This is the Message Centre for Mr. Carrot
Mr. Carrot Posted Sep 29, 2003
Well, it was a gues,, but I figured that you might be following the same routines as the ones that I have. I usually reply to my conversations cronologically, and I figured that since you had just replied to the other one, you might be working on this one.
But I digress...
Well, I have a wee bit of everything, I can have a pretty wicked humour too... But I choose not to use it when I'm online (text is not a good way to use that hmour, because people might take it literally, I need them to hear the sarcasm in my voice). But honestly, I didn't think I was being funny, perhaps I can't help it...
Oh, I don't know, but from what I've seen, it's pretty heavy, but you're right, it might be over in a matter of weeks for all that I know...
Well, I've had worse. You konw, pain and suffering are very neccesary parts of our lives... It is what we learn the most from, and it is also what helps us develop empathy (moderation is important, though, never more than what a person can take, and that limit is hard to find). I'm not saying that one should seek uot pain, but I don't think it's worth fearing or avoiding either. Pain always ends, every dictator up until now has fallen at some point. It is but a question of seeing the end...
Yuck... that must make you feel so awkward. 40? That's extreme... I haven't heard of may cases of that in Norway (there are some, but it's really rare). On the other hand, it must mean that you're pretty mature, or possibly that Scottish boys are really immature, or both.
Well, it's the same with drumming, it's usually quite difficult to play slowly and steadily, whereas it's easier to keep some speed. It's just the fact that boredom will cause your mind to drift (It happens some times in the orchestra, when I have to sit through 85 bars of absolutely nothing but breaks, and at the same time keep track of changing rhythms and odd time metres, only to play on stroke on the cymbal).
Thanks, I agree, they were, but I'm not certain if they are correct... It is quite a lot, don't you think.
Anyway, I actually had the pleasure of chatting with my old english teacher a couple of days ago... It was quite fun, he was really interested in what had happened to me after I started studying music. And he had a lot to tell about his new class, and what was going on at the old school (things really don't change much).
Tiara.Kitten*Valentine Cat* Posted Sep 29, 2003
Hello there!
I know what you mean... some people could be offended by a wicked sense of humour. I blame my dad for my weird sense of humour. He's into The Far Side. Have you heard of it? I don't know how to describe it... it's like a comic strip except it ain't... it's just one picture with a caption. Some of them are really funny.
Oh do you read Calvin & Hobbes? I love that!
Newayz... I digress also...
Well don't worry im sure you'll meet a nice girl who won't run away from any problems that she has. And if you don't you'll have fun looking!lol
Euch i can't stop thinking that i have college tomorrow... euch! Can't be bothered with it already! och my pink coat shall keep me happy... it's so 60's-cute that i have to smile when i look at it...!lol... "Enter the mind of a very odd girlie...!"
Just corrected about 6 mistakes in that last paragraph and then realised why... im sittin in the bloody dark!lol I keep forgettin we're losiin the light and slippin into winter.
Ne hoo... awkward? Well in a strange way it's not really... it's just demoralising! Sometimes my uncles are weird with me... not all of them just some... all girls get that im sure... anyway it's just made me a bit warier and maybe tougher... which may not be a good thing for me actually considerin my nature anyway!
Oh and i have to say im not particualry mature for my age, just average i guess. Oh but yes Scottish boys are immature mostly. The main reason for my despair...!
Oh and i didn't mean all these older guys make moves on me... some just look y'kno? Leering basically...yuk!
Sounds pretty damn complicated that... sometimes in the school jazz band i had 16 bars rests... ahhh i remember them now!lol... i used to just nod off... In The Mood was never too exciting...
Yeah they were lovely comments but then again you are gonna say that they were OTT... im sure they weren't Mr Modest!
spk soon!
Mr. Carrot Posted Oct 2, 2003
Well, I was just about to say that I LOVE "The Far Side"... It's called "the Mad World of Gary Larson" over here... It's black humour to the fingertips, and it's ingenious. I couldn't tell you how many of thoe strips I've read... Probably more than a thousand... I've had the calendar for a couple of years now... It's great. A new joke to wake you up every morning...
Yeah, Calvin and Hobbes is great, alas, Watterson stopped drawing some years ago, and I believe that I have read allmost every strip available over here...
True enough... I was just hoping that she would be that girl... But then... you can't have it all... I certainly won't wreck up my whole life because of this.
I'm on a potato holiday , remember) You have my full sympathy
. Well, as long as it makes you happy, it doesn't matter what it is (that isn't quite true... but on this occasion, I see no point in making loads of exceptions).
Hahaha.... Well, that's not a problem for me, I know every button of the keyboard well enough to write even if I should be blind.
But, yes you are right... Even though I'm currently sitting in a cafe with a temperature of at least 25°C. Possibly 30...
Well, you might be right... I know I would panic if a person that old was to come and ask me out... Arrgh... I agree that it's probably not good for you to be forced to toughen up too much, but that is a fine balance...
Yes, You've said that, And I believe you... But then again, 40-year-olds are probably not the solution either. I'm sure you'll find someone, eventually, but it may take some time... But Scotland can't be a nation consisting entirely of wankers, could it?
It sounds really pathetic to me, though...
No, it's not really complicated... If i hadn't been for the fact that the rhythm changes all the time, from two, to three, to four, and then back to two... And there's no system in it, so I'm just forced to learn it by heart.
Well, thanks, but what does OTT mean?
Oh, and congratulations with your history appeal!
Arrrgh... I'm really forced to focus now, in order to write anything understandeable in English... Five days in Bosnia, and you really lose any understanding of english grammar that you originally had. And it's so bloody hot down here too...
Yeah, sure, I'll try to go online again in a couple of days... Have fun at the gig!
Tiara.Kitten*Valentine Cat* Posted Oct 2, 2003
Hiya Øyvind! i have such fun typing the Ø.
Soooo! Oh cool! I thought you'd like it. Tis very funny i must admit. My dad got me a birthday card by Gary Larson. My dads friend loves The Far Side too. He has totally collaged his bathroom with strips from it... how cool is that?!
yaay! i just knew you'd love that too. I have a big proper glossy poster of Calvin & Hobbes because my stepmum used to work in a bookshop. I've got about 4 of the books methinx... my dad used to work in a youth club and he used the Calvin & Hobbes sketches for his drama class.
Twas great fun!
... i think i played the teacher once if i mind right...!
Haha! Nah not all Scots are wankers... the women ain' nah im kidding... i don't have a high opinion of Scotsmen though. Cheaters, liars, alcoholics and masters of infidelity too... not too bad then eh?!
oh thank you! i was all pleased with my appeal. Thats me getting a new certificate now... yaay!
okay speak soon sweetie:!) Im off to make myself look 18 now. Th Elbow gig is for over 18's only.
oh an OTT means "over the top"... basically just "too much"... i actually can't remember the context i used it in now!
Luv Claire
Mr. Carrot Posted Oct 3, 2003
Hi Claire! (Oooh.. I'm having such fun typing the c)
But really, knowing how to type the fancy O (can't do it, cause I'm in Bsnia, and the number code gives me the letter Ř),gives you an opportunity to show off...
Or wait... I think... maybe...Ø... YAY... Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø!!! (copy+paste)
Yup, the whole series is ingenious... But I have to admit that I'm geeky enough to enjoy "Dilbert" too... It's possibly the most cynical comic strip I've ever seen.
Yup, Calvin and Hobbes are great... Alas, I know all the strips too well to find them amusing....
Really all that? And... don't you think that this is more... erm... universal... Are you sure it's just Scots?
Good... We've both been through a succesful appeal. I told you it could happen
Oh, did you get in? It would be a real bore not to get in...
Oh, and when is your birthday? Mine is in January. Actually, have I asked you that before?
Well, gotta run, Alex here is tickling me in my ear...
Spk. soon.
Tiara.Kitten*Valentine Cat* Posted Oct 3, 2003
Are you mocking me Oyvind?! just kidding.
Gosh i don't think i've ever heard of "Dilbert".
Yeah i guess those traits are universal... but it has been proven(by some research or something) that out of English, Welsh, Irish and Scottish men the Scots are more likely to cheat than the rest... im gradually sinking into despair!
They are also 2nd most likely to get into a fight(Irish men came first in the study followed by English and then Welsh)
Anyway!... my birthday is the 30th of June... that's the last day of June... for some reason people always think there is a 31st of June.... hmmmm anyway! Ummmm no i don't think i ever told you the exact date before... just that im a Cancerian.
Alex is tickling your ear? Awwww!
spk soon!
Tiara.Kitten*Valentine Cat* Posted Oct 3, 2003
oh and yeah i got into the gig okay. they didn't question my age at all... red lips seem to do the trick.
Mr. Carrot Posted Oct 6, 2003
Nope, but I don't feel like explaining it right now...
Really? It's a very common comic in Norway... Anyway, it's great, and geeky, and critical to society... YAY
Hahahaaaaa... well, hun... "There are three kinds of untruths: Lies, damn lies, and statistics". Anyway... I'm sorry to her that, but still, don't despair... I'm sure that there are nice guys out there somewhere...
It puts me in mind of how things are in Bosnia... People down here are just plain afraid to be good people, or to break the unwritten rules of society, because the consequnceses are ENORMOUS... There are plenty of really reflective individuals down there, but few of them have the guts to step out of the crowd and be themselves... Perhaps it is the same with guys in Scotland?
Just a thought, though...
Ok, did I tell you mine? Yes, I think I did...
Well, yeah, he has this thing for pretending to be gay... And for some reason he often tries to do so with me (in public). He has a GF, though... So there's no reason to worry, he just likes to provoke... And so do I...
Though... not neccesarily that much.
Spk soon!
Tiara.Kitten*Valentine Cat* Posted Oct 7, 2003
well here's me typing speedily... on the computer at college cuz i've got a while to wait for my next train... just realising i still have half an hour... mind you with the slowness of my
Haha! There you go again... being funny.
yeah i guess you're right. The guys who are individuals do stand out though which is nice.And of course by individual you understand i mean not what they wear but how they act. "Sweet" guys are such a bloody rarity in this damn country!
Ooooh! My use of expletives on this topic is getting rather common...
You told me your birthday is in January and you're Capricorn so that means you were born between 1st January and 22nd January as far as i know.
You sent me any piccies yet on my hotmail address? I shall soon find out. Off to check it.
Oh i luv gay gus!lol... camp straight guys are just as good sometimes.Tell Alex i like him!
Bye bye see for now
Tiara.Kitten*Valentine Cat* Posted Oct 7, 2003
well here's me typing speedily... on the computer at college cuz i've got a while to wait for my next train... just realising i still have half an hour... mind you with the slowness of my
Haha! There you go again... being funny.
yeah i guess you're right. The guys who are individuals do stand out though which is nice.And of course by individual you understand i mean not what they wear but how they act. "Sweet" guys are such a bloody rarity in this damn country!
Ooooh! My use of expletives on this topic is getting rather common...
You told me your birthday is in January and you're Capricorn so that means you were born between 1st January and 22nd January as far as i know.
You sent me any piccies yet on my hotmail address? I shall soon find out. Off to check it.
Oh i luv gay gus!lol... camp straight guys are just as good sometimes.Tell Alex i like him!
Bye bye see for now
Mr. Carrot Posted Oct 8, 2003
I'm back, and it's good to be back!!!
Only, I now have to adapt myself to the Norwegian keyboard again... Arrgh!
And there you go again...
Thanks anyway.
Well, like I said, you'll just have to look really (really, really, really) hard. And yeah, of course, dress sense is not a topic to me...(I haven't got one
Well, I use more expletives than you... So don't worry. I can assure you that Norwegians use expletives a lot more commonly than You do... We even have a swear-word dictionary...
Yup, It's the fifteenth...
Well... I just got back, and the school catalogue just arrived. So I'll go and get them scanned during the weekend. I could probably upload something to my webspace... But I'll have to see what I've got...
Haha... Okay, I will, mind you, he has a huge need for exposing himself, that's why he does it...
Oh god, it's great to be back, brown cheese and dark bread!!! YAY! And Eggs with bacon... And PANCAKES!!!
Mr. Carrot Posted Oct 8, 2003
Oh, pancakes are lovely... PHEW... I'm home... finally...
Like I said, the pics arrived today, and, gawd, the one with the whip is fantastic. And the other one is also quite good.
I think I'll get to work on summing up the trip in a journal entry on saturday. Only, I've promised myself to watch some Stanley Kubrik on saturday as well... Ahh, well, I'll manage to do both, I suppose.
I'll just run and get the digital camera, and then I'll see what I can do about the pics...
Tiara.Kitten*Valentine Cat* Posted Oct 9, 2003
Yaay! You're home!... oh pancakes are great i must admit... i think i have pancakes every day come to think of it...!
Everyone has a dress sense! Do they not...?
Oh good good! Can't wait to see em!
... i wish i could send u some interesting photo... alas i have none... plus even if i did i couldn't send it over a computer... no idea how to do that!
He has a huge need to expose himself...?! in a metaphorical way...?! i hope so!lol
ooooh! i went to see Easyworld play in HMV yesterday. It was just a Play & Sign so they only played for half an hour but it was amazing. Their new songs are so beautiful.
Oh and the band were really sweet. I had met the singer before but i got to meet them all this time. They signed a poster for me and i got a free sampler of their forthcoming album... yaay!
anyway... that's me!
Mr. Carrot Posted Oct 9, 2003
Phew... you scared me...
Pancakes every day? Lucky you... it's quite rare in Norway.
Well... um... Maybe, I've got a certain sense when it comes to combining colours... But I don't mind much when it comes to picking clothes... Simply because I oppose fashion, or so I like to think... I dunno really, I suppose it has to do with my conviction that looks don't matter.
Well, I'll probably use my webspace... But what you basically do, is to send the pics as an email-attachment... Anyway... you should look forward to those... they're... amusing... My god... Alex is wearing a dressing gown, andI've got a towel hitched over my shoulder... There are just sooooooo many details...
Well, damn... Connotations. What we call "Eksponeringsbehov" here in Norway, just means that he has a need for attention... A huge need for attention. He does NOT jump out from behind trees in the nude in front of old ladies in parks... thank
Cool... that sounds fun... And to think that I've only met Span (And Safri Duo, but that was while they were still playing classical music, mind).
And this is me...
Tiara.Kitten*Valentine Cat* Posted Oct 9, 2003
Hiya Again!
Hmmmm i know what you mean about looks not mattering... it's funny because i really don't mind how other people look but i like fashion and makeup and all that... just trivial girlie things really!
Whoooohoooo! Can't wait to see these piccies! Gosh i should learn how to send piccies... i shall try my best. Maybe send you a prom photo.
Och i haven't met very many bands either! 4 i think.
Oh right i see! Awwww he's so cute i bet!
Tiara.Kitten*Valentine Cat* Posted Oct 9, 2003
Hiya Again!
Hmmmm i know what you mean about looks not mattering... it's funny because i really don't mind how other people look but i like fashion and makeup and all that... just trivial girlie things really!
Whoooohoooo! Can't wait to see these piccies! Gosh i should learn how to send piccies... i shall try my best. Maybe send you a prom photo.
Och i haven't met very many bands either! 4 i think.
Oh right i see! Awwww he's so cute i bet!
Mr. Carrot Posted Oct 10, 2003
Yay, I've just bought Matrix Reloaded on DVD, it was released today!!!
Hrm... well, he might be, depends on what you like... You'll see when you get our class photo (He's the guy sitting next to me with the saxophone, wet hair, and dressing gown).
I've promised some guy from media that I will watch some stanley Kubrick this weekend, and I will be practicing, and I wish I had time to go see my teacher do a concert (he is in fact considered the best classical percussionist in Norway at the moment, YAY, oh, and he has a cool double name (Kjell Tore))...
So what are you planning for the weekend?
Tiara.Kitten*Valentine Cat* Posted Oct 11, 2003
ooooh i saw Matrix Reloaded at the cinema... kinda on a different path from the first film don't you think?
Ooooh well sounds like a fun weekend:!) Im off for a week and a half. It's called the October week. Don't you get a week off soon?
Gosh im so glad i get a week off college because i had the absolute worst day yesterdau. I felt ill all morning and i basically shouldn't have went to college but i decided to go anyway(it's difficult for me to get my bursary even if i miss one single day of college). Oh and i had been arguing with my mum all morning... all week actually. There's been a tension in the house for some time now. So i took all that in my head with me to college... bad idea! We met our Spanish assistant for the first time yesterday and she was really nice but she was firing questionsa t us and i was finding it difficult to concentrate due to feeling nauseous and at one point i actually had to admit i had no idea what she was asking me. So it came to break time one hour later, i went to the loos and i burst out crying... bloody psycho that i am! Anyway that sucked... the whole day sucked!
hmmmm well im not doing much this weekend. Going to my dads and he's gonna fix my bag... he can sew and my mum can't(!)
Apart from that i ain't doing much.
Spk soon!
oh and the pictures sound great... im rather intrigued!
Mr. Carrot Posted Oct 11, 2003
Well, yeah, and no... I think that it took on a whole new dimension... It goes from the victory in the first matrix, to the loss in the end of reloaded. Also, it took on a new existential twist (with Neo getting psychic powers in the outer world as well). But the path remains the same... And the point is: You can't trust anyone... Which was pretty much the same as in the first film. All in all, I'm one of the few people over here who found reloaded to be better than the original matrix... I'm really looking forward to seeing "Revolutions".
Well, I just had a week off, I went to Bosnia, remember?
Yeah, I've kinda sensed that there was some tension... Anyway, you don't suppose that your nausea had anything to do with how things were at home, do you? I see a connection there... Crying was probably very healthy at that point... It relieves the stress... Oh, and I'm certain that you're not a psycho... You don't have the charaacteristics...
Wow, your dad can sew? Impressive... I'm terrible with things like that... Too damn small and picky... Give me a good drumkit, and some suitably large sticks... that's the way of it...
Like I said, I'll be scanning today, if I can manage it...
Tiara.Kitten*Valentine Cat* Posted Oct 11, 2003
hmmmm yeah you are unusual for thinking that the 2nd Matrix film was better than the 1st!lol... just kidding.
oh right yeah... but going to Bosnia wasn't exactly a holiday was it? I mean you were working. I know you had fun but it was still hard work! "Claire remembers the pianists who couldnt play chords"...
well he claims he can sew... we'll wait and see... he's currently trying to get a CD out of my DVD player... it broke down you see. and it has my free Easyworld CD in it... i know it was free but only 50 people got one! Plus it has such gorgeous songs on it.
Key: Complain about this post
- 21: Mr. Carrot (Sep 29, 2003)
- 22: Tiara.Kitten*Valentine Cat* (Sep 29, 2003)
- 23: Mr. Carrot (Oct 2, 2003)
- 24: Tiara.Kitten*Valentine Cat* (Oct 2, 2003)
- 25: Mr. Carrot (Oct 3, 2003)
- 26: Tiara.Kitten*Valentine Cat* (Oct 3, 2003)
- 27: Tiara.Kitten*Valentine Cat* (Oct 3, 2003)
- 28: Mr. Carrot (Oct 6, 2003)
- 29: Tiara.Kitten*Valentine Cat* (Oct 7, 2003)
- 30: Tiara.Kitten*Valentine Cat* (Oct 7, 2003)
- 31: Mr. Carrot (Oct 8, 2003)
- 32: Mr. Carrot (Oct 8, 2003)
- 33: Tiara.Kitten*Valentine Cat* (Oct 9, 2003)
- 34: Mr. Carrot (Oct 9, 2003)
- 35: Tiara.Kitten*Valentine Cat* (Oct 9, 2003)
- 36: Tiara.Kitten*Valentine Cat* (Oct 9, 2003)
- 37: Mr. Carrot (Oct 10, 2003)
- 38: Tiara.Kitten*Valentine Cat* (Oct 11, 2003)
- 39: Mr. Carrot (Oct 11, 2003)
- 40: Tiara.Kitten*Valentine Cat* (Oct 11, 2003)
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