This is the Message Centre for Mr. Carrot
Musikklinja, here I come!!!
Mr. Carrot Posted Dec 7, 2003
Heheeee... true, true. An excellent musical...
Mwahahahaaaaaaaaaa... or just plain childish, it all depends. It's CAN be the sign of a well-developed person, who has explored his/her own feelings. But it can also be the sign of a seriously underdeveloped person. It all depends...
Heheheheeee... Indeed, there is nothing quite so amusing as scientifically MAKING disturbing notes in marching music. Unless it should be, of course, something involving firecrackers...
Well, you know, in Norway, veterinarians have spoken openly AGAINST giving chicken or fish bones to dogs. It's bad for them, they can choke on them...
Heheheeee... I can do it with adults, but only if I know I'm right, and I also know that I can't convince them because they're ready to abuse their authority as grown-ups. Bus drivers are fine examples. Just wear a reflex, and when you happen to loose your bus-card, you just say that you've forgotten it at home. They'll let you on, solely because you're making their job easier by wearing a reflex.
Musikklinja, here I come!!!
Tacysa Posted Dec 7, 2003
Ach ach! Don't say that! Childish is good, very goot. Mine is resting his head on my arm and giving me 'the look' right now. Brat.
Hehehehehe...don't you know better than to give the crazies ideas? Next parade I'll see if I can't stick a few bottle rockets in the bell of my sax. Hehehehehe...that'll be good.
American veterinarians don't support it either. I think it's crazy, but a lot of people swear by it. I suppose it does eliminate food allergy problems, but I feel it's going a little too far.
Just wear a reflex? Bus card? Sorry, us country 'mericans are a little slow on the uptake.
Musikklinja, here I come!!!
Mr. Carrot Posted Dec 7, 2003
Heheheeee... Like I said, it all depends. Which side do you want to be on?
Mine has been giving me 'the look' for three hours now. I think she's trying to tell me that I look like a complete idiot when I'm practicing for my conducting test...
Well, I dunno really. It's you who'll have to take the damage. I don't go and do the crazy things. I feel no responsibility whatsoever for your actions. Also, wouldn't that damage your saxophone (or you)?
It is madness. I've never heard of it as a diet. Anyway, yes, it does eliminate the allergy problem. Because the dog will be DEAD... Otherwise, I suppose no germ would survive long in the stomach of a dog bred to eat raw meat and bone... It's been over three thousand years since dogs ate that sort of diet. By now they've evolved, and it is not neccesarily natural for them any longer.
Consider yourself forgiven .
Well, in Norway, bus drivers can be really horrid (there are some nice bus drivers, but they are rare). They just love abusing what little power they have. I have to catch a bus to school, and we have to prove that we're school students by keeping a bus card. Usually, if you loose your card, you don't get to ride the bus (unless you are willing to pay a load of money). But, if you make the bus-driver's job easier by wearing a reflector, his heart melts, and he'll let you ride for free...
Musikklinja, here I come!!!
Tacysa Posted Dec 7, 2003
Practicing for a conducting test? That sets me off into giggles just thinking about it. I'm guessing you're wildly flapping around like a bird?
You should. Nah, I don't *think* it would. They kinda fly when before they explode so I don't think it would cause too much of a problem. Now, as for the person in front of me...
It doesn't kill the dog, but I'd constantly worry about them choking or having a bone puncture their bowels. I also wouldn't want to get Sam-an'-Ella from the left-over chicken juice on their faces. We feed ours raw meat but not for meals. It's good for them unless it's processed. BARF isn't something I'd want to do.
I think evil busdrivers are universal. We've got some pretty vicious ones here. Why does wearing a reflector make the busdriver let you on? I get the bus card, sort of like tokens here, but the reflector?
Musikklinja, here I come!!!
Mr. Carrot Posted Dec 8, 2003
Well, I think you underestimate me... I'm not WILDLY flapping around like a bird. I'm flapping around in an orderly fashion . Naw, really, it worked out. It was quite frightening, but allright.
BUT, I don't. And I see no reason to...
Well, I don't think it would be vary nice. And, you get these horrid black marks inside your saxophone. Anyway, it reminds me of a stunt that a Norwegian comedian pulled. Where he blew up an old fridge with a HUGE new-years rocket, there were thirty kilos of blueberry, and a dead badger inside...Eurgh. The best thing was when the lid flew off, it went five metres up, and split in two...
Well, wouldn't choking, or puncturing of bowels lead to the dogs death? Is it not then rational to assume that it can be dangerous to them? I would never do it.
Well, it's dark out here. The reflector helps the bus-driver see you in the autumn dark. We don't have street lights where I live (rare, but still).
Musikklinja, here I come!!!
Tacysa Posted Dec 8, 2003
Even conductors flap around wildly at some point.
But WHY NOT?! (what are we talking about here?)
Ish. Why a dead badger? We've had dead bobcats and beavers in our freezer, but I'd never want to blow it up. Sounds funny, in a strange sort of way.
I wouldn't either. We do make our own dogfood and feed it to them for lunch. We feed them regular kibble the rest of the time.
So, do the regular bus cards have reflectors on them? We don't have street lights either.
Musikklinja, here I come!!!
Mr. Carrot Posted Dec 9, 2003
Hehe... maybe, but I don't. We're trained in "technique". Only when you have mastered the technique, are you allowed to break the rules...
Well, we're talking about my responsibility for your actions. I.e. You can't blame me for putting a bottle rocket in your sax...
Well, there was this guy who found a run-over badger on the road, and thought to bury it. And he had this old freezer, so, until he got the time to bur it, he put it in the freezer, and then forgot about the whole thing. At one point, the freezer broke, and the badger was left in there for another four months. When the guy discovered this, he donated the freezer (along with it's contents) to this Norwegian comedian, who then went and blew it up... End of story.
Well, my dog has a permanent illness, so we have to prepare special food for her every day... yucky...
Well, maybe we're talking about different reflectors... We don't put it on the bus cards, we wear 'em ourselves. I looked the word up, but I'm unsure about wether we're talking about the same reflectors...
Musikklinja, here I come!!!
Tacysa Posted Dec 9, 2003
Ahh, it's only the masters, is it? I'll make sure to tell it to my teacher.
Oh, in that case, I agree.
Oh, yeah. We had the beaver in our freezer for about two months before we got rid of it.
Aww, what's the matter with her?
You wear relectors? Like the orange things that get really bright when light hits them?
Musikklinja, here I come!!!
Mr. Carrot Posted Dec 10, 2003
Well, yes, only the masters... So who's this teacher?
Well, how come you disagreed in the first place?
Wee... sounds horrid... But you didn't donate it to jackass, now did you?
Pancreainsufficency... To put it simply, she can't digest food...
Yes, the bus drivers love you for it...
Musikklinja, here I come!!!
Tacysa Posted Dec 10, 2003
My band instructor. Absolutely dreadful at what he does and a complete bozo on top of it.
I'm a flake, I think I know what I'm doing one minute and then I don't the next. Who knows? I usually don't.
Jackass. *rolls eyes* appropriate name for an inappropriate show.
Oh, no. That stinks. You make that nasty low protein/low fat stuff for her with turkey or chicken? We fed that when our bitch developed liver and pancreatic problems. Smells vile.
Let me get this straight, you wear reflectors. Oh, my.
Musikklinja, here I come!!!
Mr. Carrot Posted Dec 11, 2003
Oh... sounds like allmost every other band instructor on this planet... Must be allmost universal.
Well, I can't tell you, if you do't know it yourself...
Indeed... I hate it... but still... XLTV was fun, when I was fourteen...
Well, no, we use normal dog-food, but we use some special medication, pre-digesting it... yummy...
Hehe... they're out for three minutes evey day, otherwise they are safely hidden in my jacket pocket...
Musikklinja, here I come!!!
Tacysa Posted Dec 11, 2003
I've had a few that I really liked, but most have really sucked.
Sounds like a regular ol' riot. Predigested food, mmmmm-mmmm, nothing like it. Is she thin, then? (sorry, I am a lover of diseases. I catalog them for later use.)
Egads, it drives me crazy. I don't understand it. My mother said it's right up there with the Stooges, which I don't understand. The Stooges are awesome.
Reflectors. That is most definitely a wow.
Musikklinja, here I come!!!
Mr. Carrot Posted Dec 12, 2003
Same here... Most of 'em are terrible. They're the turnout from the conducting classes that do NOT make it, because they aren't good enough. That doesn't go for all, though.
Yup, she's very thin. She doesn't get enough nutrition to be anything else...
Huh? What are we talking about here?
Wee... maybe so, but like I said, I only use it for chraming the bus-drivers...
Gotta go...
Musikklinja, here I come!!!
Tacysa Posted Dec 12, 2003
Stab them all through their hearts with a baton or something.
Aw, I feel so bad for a dog I don't even know. I'm a mushball about dogs and I HATE HATE HATE to see them sad. Aww...
Jackass. My mother compared it to the Stooges. The Stooges ROCK!
Ach! Finals are next week. I'm feeling this terrible urge to study for them. I won't give in! And today was such a HAPPY day!
*walks off floating*
Musikklinja, here I come!!!
Mr. Carrot Posted Dec 12, 2003
Heheheeeee... well, I don't like violence... except in movies and computer games.
Well, you asked for it... But she's allright. She's had a good life up until now... But I agree... I hate seeing dogs sad...
Ahh... haven't heard of the stooges... What are they?
Well, if it helps, I
ve got two concerts this weekend, plus a birthday party, and I've got to write a Norwegian paper, and a science report, and prepare for an oral test in Musical histøry on Monday. On top of that, my play-up is this wednesday, so I've got seven pieces to practice... AAAARGH!
How can you float and walk at the same time? That's impossible, unless you are Jesus... which I would have some trouble believing .
Musikklinja, here I come!!!
Tacysa Posted Dec 12, 2003
I like to wrestle, but I think we've covered that already.
Aww, poor babies. At least that doesn't make them crazy. When our mama-dawg died she wasn't even Kassie anymore.
The Three Stooges? Classic comedy.
Indeed that is an AARGH! I hate school work. Actually, I lie, I love some of it. Today, we answered over one thousand "Dear Santa" letters from 5-8 year olds. It was sooo cute. One little boy asked for a million dollars that he could give to his mom to buy herself a jeep. Another asked if I (Santa) saw God. I love doing that.
(oooh, funky little o thingie!)
I'm just tickled to death right now with most anything. I have become a psychic pal with one of my best buds and have been bouncing around school like a love-sick puppy. (psychic pal was a joke, though sometimes it seems like it.) We can't open the door in my lit class for anyone if they don't have a key other than Jesus. Just thought I'd add that in to make the gushing seem rational.
Ha! You've got a name! (told you I was insanely silly today!(and apparently cursed with bracketitis, too!))
Musikklinja, here I come!!!
Mr. Carrot Posted Dec 13, 2003
Yup, we have...
No, you're right about that... I don't like to think about having to lose my dog, but I suppose it will happen at some point...
Oh... right... we don't have that one in Norway... we have something called "The julekalender" instead... 'tis an insane mix of Norwegian and English language... and frighteningly silly...
Hmmm... we have a special office in Drøbak doing that... It is international, I think. Santa lives on the North-pole, but for some reason, he has a sub-corporation situated in Norway.
Say what???
I'm not sure if I can make sense of that sentence... Rational...HAH!
Anyway... yes, I have... I wonder why I signed the post, I suppose it was force of habit... But still... nice to meet you too, Stacy!
Musikklinja, here I come!!!
Tacysa Posted Dec 13, 2003
I try not to think about losing any of mine. I can't imagine what would happen to me with my baby. Aw...
Great stuff, isn't it?
That is kind of odd. Maybe he has a rest stop there or something? I loved doing that. I've got my community service hours for a while. I just got back from the Christmas for Kids shopping. I was in a two-person group and we each had one kid. We had $100 for each kid and I spent all of it except for $.50 We won the award for the best spending. I got two pairs of shoes, two pairs of pants, two shirts, and a jacket for under $30. I was quite happy and so was the mother. I love it. Such nice warm fuzzy feelings.
Aha! You see if you read my journal, you'd understand. Then again, prolly not!
I've got a name. Like the pine trees lining the winding road, I've got a name. Like the singing bird and the croaking toad, I've got a name and I'll carry it with me and I'll sing it loud; if it gets me nowhere, I'll go there proud. Oh... Sorry, it's a song by a great song person.
Musikklinja, here I come!!!
Mr. Carrot Posted Dec 14, 2003
Well, I've tried facing it, but Ican't.. not even after coming very close to loosing her twice... 'tis horrible...
Yup, it is... The sillier, the better...
Sounds fun... say.. what'¨s community service hours? Is it something like the Norwegian verneplikt? Like... All norwegian boys have to be in the millitary, or in some sort of civic service profession for a year... to "serve the country... summat. But what youdid sounded like fun!
I'll do that, then...
Ermm... I've got a name too. How strange... we both have names... whodathunkit`? (Wee... I've really adapted that expression... 'tis excellent!
Musikklinja, here I come!!!
Tacysa Posted Dec 14, 2003
Oh, please don't get me started! I'm a sap and I'll start bawling.
I think it's illegal to do that here, but it is similar. It's just doing nice things. Sadly, I love it and it's quite common for community service to be a punishment. When people (mostly kids) get caught vandalizing things or get driving tickets, many times they are punished by doing community service. I'd be a social worker or something of that nature but I'd be much too violent and wouldn't play fair, I'm afraid.
Aren't I just a well of information? Well, at least for colloquialisms. The more hackneyed the better!
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Musikklinja, here I come!!!
- 221: Mr. Carrot (Dec 7, 2003)
- 222: Tacysa (Dec 7, 2003)
- 223: Mr. Carrot (Dec 7, 2003)
- 224: Tacysa (Dec 7, 2003)
- 225: Mr. Carrot (Dec 8, 2003)
- 226: Tacysa (Dec 8, 2003)
- 227: Mr. Carrot (Dec 9, 2003)
- 228: Tacysa (Dec 9, 2003)
- 229: Mr. Carrot (Dec 10, 2003)
- 230: Tacysa (Dec 10, 2003)
- 231: Mr. Carrot (Dec 11, 2003)
- 232: Tacysa (Dec 11, 2003)
- 233: Mr. Carrot (Dec 12, 2003)
- 234: Tacysa (Dec 12, 2003)
- 235: Mr. Carrot (Dec 12, 2003)
- 236: Tacysa (Dec 12, 2003)
- 237: Mr. Carrot (Dec 13, 2003)
- 238: Tacysa (Dec 13, 2003)
- 239: Mr. Carrot (Dec 14, 2003)
- 240: Tacysa (Dec 14, 2003)
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