PenJen,

I'm glad I'm not the only one late with my homework!smiley - winkeye

'Coffee and fags'...tut tut...try something healthy like me...flapjack and Calvados.smiley - erm

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Post 2011


Aahh, I see, thanks for that, I hadn't heard it before

and Fats, I think you know me well enough to drop the bk, ok?smiley - laughsmiley - hug

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Post 2012


burning the midnight oil again, L?

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Post 2013

the fat gardener

Ok Lyndy Loo Loo. I only know cos I spent 5 months island hopping in Greece once. Wanted to spend time alone writing. Didn't write a word but did lots of watercolour paintings. Had lots of adventures, lots of long walks and met many lovely people.

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Post 2014


OK, just done. Fiddling with an A number... smiley - run

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Post 2015


Hi Weaves, I'm just about to put my jammies on and turn in for the night. You just in, been out for a candlelit supper?

OH Fats, I am soooo Jealous of your island hopping ways. Adventures eh? tell us more...

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Post 2016


posted by the fat gardener | posted 43 Minutes Ago
A3619235 Jazzy J
A3622682 Weaver
A3642482 Kate
A3642716 MrsLooRoll
A3657080 Lyndabk
A3659952 ASmallNumberOfMonkeys
A3663074 Karjon
A3663371 NaeThyme
A3663623 Spidey
A3664424 Enigmatic1
A3644471 Stationery Explorer
A3665838 Fat fat gardener
A3665973 Feckin'lastasusualPenJen

Phew! smiley - steam

Fats, tell us more... smiley - zen

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Post 2017


Have read them all now and will review and score tomorrow.

I can't keep my eyes open, so I will lay my head down.

Goodnight to all you lotsmiley - hugsmiley - oksmiley - cheerssmiley - smooch

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Post 2018


Weaves and Jen, are you STILL here, or just up, like me?

If you were here on your own, I hope you behaved yourselvessmiley - winkeye

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Post 2019


Erm.... I couldn't sleep so I thought I'd scream BUT decided to write the feckin' worder and read and review all the others. Knackered now and on my fourth cup of caffeine...

As for Weaver - God knows what he's been at. Probably waiting for Eniggy to post comment or somethink. Reckon I'll be in for a telling off though. Mine's ain't funny or witty and reads too much like a poem. Ach well... End of the Line, I suppose. smiley - winkeye

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Post 2020


I wish I had your energy girl, I love me sleep me.

I don't think you will be in trouble for your piece, but it is almost too powerful to in this wee comp

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