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Tiara.Kitten*Valentine Cat* Posted Nov 23, 2003
Hei da peg!
is THAT right?!lol
Och when we have family parties i just bugger off up the stairs!lol... nah actually come to think of it we never really have family parties... only at Christmas and it usually lasts about 2 hours, however this year im going gallavanting off to a pub in Glasgow. and for Hogmanay.
Tiara.Kitten*Valentine Cat* Posted Nov 23, 2003
Hei pa deg! gosh... just as well i ain't learnin Norwegian! it ain't exactly sticking in my mind...
thats quite unusual for me.
Mr. Carrot Posted Nov 24, 2003
Hei og hopp!
Hehehe... well, no, but you can't be blamed, we have a special letter, å, which won't be found on your keyboard... The code is [alt+0229].
Awww, that sounds terrible, I love family parties, or most of them... anyway. Seeing your parents drunk is never an enjoyable experience tough... But that doesn't happen all too often... We throw family parties quite often... About once a month... I've all these cousins, and most of them are my age, and we share some of the same interests too...
Anyway... what's Hogmanay, that's an unknown tradition in Norway...?
Well, gotta go read some philosophy...
Tiara.Kitten*Valentine Cat* Posted Nov 27, 2003
i can't remember the last time we had a family party! gosh... need to think about that!
last Christmas probably... ... my mum said tonight she might just stay here in our house all Christmas day... i might just go out later at night then... don't want to abandon her!
gosh i feel a bit better now... i was feeling a bit down earlier... crying... as usual!lol... just lots of little things getting to me... that dismal gig being one of them.
what do you do when you feel down? Have a big glass of cold water!? just teasing Oyvind.
Oh sorry... Hogmanay is just the Scottish term for New Years' Eve.
Mr. Carrot Posted Nov 28, 2003
Hei og hopp!
Hmmm... too bad... Or did you say that you disliked them? Can't remember... Anyway, don't you even do anything at christmas? That sounds... dismal. Though I suppose it all depends on what you're used to...
Aww... Too bad... I hate it when people are down.
Hmmm, well, the water comes afterwards. I usually become very silent and introvert. And I start thinking about why I'm sad. And that usually resolves it. If there's any particular reason, then I do what I can to resolve it. And if that doesnt work, then crying is the only way of getting rid of the blues...
Ahh, and what a lovely word it is... Indeed... Wee, I love new-years eve. All the fireworks. And champagne... And a good dinner. And computer games, and FUN!!!
Øyvind, who's got to run now, because dinner is up.
Tiara.Kitten*Valentine Cat* Posted Nov 28, 2003
No i don't dislike my family. Well usually we'd go to my grandads and hand have christmas there. However with my grandad in hospital now after his stroke and everything there would be no point in doing that this year.
och well i ain't to bad now... hmmm had a chat with my friend and that seems to have helped. It's amazing how when you're feeling a certain way you sometimes just have to tell someone and they completely understand because they are in the same headspace or they had been before. Tonight me and my friend were bitching about our love lives... or lack of em!:0 w both agreed that we have the same attitude... complain about having no boyfriend... then someone asks us out... we turn him down... then we go back to complaining about not getting any attention! gosh girls can be so fickle.
Hmmmm nah i usually hate new years eve!... we don't really do anything for that either!
Mr. Carrot Posted Nov 29, 2003
Bonjour! (I've always wanted to say that somewhere else than in the french class)
Ca va?
Oh, no, I didn't ask you if you disliked family. But didn't you say that you thought the parties boring? Och, I'm sorry to hear that about your grandad. Are you fond of him, then? I never liked my grandad much... He was senile, and paranoid, and aggressive, so I didn't really get any impression of him as a person. I've actually only got one grandparent left... Anyway, I think you should do something on christmas day anyway... There's no good in sitting at home feeling sorry for everything. I'm quite certain that your grandad wouldn't want that either. But that is, of course, up to your mother to decide.
Yeah, I know. Me and Kristian are like that... We understand how the other one is thinking/feeling, because we've felt like that ourselves...
Anyway... perhaps it's time you did something about your attitude towards boys, then? I mean, they can't all be bad. Of course, I'm not saying you should go on a date with ANYONE, make sure he's a nice guy. And see how it works out.. you don't have to do anything, just see how you feel about him...
Awww... that's terrible. I think most Norwegians do something for new years eve. Christmas is family time, so New Years is the time for friends... At least over here. So we throw parties with our friends, and watch/contribute to the fireworks. How come you don't do anything? Is it not normal to do anything in Scotland for Hogmanay?
Anyway, I had better run and have a (somewhat late) breakfast.
A bientôt!
Tiara.Kitten*Valentine Cat* Posted Nov 30, 2003
Pas mal merci, Et toi?
Yeah they can be boring. Then again im not a big socialiser. sorry but that was funny what you said about your grandad! so blunt!:0
Och yeah we might go out for dinner. It won't be a bad christmas even if we stay at home all day. I'm sure i'll have something to amuse me!
Change my attitude? hmmmm... don't see that happening! Och nah don't get me wrong... i just prefer platonic relationships... less hassle... gosh i sound so terribly lazy! im not though... i think i've just got used to having boys as friends... it's usually boys who share my taste in music... i just think guys are weird if they actually show an interest in me... i get a bit shy... mind you i can't be that shy... i gave my e-mail address to a married man on the train last night...!:0
ahem... i was gonna leave that hanging but then i thought "Dear god Oyvind's gonna think im a minx"... i ain't... it's not as weird as it sounds. He was just being sweet cuz i was moaning about being under 18 and getting ID'd in bars and some would accept me and some wouldn't. So he suggested i go for a drink with him. Anyway he hasn't e-mailed me and he probably won't.. i did tell you before that it's always older men who give me any kind of attention didn't i? well there you go it's true!
Och yeah don't ge't get me wrong... most Scots go wild for new ynew year... particularly in Edinburgh... Glasgow prolly ain't too bad either.
Mr. Carrot Posted Nov 30, 2003
Très bien.
Well, maybe so... but it waws the truth. I never got to konw him, because he never talked, he only babbled, poor guy .
I see... presents, eh? The joy of christmas!
Hehe, so I'll put that up for platonic, shy, and desparate, eh? Just kidding...
Anyway, if you don't change your attitude, then you can't really complain about not having a boyfriend, can you? You have to really want it, if it is to happen... But you seem to have your chances, so, I'll refrain from feeling sorry for you for now...
Hmm, I dunno if that sounded harsh... I didn't want it to, it's just a tip .
Hehe, naw, really. I don't categorize people like that... Or at least I try not to, unless they do it to me first. Anyway, I do a lot of weird things too, and I don't really care too much what people think. I do what's best for me, and best for everyone around me, for as long as possible.
Yeah, I had my mother tell me about your tradition to go "first-footing" yesterday... Lol, you do drink a lot of whisky, don't you? Anyway, I hope you'll find something to do this year, then...
Tiara.Kitten*Valentine Cat* Posted Nov 30, 2003
Good Day!
gosh im still in my pyjamas would you believe? i really have homework to do but it's going to have to wait till tomorrow as im going to see Radiohead tonight!(my dad still doesn't know)
platonic, shy and desperate?!... yeah okay maybe i am...!lol
och nah you weren't harsh i guess im not really bothered about having a boyfriend. The grass is always greener on the other side eh?... and this isn't even our thread of cliches!lol
Im listening to "Was Not Was... just thought i'd tell you that!
Ummmm yeah i guess we drink a fair bit of whisky. Not everyone likes it of course. My dad can't handle the stuff! My grandad used to like a "wee dram" now and again though.
Mr. Carrot Posted Nov 30, 2003
God dag!
Hmmm... sounds lovely. I just got back from practicing with a choir. I've agreed to help them out with some percussion, so I didn't get the opportunity to keep my pyjamas on... Remind me to do that one day. Just go to school in my pyjamas... LOL I'll do it when easter comes, and the tentams are coming up.
Naw, not really, but it was just what you said, that you were a wee bit shy, that you prefered platonic relationships, and that you had just given your email to a married man you met on the train .
Naw, that's not a cliche, it's a quote from a song by Travis... . And, I suppose it's an old proverb...
Wazzat? Was not was, not was not, not was what?
I can't stand the stuff myself... Too strong I guess... Anyway, at least you have some proper whisky. The Norwegian type is called "Karsk", which is really an eexcuse for making some terrible home brew out of potatoes (it just had to be potatoes, didn't it8)). Or there is the Aquavit...
Tiara.Kitten*Valentine Cat* Posted Dec 1, 2003
Oh that's great! Yeah you could go to school in your PJ's when it comes to Russ couldn't you?!
... or is that not daring enough...
Actually im not really shy... i just pretend i am.
Nah it's a cliche... definitely... i know the song you mean though. Can't remember the name right enough.
eugh! sounds nasty! nah i don't like whiskey either... i like vodka.
Dragon Lord back with avengence Posted Dec 1, 2003
Hi claire my names scott fancy a chat?
Mr. Carrot Posted Dec 1, 2003
I won't even have to be russ to do that. I'll do it this spring, for one of the dreaded full-day tests... Well, russ usually wear special clothes... With some weird red hats. I think it is mentioned in that article.
Hehehe... maybe so. I wouldn't know, I haven't met you .
Neither can I. Anyway, here's another one: "Carpe Diem" (renowned proverb/cliche, and quoted in a DT song).
Anyway, still haven't heard of "Was not was"... Care to fill me in?
Eurgh... Vodka. That's horrid russian home brew, it's pure ethanol dissolved in water. My rule is, never drink anything that smells like nail-polish-remover... But anyway, that's me. I prefer wine, and water .
I haven't actually tasted it... I think it would be much the same as vodka... Only stronger. Pure 96%, usually mixed into your coffee...
Tiara.Kitten*Valentine Cat* Posted Dec 2, 2003
so they'd actually let you into school in your pyjamas? gosh... we just aren't as nutty as that over here... unfortunately.
Ummmm an American jazzy rock type bands who have a definite sense of humour. i don't think they are still together though... i imagine they split a long time ago.
och no well i wouldn't drink it on it's own... mixed with cola or something... sounds like your worst nightmare eh?!
Mr. Carrot Posted Dec 2, 2003
Oh yeah, I'm certain they'd let me in... That's not a problem... we do a lot of weird things... esepcially when it comes to clothing. The fun is seeing all the "normal" students turning their heads and attempting to ignore the fact that they've just seen a guy in his pyjamas, getting ready for his conducting test...
I even recall that a class once played a football match in dressing gowns... lol
Maybe so, but that sounds really cool... Something like Zappa, eh? I've got to listen to that...
Indeed, coke, one thing I can't stand, and then liquid nail-polish remover... Eurgh... Hehehe, my sister heard of my abstention from heavy drinks like vodka. So she's promised me that she's gooing to take me tequila-shoting when I get eighteen... I'm not sure if I should take her up on that promise...
Nonetheless, I've got to go. I'm tired, and I've got a long day tomorrow... Goodnight.
Mr. Carrot Posted Dec 3, 2003
Apparently I didn't have a long day today... I felt ill this morning, so I stayed home, and slept till twelve, I haven't done that for a long time. I've got a throbbing headache, and my muscles are aching... Urgh... Oh well, at least I got a day off to practice for the tests...
Tiara.Kitten*Valentine Cat* Posted Dec 3, 2003
gosh... we would seriously have got sent home if we'd turned up to school in pyjamas! probably not at college though... of course you would get strange looks.
Ha! that would have been great to watch! were they wearing pyjamas underneath then?
Hmmmm... "Claire wonders what Norwegian men wear under their dressing gowns"
Frank Zappa? No idea to be honest! I'd need to go listen to him.
Oh tequila-shooting! eugh nah i don't think i'd like that... i might take you vodka-shooting when you come over here though!(or you'll take me because im not 18 until June
Tiara.Kitten*Valentine Cat* Posted Dec 3, 2003
awwww! dear god that's quite weird cuz i've been feeling quite ill today too... of course i didn't notice that i was ill until i had left for college... i only had a half-day anyway so that wasn't so bad.
feeling any better
Key: Complain about this post
- 101: Tiara.Kitten*Valentine Cat* (Nov 23, 2003)
- 102: Tiara.Kitten*Valentine Cat* (Nov 23, 2003)
- 103: Mr. Carrot (Nov 24, 2003)
- 104: Tiara.Kitten*Valentine Cat* (Nov 27, 2003)
- 105: Mr. Carrot (Nov 28, 2003)
- 106: Tiara.Kitten*Valentine Cat* (Nov 28, 2003)
- 107: Mr. Carrot (Nov 29, 2003)
- 108: Tiara.Kitten*Valentine Cat* (Nov 30, 2003)
- 109: Mr. Carrot (Nov 30, 2003)
- 110: Tiara.Kitten*Valentine Cat* (Nov 30, 2003)
- 111: Mr. Carrot (Nov 30, 2003)
- 112: Tiara.Kitten*Valentine Cat* (Dec 1, 2003)
- 113: Dragon Lord back with avengence (Dec 1, 2003)
- 114: Mr. Carrot (Dec 1, 2003)
- 115: Mr. Carrot (Dec 1, 2003)
- 116: Tiara.Kitten*Valentine Cat* (Dec 2, 2003)
- 117: Mr. Carrot (Dec 2, 2003)
- 118: Mr. Carrot (Dec 3, 2003)
- 119: Tiara.Kitten*Valentine Cat* (Dec 3, 2003)
- 120: Tiara.Kitten*Valentine Cat* (Dec 3, 2003)
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