Journal Entries

The I-Spy Book of Heathrow Airport

Earlier today I was in the short-stay car park at Heathrow, walking back to my car, when I saw ... Arsene Wenger!!!

(The manager of Arsenal F.C. - if you just found that explanation useful you probably won't have been terribly impressed in the first place)

He was dressed in a very sharp suit and was talking on his phone: no entourage or minders, just him, presumably waiting to be picked up. Because he was on the phone, this meant I couldn't really say "Hello Mr Wenger," but, being honest, I probably wouldn't have in any case.

Anyway, I was so excited by this that I completely forgot to pay the car park ticket and didn't realise this until I was actually at the automatic barrier with an enormous Mercedes blocking me in behind. I thought about getting out and explaining ("Sorry - but you'll never guess who I've just seen! Go on, guess!" etc.) but ended up making silly gestures until he reversed out.

What slightly annoyed me was that I couldn't get word to my parents, whom I'd just dropped off ("You won't believe who I just saw in the car park! Go on, guess" etc.) and my sister's first question was "Who?" (mind you, she's worse than I am: her chance sightings of celebrities on the street always become inflated into lunchdates and regretfully declined wedding invitations and so on. Actually, now I come to think about it, it did look as though, if he hadn't been on the phone, Arsene might well have asked me if I fancied a spot of lunch with him and Thierry Henry back at Highbury).

Anyway I just wanted to share that. And to record my slight feeling of shame over how ditsy I get whenever I have chance encounters with the famous. But mostly I just wanted to share that. I mean, Arsene Wenger, eh?

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Latest reply: May 24, 2004

A Joke

Heard this on Radio 4 this morning and liked it:

Two monkeys in a bath
First monkey: oo! oo! oo! aa! aa! aa!
Second monkey: Well, put some cold water in then.

Don't know that it works written down though smiley - smiley

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Latest reply: Apr 13, 2004


I would like to apologise unreservedly for the maudlin nature of that last journal entry.

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Latest reply: Apr 4, 2004

H2 Etiquette Anxiety

Having seen a problem with the top of this page in my last journal entry, I'm now noticing a problem with the bottom of the page. The Friends List and the complete absence of names in particular.

Does anyone else have this problem? There are lots of people on here I enjoy chatting/being ridiculous with, whom I'd like to think of as friends - but something is holding me back (I thought about adding names to my friends list and my very first thought after that was imagining getting a message back saying 'I see you have added my name to your list, please remove it at once, that's not how it's done'). Same thing in RL - when you walk into a room full of people who know each other and you can't shake off the impression that you are superfluous to the whole exercise.

Pretty pathetic really. But there you go.

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Latest reply: Apr 4, 2004

Oh nooooo

I don't really look at the blurb at the top of my own page with any great degree of attention and I've only just noticed the bit about 'early thirties'

When do the mid-thirties begin? I think we need a campaign for a clearer classification of such things. My suggestion is this:

Early thirties - 30-34
Mid-thirties - 35-38
Late thirties - 39

There: now I don't have to update anything.

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Latest reply: Mar 24, 2004

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Trin Tragula

Researcher U244483

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Former Underguide Volunteer
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