This is a Journal entry by DruglessBrain
Terminator (the original) last night
DruglessBrain Started conversation Jun 26, 2015
It featured phone boxes with directories in them, hot-wireable cars without airbags, smoking in workplaces, video cassettes, telephone answering machines with cassettes, 40 year old 'futuristic' typefaces, mothballs ammonia and corn syrup purchasable over the counter without an anti-terrorism raid, a cassette Walkman, a Polaroid camera, Arnie.
Three of the cast went on to feature in Cameron's Aliens. Cameron was quite something until he jumped the shark with The Abyss.
Let's see... The French Connection on Sunday. S and I watched several Ian Carmichael Lord Peter Wimseys this week plus the Jack Hawkins League of Gentlemen. I have been reading DLS. The LS has been a bit of a desert.
Resits next week.
Terminator (the original) last night
woofti aka groovy gravy Posted Jun 27, 2015
Arnie was in something I saw recently, but I'm so tired and wan that I cannot even begin to arrange the neurons in my mental brain pan, to ....
Caroline wants to come with me to Israel and learn Hebrew.
Terminator (the original) last night
woofti aka groovy gravy Posted Jun 27, 2015
I had the great pleasure of playing Caroline the Agnus Dei of Britten's Missa Brevis, and explained the point, which most composers entirely miss, that you only ask for something when you haven't got it! So the Agnus Dei ought to be a tortured, terrible music. And in Britten, it really is.
Terminator (the original) last night
woofti aka groovy gravy Posted Jun 27, 2015
When you and I go sauntering into CCFM arm in arm.
As Wonderly Mister used to say to his old, Chinese friend Mr Chong, "Prepare the entertainments! We've got some enjoyment to enjoy".
Terminator (the original) last night
woofti aka groovy gravy Posted Jun 27, 2015
Oops! Sorry Douglas, I inadvertently posted on your Journal space. I was just saying, when Honeybadger and I go visiting Sean and Jonathan, it will be priceless to see the expressions on their faces.
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Terminator (the original) last night
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