This is a Journal entry by DruglessBrain
Slow West
DruglessBrain Started conversation Jun 28, 2015
S and I are going to see Slow West tomorrow. It's the new film with Michael Fassbinder in it and it was directed by a guy named John MacLean, who used to be in the Beta Band and The Aliens. He co-directed this video - one of my favorites
Ir reminds me of Ira Cohen's Thunderbolt Pagoda which I once saw as a projection at an Acid Mothers Temple concert.
Hoy hoy... reading Cyril Hare. Listening to the Girl Walks Home Alone soundtrack. At Kemnay. Wet blowy morning but much-improved afternoon.
I am mucho in anticipation of
I remember back in 197? getting Science Fiction Monthly at the newsagents, and in one issue they printed an extract from High Rise. And now the film version, directed by Ben Wheatley...
rrgjre0erjevj w08ug werju gdfjnbdvnoi
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Slow West
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