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KAT Journal
longshotlove Posted Dec 29, 2004
hi abbi. this is longshot.
those pills you are contemplating --
they are poison witch will make you sicker.
you are simply psychic.
you are not merely 'hearing voices in your head' but awakening to your human potential
-- when you deal with it objectively, it becomes less of a curse and more of a gift. don't ask amazing randi but you aredealing with that which edgar cayce dealt with to divine effect -- and helped millions. learn! they want you terrified and ready to swallow poison witch wi;; sicken and delude you, and force you to deny your gift.
which ultimately it is, you are among the mentally gifted. welcome to the age of mutation.
learn to cope quickly becauuse -- while cognitive therapy will help you you must know that pharmeceuticals are billions-earners that keep the rich richer -- and lying.
they wont help you -- they WILL make you sicker..
there is no antidepressant like loving someone.
that's the best one.
the stuff they sell -- 'cause doctors are drug dealers -- will only make you sicker.
good luck at ya!
read about rd laing and let me know what you find -- he crusaded as did jung against the use of soporifics for application towards emotional pain.
the 'mad' doctors are Quacks, they use chemicals top treat human sadness. it will never work.
i care little for their immature prgnoses -- they stand to make a real killing. people who take those drugs often suiocied. i advise baths, long walks akone in nature and thinking bback to what hurt your feelings.
they are cold and cruel -- they wont cure hurt feelings
-- your real problem -- with panaceas, quack nostra and soporifics.
they are only in it for money.
i hope to god in heaven this offends them to the root -- because i know too many like you.
somewhere the ones who sell drugs to cure hiurt feelinsg aresnickering and waiting to shaft the imbalanced and get the payoff. wake up and see!
it's a good choice.
KAT Journal
abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein Posted Dec 29, 2004
Hi longshot.
Are you sure you intended to say that to abbi?
Just checking....
I appreciate the kindness, intentions and all else said.
I assure you *I am not contemplating taking any pills.
I'll read this thread again and all that came before it to be sure of what is happening and what you are referring to.
I came back to see if Kat had appeared.
I often talked to her or responded to her before bedtime.
She has shared her heart and soul and all she finds displeasing about herself( sadly she does not see her pleasing aspects just now) Perhaps you are speaking to her?
Kat the last thing you are probably considering is talking right now. There is no wrong or right to how to be so -
AR1, I (your willing cyber grannies)and others are willing to "listen" or whatever else you might want that we could do for you.
KAT Journal
abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein Posted Dec 29, 2004
Hi again longshot.
Ok - I think your post was for Kat
If you talk to her in some other form,please tell her I was thinking of her.
Thankfully she did get some sleep before. I am pretty sure she never took anything for that which is good. She states = her Dr will not prescribe anti- depressants so it seems things are Ok.
I hope she can still sleep in spite of her most recent family news.
Take care longshot, hope to see you again.
I hope I did not confuse matters!
KAT Journal
Kat - From H2G2 Posted Dec 29, 2004
Hullo everyone. Thank you for all the kind words, and of course the roses Stealth. We are all alright and dealing with everything as it comes. To be honest I'm mainly feeling thankful that I'm here in England and not there having to deal with wailing relatives. A cynical numb approach but the truth.
No, no tablets been taking anywhere round here...well except for Nytol. You know they say one-a-night but I have to take 3...surely that's false advertising!
Hey longshot! Nice to see you, although unfortunate that you come after reading about something negative. If only I had written something truly amazing and wonderful somewhere and you'd been compelled to say hullo.
Went for a blood test today. Not very happy about that to be honest! Partly I don't feel that they should be wasting their time on me, partly everyone knows my blood is fine so it's annoying to take it, partly I like to pretend I'm made of light and energy and don't have veins and things, and partly I just feel rather possessive of my blood. Which is a bit bizarre.
And thank you abbi for being you. Actually sometimes that annoys me when people say that sort of thing. Thank you abbi for being you and thank you everyone else who is posting here or lurking for letting me know that you are perhaps a bit interested or care.
KAT Journal
Skankyrich [?] Posted Dec 29, 2004
Sad to hear all the stuff. Excuse slight incoherance but am not entirely with it....
I run a hotel deep in darkest Torquay (no Fawlty Towers jokes, please, have heard em all....) but not for long, I'm finally making the move into conservation or environmental education sometime this spring - this job cracks me up, and not in a good way....
KAT Journal
Kat - From H2G2 Posted Dec 29, 2004
Ive got this odd idea and I want to float it past you lot to see what you think.
I figured that one day I could teach people who are complete beginners about how to use their computer for exactly what they want to use it for so that they dont have to do courses that tell you all about...excel for example when they might never ever use it or something you know? Like the Clait course or whatever it is, that's all fine if you have to use a computer at work but not everyone does except for really basic things.
Like theres a LOT of people out there in their 60s or something who would like to use a computer but havent a clue and are scared of breaking fact a lot of young people too!
What do you think?
KAT Journal
abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein Posted Dec 29, 2004
I think it is a great idea.
I would have hired you a few times.
I am wondering when i get a new computer if I will have troubles.
About the time I get used to one computer it dies off and I get another one with a different system on it.
Ever since the windows sp2 service pack came along many people have troubles. More than half the people I talk to on the computer are over 50. Those whom have younger relatives into computers are doing great but without a techie person handy it can be a hassle.
Especially living with a low income.
They charge 100-200 dollars and hour.
The minimum charge does not cover much.
I think setting up home users and doing their maintenance checks would be helpful. You are also right about it not just being older folks that could use help. Good point about work computer use being different than for pleasureMany only know one side or the other (my terms) biz or pleasure use.
KAT Journal
Kat - From H2G2 Posted Dec 30, 2004
I'm sure nobody would notice that I just accidently deleted a load of files I didn't think were necessary and have now messed up my computer . I doubt anyone would notice anything wrong with it except me. It's just wrong in my head now. There's something not quite right and I can almost feel it! How odd.
I just spent the last 20 minutes thinking about this hard (should be asleep). I've come up with these things so far...please add to them if you can.
I need to:
Find out how much the local college charges
What the hours are
What the class size is
What the course actually is and what it teaches
How long it runs for.
Things to be taught (excluding Macs I'm afraid. Whilst I can use them I'm not great):
Basic Windows use from your first installation and initial set-up.
What your PC can do- Control Panel, Desktop, Keyboard,Applications and shortcuts, Appearence etc etc.
The Basic Microsoft Programs- Word, Powerpoint, Excel, Outlook Express.
Applications used by other programs - Flash, Shockwave etc.
Installing New Software and Uninstalling it again.
The Internet-Using IE, using the net securely and safely, internet email, using search engines, jargon, ermm...?
Basic Computer Security - Installing Virus Protection and preferably a system restore program as the Windows one is rather naff. Checking for spyware. Disabling Windows Firewall.
Using your computer for music, videos, and perhaps if they want talking about webcams etc?
What to do if you completely wreck your system, before you call a professional. (apart from call Kat )
How to save all those emails you have in Outlook Express if you have to recover your system (actually rather difficult to do!)
What else?
It's a huge massive overwhelmingly large idea in my in reality it's a very very small idea that will probably never happen.
I don't claim to be a computer wizard. I have never done a course on it or used a computer for business. I've actually completely broken and had to replace...oohh...3? computers by now and I'm still only 17 . Oh and once I put all of Microsoft Office in the recycling and when I restored it all the links lead to the wrong things. That was fun .
But what I DO know is all the basic things that people want to be able to do with their computers. I can't tell them all the fancy things they can do with Excel for example, but I can tell them how to make sure companies aren't tracking them, how to play their favourite tune, where they can find everything on their computer and talk them through the fact they aren't about to launch an atom bomb by pressing enter.
KAT Journal
Kat - From H2G2 Posted Dec 30, 2004
Houston we HAVE a problem!
My local college is running Beginners and Clait for FREE
You only have to pay once you get to the EDL (£89 *cough cough*)
I still reckon a friendly one-on-one service that does what you want is preferable though yeah?
KAT Journal
Scandrea Posted Dec 30, 2004
First things first- I'm so sorry to hear about your losses. There is absolutely nothing I can say to make you feel better, except that you're in my thoughts and prayers
Secondly, good for you for resisting the antidepressants! I accept the fact that some people need them, but the more information I get, the more it seems to me that they're being handed out like candy. (Gross fact: male fish in American rivers have begun producing eggs, because of all the agricultural hormones and used human hormone pills being dumped in the river. I wonder what stuff like prozac does?)
Yeah, some people are more comfortable with having a one-on-one tutor, but you might want to consider learning how to do the fancy stuff with excel and powerpoint (I could help) so you could get all corners of the beginner's market!
I think it's a good idea, and people might be less scared of you than of going to school.
KAT Journal
T.B. Falsename ACE: [stercus venio] I have learned from my mistakes, and feel I could repeat them exactly. Posted Dec 30, 2004
I'd say go for it if you can get it to happen. I could probably help you with the more technical stuff if you like, hell I did it for three years at degree level... probably spent more time teaching than the lecturers did.
KAT Journal
Kat - From H2G2 Posted Dec 30, 2004
Just as a side-note I just bloody damn ahhhhh got refused disability!! I don't know what to do now. I'll never get out of here.
KAT Journal
Kat - From H2G2 Posted Dec 30, 2004
I've also unwittingly deleted the drivers for my ATI graphics and now I can't find my system on the ATI website...the day gets better and better.
KAT Journal
Kat - From H2G2 Posted Dec 30, 2004
Because otherwise I'll never have any money, never get out of here. Why did I need to be on disability? I suppose I don't NEED to do anything!
KAT Journal
Scandrea Posted Dec 30, 2004
Not exactly what I meant...
There's more than one way to skin a cat, Kat. You're not finished yet.
If you feel like making a trip, I know a few colleges around here that have a decent Office of Accessibility. They'd be able to help you somewhat get a degree.
KAT Journal
Kat - From H2G2 Posted Dec 31, 2004
That could be a RATHER extreme way of dealing with things. It was only because my psychiatrist is a complete moron. He's only seen me twice in a year and I refuse to see him now so I don't understand why he was able to write about me. Then again my psychologist refused to do it. Neither of them wanted to do it at all. Oh well, I'll just tell the psychologist how wonderfully she's succeeded when I see her next week.
Mam has put a rather hefty spanner in my computing plans.
"Why would anyone come to you rather than go on a course Kat?"
erm...good point...I'll get back to you on that one.
"People won't pay when they can get the course for free"
True but I can offer anything they want to learn, when they want to learn, and will be there in a year's time when they mess up and want help...but good point again and worrying.
"People who went on my course were using their computer for home rather than work sometimes"
Ahh erm...well...they know how to use office then now? That's...fab
So basically I've lost my bottle.
KAT Journal
abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein Posted Jan 1, 2005
I think people learn differently and one on one help is best for many.
It sure is for me. Many are disabled and on the computer so traveling to a class is not always possible. Learning from the computer is how I have done it, but I have many holes in my knowledge.
You are talking about doing more than the one class offers too.
I do not care one wit about the office stuff but do about other pieces and parts.
KAT Journal
frenchbean Posted Jan 1, 2005
I agree with abbi One on one is the only way that some people can possibly learn to use a computer. The folk who are really scared of the technology won't go to a class. I reckon there is definitely a market out there Kat Why not have a chat to people other than your Mum about it? Her's is only one point of view after all and who's to say she's right?
Hang on in there. Research it some more
KAT Journal
Kat - From H2G2 Posted Jan 1, 2005
Reckon that perhaps it might not work in a village? Then again there's nothing much going on in my village so possibly it would work. I just don't understand how on earth the village education centre is keeping afloat and still offering free courses!
The beginner's course and Clait is free.
The EDL is £89
And of course then the only thing is the BTEC and you have to go to Coventry college to do that. I had the idea I could do a BTEC in computing...except a) coventry college is...not the best and b) they want you to be 18 (3 and 1/2 months away) and to have at least one Alevel at E or above...well I'm sure I could get that if I just sat an Alevel tomorrow! But I don't have one...
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KAT Journal
- 21: longshotlove (Dec 29, 2004)
- 22: abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein (Dec 29, 2004)
- 23: abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein (Dec 29, 2004)
- 24: Kat - From H2G2 (Dec 29, 2004)
- 25: Skankyrich [?] (Dec 29, 2004)
- 26: Kat - From H2G2 (Dec 29, 2004)
- 27: abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein (Dec 29, 2004)
- 28: Kat - From H2G2 (Dec 30, 2004)
- 29: Kat - From H2G2 (Dec 30, 2004)
- 30: Scandrea (Dec 30, 2004)
- 31: T.B. Falsename ACE: [stercus venio] I have learned from my mistakes, and feel I could repeat them exactly. (Dec 30, 2004)
- 32: Kat - From H2G2 (Dec 30, 2004)
- 33: Kat - From H2G2 (Dec 30, 2004)
- 34: Scandrea (Dec 30, 2004)
- 35: Kat - From H2G2 (Dec 30, 2004)
- 36: Scandrea (Dec 30, 2004)
- 37: Kat - From H2G2 (Dec 31, 2004)
- 38: abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein (Jan 1, 2005)
- 39: frenchbean (Jan 1, 2005)
- 40: Kat - From H2G2 (Jan 1, 2005)
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