Journal Entries


I have acquired a set of SMGa Magneplanars - 1986 or thereabouts. From a smoker household so they whiff a bit but they were ver' cheap and they seem to work a treat. So I have been listening to the Grateful Dead, Jefferson Airplane and Joni Mitchell.

These are the suckers

Eating out tonight. Tapas. Ten of us.

I went to see the final G Dead concert screening on Monday.

Reading Jimmy Perez.


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Latest reply: Jul 11, 2015

Miah's adventures

Vet this morning. Did not try to disfigure vet. Weighed - 3.2kg. Teeth checked. Given vaccination. Got a box of flea/worms meds. Yowled a lot en route. Taken to Kemnay. Given the run of a BIG house to explore. One overwhelmed overawed pusscat. Has yet to see Emmy.


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Latest reply: Jul 3, 2015

The two cats in the two homes are going to get introduced to each other...

... on Friday.

Hot hot hot day.

There's a Pevsner Aberdeen (city) and South Aberdeenshire coming out soon and I'm half-minded to get a copy.

The numbers taking resits this year seem way down.


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Latest reply: Jul 1, 2015

Slow West

S and I are going to see Slow West tomorrow. It's the new film with Michael Fassbinder in it and it was directed by a guy named John MacLean, who used to be in the Beta Band and The Aliens. He co-directed this video - one of my favorites

Ir reminds me of Ira Cohen's Thunderbolt Pagoda which I once saw as a projection at an Acid Mothers Temple concert.

Hoy hoy... reading Cyril Hare. Listening to the Girl Walks Home Alone soundtrack. At Kemnay. Wet blowy morning but much-improved afternoon.

I am mucho in anticipation of

I remember back in 197? getting Science Fiction Monthly at the newsagents, and in one issue they printed an extract from High Rise. And now the film version, directed by Ben Wheatley...

rrgjre0erjevj w08ug werju gdfjnbdvnoi

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Latest reply: Jun 28, 2015

Terminator (the original) last night

It featured phone boxes with directories in them, hot-wireable cars without airbags, smoking in workplaces, video cassettes, telephone answering machines with cassettes, 40 year old 'futuristic' typefaces, mothballs ammonia and corn syrup purchasable over the counter without an anti-terrorism raid, a cassette Walkman, a Polaroid camera, Arnie.

Three of the cast went on to feature in Cameron's Aliens. Cameron was quite something until he jumped the shark with The Abyss.

Let's see... The French Connection on Sunday. S and I watched several Ian Carmichael Lord Peter Wimseys this week plus the Jack Hawkins League of Gentlemen. I have been reading DLS. The LS has been a bit of a desert.

Resits next week.


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Latest reply: Jun 26, 2015

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