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Musikklinja, here I come!!!
Tacysa Posted Nov 29, 2003
Too much apparently!
I don't know about the hard work, but I'd rather do it right and well the first time.
Neeeehhhh, no it doesn't but I'll smile and nod!
But how can something end if it has no beginnings? Isn't life like a giant rope with the ends tied? It is so there is truly no end nor is there a beginning, just the rope changing shape. (You wanted it, you'll get it! )
I can't drink them if I don't take my medicine, or, when I take my inhaler, I go bananas. What in the world posessed you to drink two energy drinks? One is enough to drive me mad. Four o'clock in the morning p'haps?
Nope, not even going to ATTEMPT to pronounce that. Spellcheck is where I came up with hashanash. I typed hahaha into an email and spellcheck checked it as Hashanah. I mistyped it when I tried to retype it and came up with hashanashashanash.
I now have my hearing, you equally evil friend.
I have oh so much experience though! I spent four hours learning it! *awaits the groans*
Musikklinja, here I come!!!
Mr. Carrot Posted Nov 30, 2003
Hehe, all is realtive... And, if you think of the fact that I'm still only half way through book number two (of six), and that I'm supposed to be done by the seventeenth. Then one cannot avoid with concluding that I've been reading too little...
So do I.
Hehehe... only because you're not really trying...
Well, to quote a famous author, "Humankind has long attemted to find the ULTIMATE beginning, they're theories on the subject are currently as follows: In the beginning, there was nothing, which exploded". I say that life is not like a rope tied in both ends, but more like an endless spiral, going up and down (though mostly down), like a slinky made of time. In this , one may keep walking along the slinky, and reach a point that, judging by the surroundings is very similar to the point that you were at previously, only that you are further up, or, as the case so often seems to be, down (her you go, this one's for you ).
Like you said, four o'clock posessed me... And the fact that I was at a huge geek/computer party. The worlds largest, actually...
Hehehehe... naw, it would be amusing. It would be like trying to pronounce the Norwegian brewery name Aass. When they attempted selling it in the states, they quickly renamed it...
AAAAWH... no, really, four hours is more than a lot of people I've known.
Musikklinja, here I come!!!
Tacysa Posted Nov 30, 2003
Aah, it's an assignment! In that case, you'd better get crackin'! As should I since I haven't even gotten a third through my own evil reading assignment.
I got it last night when I was working on my puzzle. 3000 pieces done at 3 o'clock in the morning. How appropos. I'm still missing some rather important edge pieces.
(oh, dear) Slinkies, however, have a definite end and a definite beginning. While life, like the slinky, can break and entangle itself, it doesn't flip head of heels while climbing down stairs. And, if life was a giant slinky, would it be of metal, or would it be of plastic?
Yep, I can see how it'd drive you to drinks. Similar to spending 13 hours at a dogshow without eating anything.
I can't imagine why they renamed it! I'd give up very early in order to save myself. My Spanish class is full of, for lack of a better term, rednecks. Hearing them recite a dialogue or passage is enough to kill me. 'Hho-lah. Bee-ehnveyneedoes aw nooaystra aykeshubiceeon dayuh cohceenair.'
Oh, so predictable. They probably didn't have to raw talent that I do.
Musikklinja, here I come!!!
Mr. Carrot Posted Nov 30, 2003
No, it's not. But I have to be done with it by the seventeenth, because that's when I'm going to see "The return of the king", with my class (just for fun, really). I have to have the book done by then, otherwise, watching the movie will not be half as annoying as it should be...
Hmmm. Now it's my turn not to understand you... You got what last night?
Well, not really, you see, provided that the stair that the slinky is travelling down is infinite, and that no such annoying physical laws as friction, or air-resistance exists, only gravity, then the slinky would go on forever, and every teim you reach its top, it would have turned upside down (hit a new step), and you would thus have to start all over again . I said that the slinky would be made out of time (hence the dramatic name: "The slinky of time", ooh, best pronounced wiht a dark and allknowing voice), which is quite - but not entirely - metallic...
How do you know that it doesn't flip head of heels? It certainly looks like it. Consider the other metaphor, of the pendulum of time. Always going back and forth. I say that it is not, it is advancing, along all planes...
, though always reaching similar states as have been seen previously.
Heheheeeee... my way of getting drunk, isn't it? Energy drinks... Energy drunk... And what a horrid state that is...
Hehe... well, the geek-party lasted for five days, that was the last night, and I had eaten, though unhealthily, and sparingly.
Well, it all depends on which particular group of society you are trying to attract. If you're a serious beer brewery, like Aass (they are said to make some of the best beer in Norway), then you probably wouldn't want to target fourteen to sixteen-year-olds with a liking for obscene names...
Well, there are certain things where I can't rid myself of predictability. My instincts as a drummer fall into that category.
Musikklinja, here I come!!!
Tacysa Posted Nov 30, 2003
You mean criticizing the movie makers for not following the book?
Got the "you only write fiction" nahdahdah... Methinks it's no longer funny after trying to explain it to each other through 6 or 7 posts.
I feel ill from these analogies of repetitive motion. Don't you love it when those math problems say, "determine the displacement from equilibrium and the timespan in which it occurrs if it is not affected by gravity, friction, etc"? What's the point of doing an application problem if it will never happen?
That sounds pretty awful. I think I'll pass.
A five-day geek party? Goodness, must have been a bunch of geeks!
Well, you couldn't sell it to that age group, but I'm sure there would be many cartoons about it.
I'm spontaneous. Wow, that was predictable.
Musikklinja, here I come!!!
Mr. Carrot Posted Dec 1, 2003
Well, something like that. Even though I recognize the need for it, I can't help but being annoyed by the inaccuracy... The problem about seeing a film after having read the book. The film is still excellent, though
Hehehe... well, it was mostly me doing the explaining . Anyway, I understand that, only you were so insistent, that I had to say something about it... I just dislike being wrong, so I had to be sure that my sentence was understandable .
Hehehehe... I can stand science. I love it, even though I don't understand it... With my friends, we can discuss total BS for hours at a time, without ever going bored...
And we may explain it scientifically
Anyway, the point is that you will later be able to insert such things as friction, you just have to understand the basics first. Anyway, I've also found it quite amusing at times to observe the utter uselessness of physics...
It is... I suppose, and it doesn't happen all too often either...
Indeed, 5500 to be exact. It's the worlds largest, and it's held in tiny little Norway...
Hehehehe... Well, there are always those that are capable of getting hold of Alcohol, even though they're not allowed to drink or even purchase it. But are you telling me that youth in America don't drink? That would be lovely!
Hehehe... my point. You're also predictablem you're just trying to hide it behind your spontaneity...
Musikklinja, here I come!!!
Tacysa Posted Dec 1, 2003
Is it? I plan on seeing it during Christmas break.
*blink blink* Huuhh?
Using your new abbreviation, eh? I love science, but physics! Blegh!
Physics! Blegh!
5500 what?
Of course! Haven't you heard? America's youth is pure as mud. Most only have sex, do drugs, or drink heavily only once a week!
That's it! I knew you had an answer!
Musikklinja, here I come!!!
Mr. Carrot Posted Dec 2, 2003
Well, yeah, it is neccesary in order to turn what is a good book into an equally good movie. A lot of things that they either won't have time for, or which would seem to complicated to a movie audience have to be explained through a different series of action and reaction. If you take a look at the inaccuracies, most of them only lead to a simpler explanation of a problem that would ahve been very difficult to describe through a movie.
Yes, indeed, it can't be helped, I like it...
Och... I like physics... I suppose it has something to do with the fact that I also like Maths...
Geeks, read the thread...
OOOOH, all of you must be part of some religious cult or something, otherwise that would be impossuble . I think it's something like that over here, maybe twice a week, but that's max. And, needless to say, i refrain from all of those activities... more or less willingly.
Well, of course, I always have an answer, the question is just wether my asnver is really correct, or even fainlty relevant to the question... That's another part of my predictability, I have to have the last word...
Which reminds me, I'm off to prove that one can live healthily without eating fish...
Musikklinja, here I come!!!
Tacysa Posted Dec 3, 2003
The movie would also be a hundred years long.
*shudder* Maths and physics. I love biology and chemistry but math confounds me.
Forgive me, I'm at my wits end trying to finish all of this wretched work that I have been piled with.
I, too, stray from the norm and avoid that quite willingly.
Why do you have to have the last word? Maybe for the same reason that I always end up having it.
I love fish excepting mahi-mahi.
Musikklinja, here I come!!!
Mr. Carrot Posted Dec 4, 2003
Would that bother you?
Awww... I feel sorry for you, you haven't seen the fun in maths, the great joys of physics... What can I say... the answers are out there!
Consider yourself forgiven, my child . And what wretched work might that be?
OOOh, why doesn't THAT suprise me?
Well, what's your reason? If I don't know it, I can't possibly judge wether or not it's the same reason... Anyway, I think it's just that I can't stand loosing an argument. Or so it has been pointed out to me. When I run out of arguments, I change the subject, or come up with something totally pointless to say to confuse my opponent. Unless I am on one of those "you learn for as long as you live"-trips, where I don't care wether or not I lose the argument, because learning is what matters most...
I don't like it. I believe that if people were meant to eat fish, then our bodies would have fishnets integrated between our fingers right from birth.
Musikklinja, here I come!!!
Tacysa Posted Dec 4, 2003
I get antsy sitting still for much longer than an hour.
I love trigonomety. Triangles ROCK. The rest, however, sucks.
That wretched work? You really want to know? Muahahaha...okey dokey, here goes. I have an essay explicating and explaining the similarities of Gunga Din and Heathcliff from Wuthering Heights (my own idea. aren't I the clever one?), parade music to memorize, a Spanish dialogue to memorize, a million math problems to do, a HUUUUUGE history test to study for (like I will), a chemistry test to study and fail, and a history reading project that I haven't even come close to finishing.
Maybe because I'm so terribly spontaneous?
I just like to argue, and having the last word usually starts a new argument. The cycle continues until you're arguing for the rest of the day. Mind you, I usually only do that to people I really like. (I'm being serious.)
Mmmm...I was having this discussion the other day with someone. Once, my uncle fried up a passle of fish and we ate cold fish sandwiches for breakfast for a week. Golly, I love fish.
Musikklinja, here I come!!!
Mr. Carrot Posted Dec 5, 2003
Hmmm... very strange... I read somewhere that girls can sit still for longer periods of time than boys... Apparently it is not so with you... Naw, I can manage a really long film. I like them like that. If the cinema has to take a break so that people can go to the toilet and get a fresh supply of popcorn and so on... GREAT!
Speaking of triangles. Did you know that a triangle is a seriously underestimated instrument? One of my fellow music students said so... Anyway, trigonometry is fun, but I prefer algebra... The more theoretical, the better...
Sheez. And when is this due? How much time have you got? When did you get it. Do you have this much work to do because you have had a month to ignore it? Sounds like a hellish amount of work. Say... don't you use noteclips? We usually do that in Norway, we don't have to memorize the parade music...
Exactly. Well, I usually call it discussions. I do that with my friends all the time. We follow some really strange rules too:/.
Yurgh... I almost reported you for moderation because of that last line... Naw, I don't like fish much. It's happened once that I've come across a dish I like with fish in it. My mother had taken a nice home-fished trout, removed all the bones, and steamed it over a bed of red wine and vegetables. I liked it, but only because she had used too much wine. It didn't taste like fish any more, it tasted like grapes...
Musikklinja, here I come!!!
Tacysa Posted Dec 5, 2003
I have a mild form of ADD and it doesn't help that I haven't been able to run in...a month. I still prefer to rent them later and watch them at home where I can take a break every thirty minutes.
I like the triangle... Theoretical? Only the crazies go for that stuff, ya know, since it doesn't exist...
Half of it was due today and the history project is due Monday as is another chemistry test. The history project I got a few weeks ago but I didn't do any of the reading, just the portfolio. Lyers/lyrs/somethinglikethat. We don't at this school. Every other school I've been to has used them, but not this one! Lucky you.
I think I'd call it bickering. There are indeed rules. Little strange things, too.
Grapes? Oh, goodness. I like eating fish off the bones, personally.
Musikklinja, here I come!!!
Mr. Carrot Posted Dec 5, 2003
Whatever... I love long movies anyway. But I agree on the breaks. A fresh supply of candy is needed every now and then .
So do I, it's fun to hit, and difficult to play. Ever seen how strange it looks when you try doing a vibrato? Anyway... I disagree. You are probably using some sort of computer for communicating with me over the web right. Well, let me inform you that all software programming is based on algebraic thinking... There, that should wreck any joy you might get from computers. I just love the logical systems... that's all...
Also, the difference between genius and madman is small, and measured only in success
. I think I'm crazy, though...
Shite... you're in trouble... Or perhaps you managed to deliver on time? Anyway, we use 'em in Norway, but I didn't need them. All marches are simple on drums. They all come naturally...
Hmmm... maybe bickering... naw, to agressive. We only do it in a friendly and impersonal manner. I love the rules. They're weird enough to confuse everyone but those who know me well...
Grapes... I hate the bones. I keep fearing that they should stick in my throat...
Musikklinja, here I come!!!
Tacysa Posted Dec 5, 2003
Candy...throwing popcorn at people always breaks the monotony. Strangely, I can sit through a 3 hour musical and be quite content.
Lalalalalala...I refuse to listen... I know I'm crazy, but I don't think it's related to genius!
Oh, yes, so far everything has been handed in. That's not to say it was all *quality* but it's a grade. I still have to do the reading but I shall manage. I just improvised during the parade. Joe plays loud enough to cover me up. I've got the key signature, that just had to do. My friend said the same thing right after going "All I did was listen to the tape and make up my own."
Rules rules rules. We have strange ones, but they're not really listed.
What about chicken? Do you only eat the boneless?
Musikklinja, here I come!!!
Mr. Carrot Posted Dec 5, 2003
Well, musicals are very entertaining, aren't they. And the dancing is energic, to say the least.
Hehe, well, I don't care if you refuse to listen, you still have to read . Well, a genius is a person who is capable of breaking the patterns of our society, and thus sees reality, instead of the endless error pyramids that we base our science upon. I don't think your crazy. No more than I am crazy. We're weird, certainly, but not crazy...
Good... Well, as a drummer, I don't see anything wrong in a little moderate improvisation.
Of course. We don't need to list them, we both know 'em.
Well fishbones are different, they're thinner, and there are more of them. I eat chicken, though I don't eat the bones.
Musikklinja, here I come!!!
Mr. Carrot Posted Dec 6, 2003
Weeee... I just discovered that I've contradicted myself... Consider my last post to be more accurate, and disregard my claim for being crazy... I'm just weird...
Musikklinja, here I come!!!
Tacysa Posted Dec 6, 2003
That's what I love.
I dunno bout that. I'm weird, certainly, but also slightly crazy. Jumping off roofs to practice falling and tying firecracker fuses together is pretty bad. Sad thing is that it's just too much fun to stop!
I like making up everything. Playing the exact opposite note of everyone else in class really gets the teacher's attention. Especially when you play it correctly when they ask you to play by yourself. It does hurt my ears, but, again, it's just too much fun to stop!
I'm a cretin, I chew on the bones. I don't, however, crack them open and eat the marrow. That's a little much for me.
Ugh, we just had some dog people come over to investigate the breed. *dumdumdum* Nice, but the guy is obviously a marketing-type. I find it offensive when people do so much butt kissing. Do they think I'm THAT stupid? Gr...
Musikklinja, here I come!!!
Mr. Carrot Posted Dec 7, 2003
I figured... I'm not really much of a musical-person myself. Not that I have anything against them, but I just prefer normal movies... Mainly because they've usually got a more exciting story (les mis is an exception here).
Well, that's just what normal kids do anyway. The only real sign of craziness would be a sixteen year old girl doing it... But then again... I'm a musician, I maintain that there is nothing wrong with being childish, just as long as it's fun!
yeah, like, half a note underneath, or possibly a big 7, or an enlarged 4... Weeee... that's what really gets them.
Urgh... No, I chew them, certainly, to remove the meat... But I don't eat them, and I definately don't go for the marrow. I'd have to be really hungry to do that...
Heheeeee... I don't like that either. I always prefer honesty, no matter what...
Musikklinja, here I come!!!
Tacysa Posted Dec 7, 2003
Les Mis is an exception to every rule I think. *angelic voices start singing*
So, according to you, I am indeed crazy? I thought so! It's not childish to act childish, it's actually a highly-developed sign of maturity. *sure..*
And drives them crazy! Great fun.
I don't know of anyone who eats bones. The BARF diet (bones and raw food) for dogs has people feed their pet raw chicken wings and stuff. I wouldn't do that to a dog, it seems much too danerous and risky.
I'm too blunt most of the time, but I really can't bring myself to suck up to people. It makes me ill.
Key: Complain about this post
Musikklinja, here I come!!!
- 201: Tacysa (Nov 29, 2003)
- 202: Mr. Carrot (Nov 30, 2003)
- 203: Tacysa (Nov 30, 2003)
- 204: Mr. Carrot (Nov 30, 2003)
- 205: Tacysa (Nov 30, 2003)
- 206: Mr. Carrot (Dec 1, 2003)
- 207: Tacysa (Dec 1, 2003)
- 208: Mr. Carrot (Dec 2, 2003)
- 209: Tacysa (Dec 3, 2003)
- 210: Mr. Carrot (Dec 4, 2003)
- 211: Tacysa (Dec 4, 2003)
- 212: Mr. Carrot (Dec 5, 2003)
- 213: Tacysa (Dec 5, 2003)
- 214: Mr. Carrot (Dec 5, 2003)
- 215: Tacysa (Dec 5, 2003)
- 216: Mr. Carrot (Dec 5, 2003)
- 217: Mr. Carrot (Dec 6, 2003)
- 218: Tacysa (Dec 6, 2003)
- 219: Mr. Carrot (Dec 7, 2003)
- 220: Tacysa (Dec 7, 2003)
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