This is the Message Centre for ~~Insomniac.Vampire~~

Hey Vamp

Post 41


Message Me I Dare Ya

Hey Vamp

Post 42


hiya babes just cant get my head around this cant remember howe lol ..but i will get there xxxxx

Hey Vamp

Post 43


better late than never i guess! only 20 minutes smiley - tongueout lol you posted in an old thread..good job i was looking out for you lol
if you click on 1 of the little smileys on this msg it'll take you to a whole page of them and show you how to do them, have you been Aced? theyre sposed to come msg you and give you a rough idea or what your doing smiley - biggrin
so have you read PAGANMOONS news yet? smiley - magic

smiley - fullmoon

Hey Vamp

Post 44


hismiley - vampirelong time no chat were are you hiding had no mail off you for a couple of weeks smiley - sadfacehope everything is ok with you look foreward to hearing from you smiley - biggrinsmiley - lovesmiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - roselorna

Hey Vamp

Post 45

Researcher 240878

hiya vamp. long time no hear hey? hows things with you? what you been upto? check out the travellers rest, hg2's latest and greatest pub get your mates to go in with you n chat all you like lol, see ya later smiley - hugsmiley - cuddlesmiley - kiss

smiley - devil

Hey Vamp

Post 46


why hi vamp.......why do you dare ppl....plz do tell...lmao

Hey Vamp

Post 47


Hello Demon,

yeah its been awhile lol i knew you was online but i hadnt seen this thread until just now

if you wanna know how things are with me, call me lol smiley - tongueout

and i still havnt been in the Travellers yet, well i have but it isnt a virtual 1 LOL must take a wander over to yours sometime you gonna buy me a drink if i pop in some evening? smiley - winkeye

take care
smiley - kiss

smiley - fullmoon

Hey Vamp

Post 48



i get bored easily with a lot of the people on here aswell as the site..what makes you think you can hold my attention?

smiley - fullmoon

Hey Vamp

Post 49



oh its you smiley - tongueout lol ive just been on your page, thought there was something familiar about you!

so what brings you to this dump? the site itself has a lot to offer but a lot of the people on here are smiley - bleep and the vast majority of the h2g2 representatives behave like bent coppers (the power thing really goes to there head)! lol but hey good job i got friends in high places cos im aware of what some of these 2 faced smiley - bleep get up to in the aces forum smiley - whistle

just having a look, catching up on msgs just now, see you around..have fun on the site! lmao

take care

smiley - fullmoon

Hey Vamp

Post 50


hello Vamp hunsmiley - smiley how are you? its Grifter Gal here smiley - winkeye well lets have some smiley - coffee and smiley - cake and i,ll intoduce myself smiley - smiley well i,m 32 female and i live in london with my fiance Ron and my two smiley - cat my hobbies are collecting collectable dolls and teapots and smiley - clown i,m a drama workshop leader as well as an angel and buffy fan and a dukes of hazzard fan smiley - smiley anyway i look forward to hearing from you again smiley - smiley
smiley - love
Grifter Gal
smiley - batsmiley - bat

Hey Vamp

Post 51

Researcher 240878

vamp smiley - vampire your welcome to pop over to the travellers rest as long as you behave i dont want it forced to close againsmiley - rofl needs a lil bit more work doing to it yet but i'll pass you the link once its done then you can drop by the drinks are free for the first night so you will be able to feed well i have plenty of smiley - redwine o negs if thats ok with you?smiley - laughsmiley - hugsmiley - kiss
smiley - devil

Hey Vamp

Post 52


Hiya Griftergal,

im good thanks, i see we share a mutual loathing for little miss p.i.t.f.a LOL

all my personal stuffs on my front page and im too lazy to post it again lol smiley - biggrin (though ive aged a year since i did the page)

im just off now (she says for what the 3rd time) lmao but ill chat to you again some time soon

take care
smiley - fullmoon

Hey Vamp

Post 53



you just caught me im on my way out, got some quiche to scoff mmmm lol

hey i always behave myself except when im being bad smiley - tongueout

ill see you for a drink sometime soon, take care

smiley - kiss
smiley - fullmoon

Hey Vamp

Post 54


hiya vamp hun smiley - smiley yes its true its true i do loathe litte miss pitfa ! smiley - laugh it was great to hear from you and i would also like to say thanks for saying what you said on my behalf it was much appreciated smiley - smiley
anyway here is a smiley - coffee and a smiley - burger for you smiley - smiley
and i hope to chat to you soom smiley - smiley

take care smiley - rose
smiley - love Grifter Gal
smiley - burgersmiley - burger

Hey Vamp

Post 55


hiya vampy hun smiley - rose Grifter Gal here smiley - smiley how are you? i,m smiley - cool but smiley - cross cos of pita smiley - smiley thank you for your comments i,m glad you see it from my point of veiw and thanks for the Applause> smiley - laugh anyway here is a glass of smiley - bubbly to celebrate our victory smiley - smiley and some smiley - cake anyway i hope to hear from you soon smiley - smiley
take care smiley - smiley
smiley - love Grifter Gal smiley - rosesmiley - rose

Hey Vamp

Post 56



i have known little miss p.i.t.f.a for sometime and as i was pointing out what a 2 faced hypocritical contradicting little smiley - bleep she was (yeah ok not for the 1st time) lol i couldnt help but notice the thread you was in (ok i was lurking cos i know it smiley - bleep her off when other people do it to her yet she does it herself) lmao so no need to thank me to be honest not because it was yourself but the thread could of had anyone in it i was more than happy to pick up on her contradictions the silly smiley - bleep behaves like butter wouldnt melt but she forgets everything stays on this site so its not a problem me picking her up on her slip ups and at the same time having a good smiley - laugh at her expence smiley - winkeye pleasure was all mine pmsl
thanks for the smiley - cake and the smiley - bubbly but if your offering id rather have a glass of smiley - redwine lol next time drinks on The Travellers Rest, if you'd care to join me on their opening night all drinks are free then, ill treat you LOL

catch you later.
take care

smiley - fullmoon

Hey Vamp

Post 57

Researcher 240878

good afternoon vampsmiley - vampire you still having fun?smiley - laugh im glad you mentioned the travellers rest cos i was just about to to the links for the threads smiley - biggrin
i trust you will vote A1307486 for/against the travellers rest have your say in the future of the travellers restsmiley - biggrin
you are indeed right all drinks will be free and im laying on a buffet too smiley - biggrin
smiley - hugsmiley - kisssmiley - hug

hiya grifter gal, hows you this after?? smiley - biggrin you are most welcome to visit the travellers rest when we open you will find it here A1303345 hope to see you there,smiley - biggrin
smiley - devil

Hey Vamp

Post 58


Hiya vampy hun smiley - smiley it was great to hear from you again here is the glass of smiley - redwine you said you wanted smiley - smiley thanks for the invatation i,ll see you there if i ever finf it smiley - laugh

anyway here is a round of smiley - applause for your comments about little miss pinta! you made my night smiley - smiley
take care smiley - smiley
chat soon
Grifter Gal
smiley - rose

Hey Vamp

Post 59

Researcher 240878

grifter gal The Traveller's rest is here A1303345 just click the link and then you will be transported to The Travellers Rest as if by smiley - magic then click the bar or lounge roomsmiley - biggrin
smiley - devil

Hey Vamp

Post 60


Greetings Demon, Master - of all things devilish and dastardly smiley - laugh

hiya, how you feeling now? i hoped you'd ring earlier but you smiley - bleep off! smiley - grr tut tut

always a pleasure to advertise a fine ale house (where the drinks are free and buffet too triffic! lol) with friendly staff and hey guess what? this is my thread so im not gonna go into 1 if anyone wishes to advertise a virtual premises here, virtually speaking i couldnt give a smiley - bleep what anyone has to say LMAO smiley - winkeye

i will be along shortly and if Griftergal doesnt know where to find it ill give her directions (erm actually if i give her directions she could end up anywhere pmsl best stick to the link on your post eh) smiley - laugh

speak soon trouble and take care
smiley - kiss <----- look at that! not many people get 1 of them off me but im not gonna do the hug thing aswell so make do lol smiley - tongueoutsmiley - run

smiley - fullmoon

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