Journal Entries
Away Down the Road for a Bit of an Adventure
Posted Aug 31, 2004
... in other words, I'm going to be offline for a couple of weeks.
Well ... I might get the chance to pop in for a bit, but probably not and it would only be along the lines of "Helloooo! " anyway.
So, everybody take of themselves I hope I shall have something a bit more exciting by way of a journal entry when I get back.
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Latest reply: Aug 31, 2004
Possible repercussions of phone thingy
Posted Jul 25, 2004
Right - in a few minutes, I'm having my phone company switched over automatically. I've been assured that this won't interfere with my internet access and I'm 95% certain this is the case.
However - there is a slim chance it'll all go pear-shaped and I won't be able to get on hootoo for a bit (about ten days, worst case scenario). There's a slim chance also that if it doesn't happen tonight it might happen tomorrow night.
So I thought I'd make what only *might* be my last journal entry for a while to say that, if the worst case scenario has happened and I'm not around, it's not because
a. I'm lost
b. I'm sulking
c. I've been kidnapped by badgers
Fingers crossed! Here we go!
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Latest reply: Jul 25, 2004
*Bing Bing Bong* Satellite of Love!
Posted Jul 19, 2004
This is just stunning: pick a satellite and see if you can find your house
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Latest reply: Jul 19, 2004
Uplifting Experience
Posted Jul 12, 2004
It may be that loads of people know this one already, but, if not, click on the link and type in your first name:
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Latest reply: Jul 12, 2004
Exciting Nature Thing!
Posted Jun 15, 2004
I was sitting at my desk, two o'clock in the morning, radio on and I suddenly heard something crashing around in the garden. "Oh no, intruders," I thought, so I went into the next room and put the light on so they'd know the house wasn't empty. Came back to my room in the dark and I can now hear a big flowerpot being kicked and turned over - this is right up next to the back door. All a bit trembly at this stage, phone in hand ready to call the police, I peer out through the curtains and directly underneath my window ...
Four badgers! I couldn't believe it! The last time I saw a badger in the garden was at least ten years ago and I've certainly never seen four together before - full size as well (and they are big!) What made me think it must be human intruders was the sheer amount of noise they were making: they were crashing about all over the place (I suppose, if you're a badger and you're travelling mob-handed, you don't worry about making noise).
I was so excited! I still am really excited - I looked down at these grey shapes shuffling around and one of them, once it had got a bit further away from the house, looked right up at me. Woo!
P.S. I realise this journal entry constitutes an open invitation to all kinds of badger nonsense But these were REAL badgers and they were FANTASTIC
P.P.S. I do realise country types may not be terribly impressed by all this, but I did spend the ten intervening badger-free years in one of those bits of London where even what wildlife there is - and there is some - has to adopt a strictly kebabiverous diet. Recently, I've been yearning for the city - but this definitely goes in the 'Con' list (i.e. 'You don't get to see badgers'!).
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Latest reply: Jun 15, 2004
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